Monday 2 January 2017


(Q.1- 5) Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Seven peoples M, N, O, P, Q, R and S have their birthday's on seven different months. Starting from February, March, April, June, September, October and November. They like different-different flowers. Rose, Jasmine, Lily, Marigold, Dafodile, Sunflower and Orchid but not necessarily in the same order.

R's birthday is on that month which has more than 30 days in a month. Only one person is between R and the one who like Rose. S and O celebrate their birthday after the one who like rose. S birthday is immediately before the birthday of O. The one who like lily flower celebrates his birthday in the month which has less than 30 days. The one who like lily and the one who like Orchid has only three person between them. Only two person are between S and the one who like Marigold. P's birthday is immediately after the birthday of the one who like Marigold. Only two person celebrate their birthday between P and Q. M's birthday is immediately before the one who like Jasmine flowers. O does not like Sunflower.

Q.1. In which month S birthday is?
1. October
2. March
3. April
4. September
5. Cannot be determined

Q.2. Which flower does O like ?
1. Rose
2. Jasmine
3. Marigold
4. Dafodile
5. Orchid

Q.3. How manu persons birthday is celebrated between Q and M ?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. More than three
5. None

Q.4. Which one of the following shows that the person who celebrated their birthday on April and November ?
1. N,M
2. Q,M
3. Q,O
4. N,O
5. N,S

Q.5. If lily is related to April and Marigold is related to September then to which Orchid is related ?
1. February
2. November
3. June
4. March
5. October

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