Sunday 15 January 2017

VOCABULARY - 16-01-2017

1. Slobber

Synonyms: dribble, drool, salivate, slabber, slaver, water at the mouth

§             (verb) have saliva dripping copiously from the mouth; “Sheru tended to slobber”
§             (noun) saliva dripping copiously from the mouth; “slobber swung in white strings from her jaw”
Slobber (स्लाबर) meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi Meaning)
§             लार टपकनाथूक, लार
Slobber Origin
§             late Middle English: probably from Middle Dutch slobberen ‘walk through mud’, also ‘feed noisily’, of imitative origin.
Slobber in a sentence (word usage in recent newspaper)
§             Buy your dog a bandana to keep excess slobber at bay.
§             I don’t know if that was detrimental to the development of my cow slobber or not, but the cow slobber was not to be.
§             At this moment, there’s a dried goo smear on my lower sleeve. It might be dog slobber.
§             I was a chubby baby and I had a lot of slobber.
§             With hopes of keeping my couch free from dirty paws, hair, and slobber, I picked up one of these Reversible Pet Furniture Protectors.
Mnemonic trick to remember the meaning of slobber
§             Slobber – this slow bear slobber a lot.

2. Scamper

Synonyms: beetle, dart, dash, frolic, gambol, hasten, hurry, make haste,  race,  romp,  run,  rush,  scoot, scurry, scutter, scuttle, sprint

§             (verb) (especially of a small animal or child) run with quick light steps, especially through fear or excitement;“he scampered in like an overgrown puppy”
§             (noun) an act of scampering;“he heard the squeak and scamper of rats”
Scamper (स्कैम्पर) meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary)
§             तेज़ी से दौड़ जाना भाग जानारफूचक्कर हो जाना
Scamper Origin
§             late 17th century (in the sense ‘run away’): probably from scamp.
Scamper in a sentence (word usage in recent newspaper)
§             Kohli reached the mark while trying to steal a single and he had to scamper to the non-striker’s end but in the end he was comfortably in.
§             With none of the scamper, hurry ,bustle, dash and dart I was able to walk right up to my office desk unruffled and composed.
§             The batsmen scamper through for a single.
§             At this tender age when other children scamper around in their free time, this class 3 student takes on the role of a librarian.
§             A bunch of rats scamper down the Metro steps (‘racing’ to outdo the other) – except those two at the top of the stairs.
Mnemonic trick to remember the meaning of scamper
§             scamper = scam + per … scam karke scamper

3. Sacrosanct

Synonyms: defended, hallowed, inalienable, inviolable, inviolate, invulnerable, protected, respected, sacred, safe, secure, set apart,  unchallengeable unimpeachable,  unthreatened,  untouchable

§             (adj) (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with;“the individual’s right to work has been upheld as sacrosanct”
Sacrosanct (सैक्रोसैंगक्ट) meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary)
§             पवित्रपुण्यमयपुनीत
Sacrosanct Origin
§             late 15th century: from Latin sacrosanctus, from sacro ‘by a sacred rite’ (ablative of sacrum ) + sanctus ‘holy’.
Sacrosanct in a sentence (word usage in recent newspaper)
§             Operational military matters are sacrosanct and discussing them like movie reviews is foolishness.
§             The Supreme Court is the highest court of the land and its word is final and sacrosanct.
§             All three forces — Army, Air Force and Navy — are treated as sacrosanct in India.
§             The Indian society may consider marriage to be sacrosanct.
§             Independence of judiciary is sacrosanct, says law minister RS Prasad.
Mnemonic trick to remember the meaning of sacrosanct
§             Sacrosanct = Sacro (100’s) + “sant” ; something must be ‘sacred’ here.

4. Seclusion

Synonyms: an ivory tower, concealment, freedom from interference, hiding, isolation, lack of disturbance, lack of interruption, peace, 

§             (noun) the state of being private and away from other people;“they enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion”
Seclusion (सिक्लूश़न) meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary)
§             तनहाईअकेलापनएकांतता
Seclusion Origin
§             early 17th century: from medieval Latin seclusio(n- ), from secludere ‘shut off’
Seclusion in a sentence (word usage in recent newspaper)
§             He went into seclusion for months after a motorcycle crash in 1966.
§             Seclusion is the best way to cope with a breakup.
§             So, they are forced to stay in old-age homes or live a life of extreme seclusion in their own homes.
§             After his death, his widow lived a life of guarded seclusion.
§             He resigned in 1983 and went into virtual seclusion.
Mnemonic trick to remember the meaning of seclusion
§             seclude — opposite of include

5. Sedulous

Synonyms: assiduous, attentive, careful, close, conscientious, diligent, elaborate, fussy, hard-working, industrious, laborious, meticulous, minute, painstaking, particular, pedantic, 

Antonyms: nonchalant

§             (adj) (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence;“he watched himself with the most sedulous care”
Sedulous (सेजलस) meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi Dictionary)
§             परिश्रमीमेहनती
Sedulous Origin
§             mid 16th century: from Latin sedulus ‘zealous’ + -ous.
Sedulous in a sentence (word usage in recent newspaper)
§             The students, who are sedulous, can make a great headway in academic activities for which emotional learning is an admirable path.
§             The work of Krishna District Collector Babu A, in the ongoing construction of the new capital is marked by a sedulous attention to detail.
§             We hope Aamir Khan finds the suitable girl to play his daughter in Dangal and all his sedulous efforts come to fruition.
§             Governments have been quite sedulous in trying to support and generally encourage the industry, in terms of offering subsidies.
§             He is remembered for his sedulous work in Den Amstel and in the villages of Guyana.
Mnemonic trick to remember the meaning of sedulous
§             seducing a lady is no doubt a sedulous task

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