Friday 20 January 2017


Directions (Q. 1-5): Following bar-graph shows the number of TV models, M1 and M2 produced by a company in different years and the line-graph shows the percentage of sale of these models in different years.

Q1. What is the total number of TV models M1 and M2 sold in the year 2005?

Q2. What is the ratio of the total number of TVs of model M2 unsold in the year 2006 to the total number of TVs of model M2 produced in 2007?
 32 : 47
 41 : 60
 43 : 60
 47 : 60
 8 : 15

Q3. In which of the following years the percentage rise/fall in the production of model M1 is minimum as compared to the previous year?

Q4. What is the approximate percentage rise in the selling of model M2 from year 2007 to 2008?

Q5. What is the total number of TVs of model M1 sold in all the six years together?

Directions (Q.6-10): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. The bar graph given below represents the percentage contribution of various ingredients in preparation of 6 different dishes.

Q.6. If 360 gm of dish A and 450 gm of dish E are prepared then, what is the ratio of quantity of rice used in dish E to that of wheat used in dish A?
 1) 111 : 35
 2) 135 : 76
 3) 125 : 96
 4) 153 : 69
 5) 189 : 23
Q.7. What is the total quantity (approx.) of salt, wheat and rice used in preparation of 3563.5 gm of dish A?
 1) 2139 gm
 2) 2110 gm
 3) 4160 gm
 4) 3256 gm
 5) 5143 gm
Q.8. If 350 gm of each of the dishes is prepared,then what is the quantity of pepper used?
 1) 34.6 gm
 2) 28.7 gm
 3) 43.3 gm
 4) 9.3 gm
 5) None of these
Q.9. If 400 gm of dish A, 390 gm of dish B and 640 gm each of dish C, dish D and dish E are prepared, then the minimum quantity of wheat will be used in dish
 1) A
 2) B
 3) C
 4) D
 5) E
Q.10. If 360 gm of dish A, 300 gm of dish B, 272 gm of dish C, 240 gm of dish D, 540 gm of dish E and 200 gm of dish F are produced,then the quantity of sugar used will be maximum in dish
 1) A
 2) B
 3) C
 4) D
 5) E

Directions (Q.11-15):The diagram given below shows the number of students (in thousands) in two different colleges in six different years.

Q.11. What was the difference between the number of students in college-1 in the year 2013 and the number of students in college-2 in the year 2015?
 1) Zero
 2) 5,000
 3) 15,000
 4) 10,000
 5) 1,000

Q.12. What is the sum of the number of students in college-1 in the year 2010 and the number of students in college-2 in the year 2014 together?
 1) 50,000
 2) 55,000
 3) 45,000
 4) 57,000
 5) 40,000

Q.13. If 25% of the students in college-2 in the year 2013 were females, what was the number of male students in the college-2 in the same year?
 1) 11250
 2) 12350
 3) 12500
 4) 11500
 5) 11750

Q.14. What was the percentage increase in the number of students in college-1 in the year 2014 as compared to the previous year?
 1) 135
 2) 15
 3) 115
 4) 25
 5) 35

Q.15. In which year was the difference between the number of students in college-1 and the number of students in college-2 the highest?
 1) 2011
 2) 2012
 3) 2013
 4) 2014
 5) 2015


  1. SaleM1 = 48000 × 0.65 = 31200
    SaleM2 = 32000 × 0.54 = 17280
    => Total = 31200 + 17280 = 4848
  2. In 2006, unsold M2 = 60000 x (100-57)/100 = 25800 
    In 2007, production M2 = 36000
    So, Ratio = 25800/36000 = 43/60
  3. 2006 = 54-48/48 * 100 = 12.5%
    2007 = 40/54/54 * 100 = 25.9% (fall)
    2008 = 48-40/40 * 100 = 20%
    2009 = 76-48/48 * 100 = 58.33%
    2010 = 51-76/76 * 100 = 32.89% (fall)
  4. In 2007, Sale M2 = 36000 x 72/100 = 25920
    In 2008, Sale M2 = 54000 x 62/100 = 33480
    % Rise = 33480-25920/25920 * 100 = 29.16 ≈ 29%
  5. Total M1 = (48 × 0.65 + 54 × 0.52 + 40 × 0.67 + 48 × 0.56 + 76 × 0.78 + 51 × 0.48) = (31.2 + 28.08 + 26.8 + 26.88 + 59.28 + 24.48) thousand = 196.72 thousand = 196720
  6. 3) 125 : 96
  7. Quality used in 100 gm of dish A:
    Salt = 3.6 gm
    Wheat = 33.6 gm
    Rice = 22 gm
    Total = 3.6 + 33.6 + 22 = 59.2 gm
    So, Quantity used in producing 3563.5 gm of dish A
    = 59.2 x 3563.5/100 2110 gm
  8. 2) 28.7 gm
  9. 1) A
  10.  2) B 
  11.   1 ) Required difference = 20000 – 20000 = 0
  12.  5) Total students = 10000 + 30000 = 40000
  13.  1) 11250
  14.  4) 25
  15.  5) 2015

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