Friday 13 January 2017


Direction (Q.1-5): Following line graph shows the percentage profit earned by two companies 'A' and 'B' during the period of 2007 to 2013 :-

1). If the expenditure of company A and B in year 2008 was 18.5 lakh and 17.3 lakh respectively then what was the income of company A and company B together in year 2008 ?
a)    46.46 lakh
b)    47.24 lakh
c)    48.5 lakh
d)    49.38 lakh
e)    50.6 lakh

2). If the income of company A in 2011 and that of B in 2010 are Rs. 24.36 lakh and  Rs. 18.36 lakh respectively then what is the total expenditure of company A in 2011 and company B in 2010. ?
a)    30.4 lakh
b)    31.2 lakh
c)    32.8 lakh
d)    33.5 lakh
e)    34.6 lakh

3). If the expenditure of company A in 2009 and income of company B in 2013 are equal then what will be the ratio of income of company A in 2009 and expenditure of company B in 2013 ?
a)    5 : 4
b)    25 : 16
c)    1 : 1
d)    Can't be calculated
e)    None of these

4). If the expenditure of company A in 2012 and company B in 2009 are equal then the income of company A in 2012 is approximately what percentage of income of company B in 2009 ?
a)    88.9%
b)    96%
c)    112.5%
d)    118.5%
e)    122.5%

5). In the following years in which year the percentage rise/fall percent profit of company B is maximum compare to its previous year ?
a)    2008
b)    2009
c)    2010
d)    2011
e)    2012

1). D)  Income A = 18.5× (136/100) = 25.16 lakh,
Income B = 17.3×(140/100) = 24.22 lakh
Total = 49.38 lakh
2). A) Exp. A = 24.36×(100/145) = 16.8 lakh,
Exp. B = 18.36×(100/135) = 13.6 lakh,
Total = 30.40 lakh
3). B)  E A - 2009 = I B-2013 = x (let),
IA-2009 = x × (125/100)
and EB-2013 = x× (100/125)
Ratio = (125x/100) × (125/100x) = 25/16
4). C)  Let Exp A-2012 = Exp B-2009 = x, IA-2012 = x× (135/100)
and I B-2009 = x×(120/100), Req.% = (1.35x/1.2x) ×100 = 112.5%

5). C)  % rise = [(35-20)/20] × 100 = 1500/20 = 75% rise

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