Wednesday 4 January 2017


Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

J, K, L, M, N, O and P live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them also likes a different subject, namely English, History, Commerce, Biology, Accounts, Geography and Computer(but not
necessarily in the same order).
· J lives on an odd – numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3. The one who likes Accounts lives immediately above J. Only two persons live between M and the one who likes Accounts.
· The one who likes History lives on one of the odd numbered floors above M. Only three
persons live between L and the one who likes History. The one who likes commerce lives immediately above L.
· The one who likes English lives immediately above the one who likes Computer. P lives on an Odd numbered floor.
· Only one person lives between K and N. K lives on the floors above N. Neither L nor J likes Biology. N does not like commerce.

1).Which of the following subject does J like?
a) Geography
b) Computer
c) Commerce
d) History
e) English

2).Which of the following combinations is True with respect to the given arrangement?
a) Geography – L
b) History – O
c) Computer - P
d) Accounts – M
e) Biology – K
3).If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, the positions of how many persons will remain unchanged?
a) Four
b) None
c) Two
d) One
e) Three

4).Which of the following statements is True with respect to the given arrangement?
a) The one who likes Computer lives immediately below J.
b) O likes History
c) None of the given options is true
d) Only four persons live between M and P
e) P lives immediately below N.

5).Who among the following lives on the floor numbered 2?
a) K
b) The one who likes English
c) The one who likes Computer
d) M
e) O

Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

P, Q, R, S, T, U,W and V eight persons live on 8 different floors in a building. the ground floor is numbered 1, then the next floor is numbered 2 and till numbered 8. They works in different companies i.e., Honeywell, HMT, HDFC, Hindalco, HCL, Hindustan Lever, Hero Honda and Havells.
There are four floors between T’s floor and P’s floor. T lives on an odd numbered floor. P works in Hero Honda . There are two floors between the floors on which Q and T live. The one who works in HCL lives on immediate above the floor on which P lives. R lives on the floor which is immediate above the floor on which W lives. The one who works in Honeywell lives on floor numbered one. There is one floor between W’s floor and V’s floor. S does not live immediate above or below to T’s floor. Only one person lives between the floors on which the persons who works in Hero Honda and in Havells live. The one who works in HMT lives on the floor which is immediate above the floor on which the person who works in HCL lives. V works in Hindalco but does not live below to Q. U works in Hindustan Lever.

Q6.  On which floor does V live?
a. Third
b. Fourth
c. Fifth
d. Sixth
e. Seventh

Q7. How many floors are below the floor on which W lives?
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six
e. Seven

Q8. Who among the following lives on the second floor when all the persons are arranged alphabetically from top to bottom?
a. W
b. V
c. Y
d. U
e. S

Q9. In Which company does S work?
b. HMT
c. HCL
d. Honeywell
e. Havells

Q10. Which of the following is true with respect to Q?
a. Q works in HDFC and lives on 4th floor?
b. Q works in HMT and lives on 8th floor
c. Q works in Havells and lives on 4th floor
d. Q works in HCL and lives on 7th floor
e. Q works in Honeywell and lives on 8th floor


Q (1- 5)
Floor Person    Subject
7          P          Biology
6          K         Accounts
5          J           History
4          N         English
3          M         Computer
2          O         Commerce

1          L          Geography

Q (6 -10)

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