Wednesday 18 January 2017


1. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the given expression to make 
T > P and S <= T definitely true?
R > T ? S ? P > Q
(a)>, <
(b)>, >
(c)<=, >
(d)>=, >
(e)<=, >=

2. Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression A >B <= D >= C > R is definitely true?
(a) A > D
(b) B >= C
(c) C <= D
(d) D < B
(e) D >= R

3. Which of the following expressions is false if the given expression is true?
P > R > S >= L <= Q
(a) R > L
(b) P > L
(c) S > P
(d) S >= L
(e) None of the above

4. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression N >= R, S < R and Q > S definitely true?
N _ R _ S < P _ Q
(a)<=, >=, >
(b)>=, >=, >
(c)>=, >, <
(d)>=, <=, >
(e) None of the above

5. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression R >= S and T > N definitely true?
T > P _ N < R _ S
(a)>, <=
(b)<, >
(c)>, >=
(e) None of the above

Directions (Q.6–10): Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions:

In a certain code language 'Maruti Suzuki India recall' is written as ' pa ma sa ga', 'India spokesperson' is written as 'ra ma', 'Cars unsold' is written as 'na re', 'Maruti manufactures cars ' is written as ' sa ja na' and 'Suzuki informed manufactures' is written as 'ga ja ta'.

6. What is the code for 'informed' in the given code language?
(a) sa
(b) ga
(c) ta
(d) na
(e) re

7. What is the code for 'recall' in the given code language?

(a) pa
(b) ma
(c) sa
(d) ga
(e) None of the above

8. What will be the code for 'Suzuki recall manufactures'?
(a) ga pa na
(b) sa ga pa
(c) pa ja na
(d) ga pa ja
(e) ma sa ga

9. What may be the possible code for 'Maruti manufactures cars only' in the given code language?
(a) sa ja na te
(b) sa ja ta te
(c) sa na ta re
(d) sa pa ja ta
(e) Can't be determined

10. What is the code for 'spokesperson' in the given code language?
(a) ta
(b) ra
(c) ma
(d) ga
(e) na


1. (d)>=, > 
2. (c) C <= D 
3. (c) S > P 
4. (c)>=, >, <
5. (c)>, >= 

(6- 10)
India - ma
Maruti - sa
manufactures - ja
Suzuki - ga
recall - pa
cars - na
unsold - re
spokesperson - ra
informed - ta
6. (c) ta 
7. (a) pa 
8. (d) ga pa ja 
9. (a) sa ja na te 
10. (b) ra 

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