Thursday 19 January 2017



1). ”Swabhiman” an initiative took by Union Government and the Indian Banks Association to bridge economic gap between rural and Urban India. This scheme comes under the ministry of _______.
a)    Ministry of Commerce
b)    Ministry of Home affairs
c)    Ministry of Urban and Rural Development
d)    Ministry of Finance
e)    Ministry of External Affairs


2). Fiscal deficit is _______.
a)    Total income less government borrowing
b)    Total payment less total receipts
c)    Total payments less capital receipts
d)    Total expenditure less total receipts excluding borrowings
e)    Total payment less total expenditure and total receipts

3). On the current account balances maintained by RRB’s the commercial banks may _______.
a)    Pay interest upto 9%
b)    Pay interest at such rates as may be mutually agrees
c)    Pay interest as applicable to savings accounts
d)    Wave incidental charge
e)    All the above

4). Which of the following interest rates signifies RBI’s long term stance of monetary policy _______.
a)    Repo Rate
b)    CRR
c)    Bank Rate
d)    Reverse Repo Rate
e)    Marginal Standing Facility Rate

5). The banks shall have to state their lending policies. The would include _______.
A.   Exposure limits and eligible borrowings
B.   Documentation standars, maturity and pricing options
C.   Write of Review Procedures
a)    Only A
b)    Only B
c)    Only C
d)    Only A and C
e)    All the three

6). Recently, the Ministry of Commerce has introduced a new “Niryal Bandhu” scheme for the guidance and monitoring of first generation entrepreneurs. Who are “Niryal Bandhus”?
a)    Entrepreneur
b)    officers
c)    Agents
d)    Export assistants
e)    Other than given options

7). How many banks were FIRST Nationalized?
a)    10
b)    12
c)    14
d)    16
e)    13

8). Which of the following statements is/are correct ________.
1.    The RBI has decided to accept the board framework of regulations recommended by Malegam Committee report on micro finance Institutions.
2.    This step is likely to provide a tremendous boost to the micro-finance plays in financial inclusion
a)    Only 1
b)    Only 2
c)    Either of these
d)    Both of these
e)    None of these

9).The ability of commercial banks to increase their deposits by expanding their loans and advances is known as _______.
a)    Capital Expansion
b)    Capital Creation
c)    Credit Expansion
d)    Credit Control
e)    Credit Creation

10). Fiduciary Issue of Currency means Issue of Currency notes ________.
a)    Without keeping gold or silver deposit
b)    Keeping gold or silver deposit
c)    With partial gold or silver deposits
d)    With comparative gold or silver deposits
e)    By keeping only gold deposits.

11. Interest on the savings bank accounts is compounded ____?
a) Daily
b) Yearly 
c) Quarterly 
d) Half-yearly
e) All of the above

12. The Head of Reserve Bank of India is?
a) Chief Executive Officer 
b) Managing Director 
c) Chief Banking Officer 
d) Governor
e) Other than the given options

13. Who supplies interest-charts for different maturities and for different rates of interest?
a) IBA
b) RBI
c) Government of India
e) Other than the given options

14. Rates of Interest on deposits are determined by ____?
a) IBA 
b) Ministry of Finance 
c) The Bank Itself
d) Government of India
e) Other than the given options

15. Current account becomes dormant when there are no withdrawals for the last _____?
a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) 24 months
d) 12 months 
e) Other than the given options

16. One rupee notes bear the signature of..........?
a) Governor of Reserve Bank of India
b) Prime Minister of India
c) President of India
d) Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Government of India)
e) Other than the given options

17. Mortgage is a..............?
a) security on movable property for a loan given by a bank
b) security on immovable property for a loan given by a bank
c) concession on immovable property for a loan given by a bank
d) facility on immovable property for a loan given by a bank
e) security on immovable property for a deposit received by a bank

18. In terms of Section 5(1) (5) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, a ‘banking company’ means any company which-
a) accepts deposits from the public
b) undertakes lending of money
c) transacts the business of banking in
d) All of the above
e) Other than the given options

19. Which of the following is not a negotiable instrument? 
a) Cheque
b) Pay order
c) Bill of Exchange
d) All of the above are negotiable instruments
e) Other than the given options

20. Under the Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) mechanism, loan assets of banks have been categorized. Which one of the following statements is not correct? 
a) Assets belonging to Standard and Sub-Standard category come under category I
b) Assets belonging to Doubtful category come under category II
c) Assets belonging to Doubtful and Loss categories come under Category II
d) Out of total Loan Assets, 90 per cent is Standard and Sub-standard and Doubtful is 10 per cent this lot comes under   Category I
e) Other than the given options

21. These days Banks are offering Loans against Property? Under which business segment, this activity may be categorized? 
a) Corporate Banking  
b) Personal Banking
c) Merchant Banking 
d) Portfolio Management-Services 
e) Other than the given options

22. What do we mean by “ECB” in financial terms?
a) Essential Commercial Borrowings     
b) Essential Credit & Borrowings  
c) External Credit & Business 
d) External Commercial Borrowings
e) Other than the given options

23. “Currency Swap” is an instrument to manage ____?
a) Currency Risk 
b) Interest Rate Risk     
c) Currency and Interest Rate Risk 
d) Cash Flows in different currencies
e) All of the above 

24. “Plastic Money” denotes ________?
a) Bearer cheque
b) Credit card
c) Demand Draft   
d) Traveller’s cheque
e) Gift cheque

25. RBI has recently introduced Cheque Truncation System, which means that ______?
a) Physical movement of a cheque is stopped between banks and instead an electronic image be exchanged for clearance of funds   
b) The physical movement of a cheque for clearance of funds be made more secure 
c) Issue of cheques to customers be made more secure by introducing more enhanced security features 
d) A new technology to process payments between Banks exclusively  
e) Other than the given options

1). d)  
2). d)  
3). b)  
4). c)  
5). e)  
6). b)  
7). c)  
8). d)  
9). e)  
10). a)
11. a)
12. d)
13. a)
14. c)
15. c)
16. d)
17. b)
18. d)
19. d)
20. c) 
21. b)
22. d)
23. d)
24. b)
25. a)

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