Saturday 21 January 2017


Directions (Q. 1- 10): In the following passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. For each blank five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The most crucial governance challenge for the Ministry is how to balance development _(1)_ without compromising on ecological _(2)_. However, ensuring ease of doing business appears to have become its main business, which is _(3)_ to _(4)_ of its constitutional and legal duty. The Ministry needs to abandon _(5)_ ideas like compensatory afforestation which will at best raise ecologically _(6)_ tree plantations that are nothing more than a fig leaf for _(7)_ more natural forests. What is required is knowledge-driven plans to resolve competing demands. At the 3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation in April, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said: “I strongly believe that tiger conservation, or conservation of nature, is not a drag on development... we need to define conservation as a means to achieve development, rather than considering it to be antigrowth.” It would _(8)_ help if his statement actually translates into _(9)_ action in the clearance process. Only then will the stated intention of the government with regard to good governance truly result in _(10)_ of forests and wildlife.

1) inclines
2) attributes
3) imperatives
4) accredits
5) maintenance

1) scrutiny
2) security
3) sustenance
4) semblance
5) subjectivity

1) symbolic
2) reminiscence
3) paramount
4) tantamount
5) vaunted

1) warrant
2) accreditation
3) finalization
4) abdication
5) suppression

1) archaic
2) legacy
3) contemporary
4) meaningful
5) meaningless

1) worthy
2) delightful
3) crass
4) fruit bearing
5) worthless

1) diverting
2) smoothening
3) correlating
4) procuring
5) intensifying

1) foolishly
2) cunningly
3) immensely
4) profusely
5) naturally

1) natural
2) credible
3) pompous
4) solid
5) proposed

1) destruction
2) procurement
3) brooding
4) pilferaging
5) conservation


1. 3)
2. 2)
3. 4)
4. 4)
5. 1)
6. 5)
7. 1)
8. 3)
9. 2)
10. 5)

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