Saturday 21 January 2017


 1). If Neena says, "Anita's father Raman is the only son of my father-in-law Mahipal", then how is Bindu, who is the sister of Anita, related to Mahipal ?
a)    Grand daughter
b)    Daughter
c)    Sister
d)    Mother
e)    None of these

2).Pointing to a gentleman, Shalini said, "His only brother is the father of my sons father." How is the gentleman related to Shalini ?.
a)    Grandfather
b)    Uncle
c)    Brother
d)    Father
e)    None of these

3). Pointing to a girl in photograph. Amar said, "Her mother's brother is the only son of my mothers's father." How the girl's mother related to Amar ?
a)    Mother
b)    Sister
c)    Aunt
d)    Grandmother
e)    None of these

Directions (Q. 4-5) : Study the following information and answer the questions given below it:

All the six members of a family A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling together. B is the son of C but C is not the mother of B. A and C are a married couple. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A. F is the brother of B.

4). How many male members are there in the family?
a)    1
b)    2
c)    3
d)    4
e)    None of these

5). Who is the mother of B?
a)    D
b)    F
c)    E
d)    A
e)    B

Direction (Q. 6-10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given question :
 In a certain code language : "what does it name" is written as "ku ru mu ju" , "name does the Real" is written as "pu ku su ru", "the milton have what" is written as "su mu ho ro", " does have or not" is written as " kho ro bu ru".

6). Which of the following is the code of "not" ?
a)    kho
b)    Ro
c)    Either kho or bu
d)    bu
e)    ru

7). The code 'pu ho ju ku' may represent ?
a)    your name not what
b)    what have real name
c)    Real milton it name
d)    it not real the
e)    What the have milton

8). Which of the following may represent "milton have had what name " ?
a)    Ro mu ho wo ku
b)    ku mu ho ro ru
c)    ho ku mu kho bu
d)    bu ju ru Ro ku
e)    mu ku su pu ru

9). Which of the following  is the code of  'milton' ?
a)    su
b)    ro
c)    mu
d)    ho
e)    None of theses

10). Which of the following is code of 'it real or not' ?
a)    ru bu ju ro
b)    ju bu pu kho
c)    ku kho pu ju
d)    su pu kho bu
e)    can't be determined


1). A)
2). B)
Father of my sons father -> Shalini's Father in law
Shalini's Father-in-law brother -> Shalini's Uncle
3). C)
Only son of my Mother's father -> Amar maternal Uncle
So Girl's maternal uncle is the Amar's maternal uncle. Thus, the Girl's mother is Amar's Aunt.
4). D)
5). D)

(Q. 6-10) :
what does it name - ku ru mu ju ...... 1)
name does the Real - pu ku su ru ...... 2)
the milton have what - su mu ho ro ...... 3)
does have or not - kho ro bu ru ...... 4)
From 1, 2 and 3
does  ® ru
From 1 and 2
name  ® ku
From 1 and 3
what  ® mu
Now From 1
it  ® ju
from 2 and 3
the  ® su
from 2
real ® pu
from 3 and 4
have  ® ro
From 3
milton  ® ho
From 4
or/not  ® kho/bu

6). C)
7). C)
8). A)
9). D)
10). B)

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