Wednesday 18 January 2017


Directions (Q.1-5): Five sentences are given below; four of them, when arranged in a logical sequence form a coherent paragraph, but one of them, does not fit into the sequence. Pick the sentence that does not fit into the sequence.

(A) A high loss rate during maturation is accepted for the reduction in detailed plant maintenance costs 
(B) Although some processes have been mechanized and automated, others have not.
(C) It remains highly unlikely that all plants treated in the same way at the same time will arrive at the same condition together, so plant care requires observation, judgment and personal skill; selection for sale requires comparison and judgment. 
(D) Nurseries are highly labour-intensive.
(E) High growth in sector cannot be brought in by micro-level initiatives alone without providing them necessary infrastructure and logistical inputs.  

(A) The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in the aquatic or water environments such as streams, lakes, and marshes.
(B) Acid rain flows into streams, lakes, and marshes after falling on forests, fields buildings, and roads. Acid rain also falls directly on aquatic habitats. Most lakes and streams have a pH between 6 and 8, although some lakes are naturally acidic even without the effects of acid rain.
(C) Acid rain primarily affects sensitive bodies of water, which are located in watersheds whose soils have a limited ability to neutralize acidic compounds (called “buffering capacity”).
(D) she thought of a plan to get the monkey over her place. 
(E) Lakes and streams become acidic (pH value goes down) when the water itself and its surrounding soil cannot buffer the acid rain enough to neutralize it. In areas where buffering capacity is low, acid rain also releases aluminum from soils into lakes and streams.

(A) Unlike other fruits, they lack firm pulp. Mostly citrus fruits are consumed as fresh fruits particularly sweet oranges, mandarins and grapefruit. The rind of the citrus fruits is rich in pectin and essential oils.
(B) Citrus fruits are not only delicious and refreshing but they also provide vitamins, minerals, and many other substances. 
(C) Importantly, these fruits contain considerable amounts of vitamin c.
(D) Circus fruits possess juice sacks. Fruits are also good sources of Vitamin and Protein. The mild bitterness in juice is due to the presence of glucoside called Naringin which is said to have medicinal value.
(E) Food chains require constant supplies of new energy to make up for the continual losses. 

(A) If a country follows fixed exchange rates and also runs a large fiscal deficit it could lead to speculative attacks on the currency.
(B) Fiscal deficits play a role, especially during the currency crisis. This leads to lowering of the reserves and in case these is a speculation on the currency, the government may not have adequate reserves to protect the fixed value of the currency.
(C) they are individual development, career development, and organizational development.  
(D) Higher deficits imply government might resort to using forex reserves to finance its deficit. This pushes the government to devalue the currency.
(E) So, through fiscal deficits do not have a direct bearing on foreign exchange markets, they play a role in case there is a crisis.

(A) As a result, India captured an increased proportion of this market, and at present, India is the world’s leading diamond cutting and polishing centre.
(B) As compared with the traditional diamond cutting & polishing centres of Belgium, India, with its low labour cost, opened up new possibilities for the world diamond industry by making diamonds affordable for new, less affluent buyers.
(C) all the proposal received were compiled and sent to these authorities for appraisal and scrutiny. 
(D) India produces around 95 per cent of the world’s cut and polished diamond pieces and by carat weight, India is estimated to process 80 per cent of world rough production by volume and 58 per cent by value.
(E ) The Indian diamond processing industry took roots in the 1960s.

Directions (Q.6-10): In each of the following questions, five options are given, of which one word is the most nearly the same or opposite in meaning to the given word in the question. Find the correct option having either same or opposite meaning.

Q.6 Venerate 
(A) Mystical 
(B) Respect 
(C)  Penitence 
(D) Rival 
(E)  Robust 

Q.7 Penury 
(A) errant 
(B) bifurcation 
(C) copious
(D) poverty   
(E) refute 

Q.8 Accord 
(A) shrewd 
(B) disagreement 
(C)  lethal 
(D) melee 
(E)  obtuse 

Q.9 Pensive 
(A) esoteric 
(B) impressive 
(C) lenient 
(D) thoughtful 
(E) acute 

Q.10 Corroborate 
(A) castigate 
(B) riposte 
(C) whirlpool 
(D) denounce 
(E) verify 


1. Ans- E 
2. Ans- D
3. Ans- E
4. Ans- C
5. Ans- C

6. ANS- B 
Respect and Venerate are synonym. 
7. ANS-D 
Penury and poverty are synonyms.
8. ANS- B 
Disagreement and Accord Are Antonyms.  
9. ANS- D
Thoughtful and Pensive are synonyms. 
10. ANS- E 
Corroborate and verify are synonyms. 

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