Thursday 5 January 2017

ENGLISH LANGUAGECloze Test Based on The Hindu Editorial

The Supreme Court has (1) with the question whether a provision in electoral law that makes it a corrupt (2) to use religion, race, caste or language as a ground for canvassing votes in an election is a bar limited to the groups to which candidates or their (3) belong, or whether it is a general prohibition on sectarian appeals. Section 123(3) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, as (4) in 1961, gave rise to this doubt. By a four-three majority, a seven-member Bench has ruled that it is a general prohibition on the use of religion or (5) other communal or sectarian value in the electoral arena. The minority favoured (6) the ambit of the sub-section to cover only candidates who (7) votes on such grounds, or the rivals they wanted the voters not to back on similar grounds. That secularism is the (8) of our democracy is undisputed. That the electoral process ought not to permit (9) to the electorate on these narrow grounds is equally beyond doubt. Against this backdrop, it is only logical that the Supreme Court should decide that it is a corrupt practice for candidates to use any caste or communal parameters to canvass for votes or to discredit a rival, (10) of whether the candidates themselves belong to such religious, communal or linguistic groups.
a)    Asked
b)    grappled
c)    Answered
d)    Argued
e)    Warned

a)    Practice
b)    Society
c)    Rule
d)    Theory
e)    Mind

a)    Defenders
b)    Supporters
c)    Party
d)    Group
e)    Rivals

a)    Rule
b)    Law
c)    Amended
d)    Exercise
e)    unfounded

a)    Through
b)    Any
c)    No
d)    In
e)    Entire

a)    Over
b)    On
c)    Domineering
d)    Limiting
e)    By

a)    Sought
b)    Support
c)    Collects
d)    Favours
e)    Reach

a)    bedrock
b)    Effect
c)    Combination
d)    Result
e)    Collection

a)    Rules
b)    Look
c)    Appeals
d)    Changes
e)    Revise

a)    Account
b)    Regardless
c)    Effect
d)    Means
e)    Practice

Answers :

1) B    
2) A    .
3) E    
4) C    
5) B    .
6) D    
7) A    
8) A    
9) C    
10) B

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