Thursday 25 January 2018

Reasoning Practice For SBI Clerk 2018

Directions (1 – 5): Study the information and answer the given questions:

Eight persons S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z lives on eight storey building with ground
floor being numbered one and the next floor is number 2 and so on. They have their birth date on August, May, September, November, July, December, June, and October but not necessarily in same order.

S lives on even numbered floor above fourth floor. Two people lives between the
floors on which S lives and the one who was born in July. Four people lives between the floors of U and X. U lives on even numbered floor above X.

The person who was born in May lives on odd numbered floor above the one who
born in July and below the floor upon which S lives. Number of people living between the one who born in July and S, is two more than the number of persons between the one who was born in May and U.

T was not born in May. As many people live between the one who born in June and October same as between the one who born in May and person T.

The person who was born in June lives on one of the floor above the one who born in October and lives on even number floor below 8th floor but not on 4th floor. Y lives on odd floor immediately above V.

Four people lives between the one, who born in December and November. The
person who born in December lives on one of the floors above the person who born in November.

T lives immediately above Z. V was not born in August. The number of person who lives between U and the one born in October is less than 3.

Q 1. S lives on which of the following floor?
(a) First
(b) Fifth
(c) Seventh
(d) Eight
(e) None of these

Q 2. T borns in which of the following month?
(a) June
(b) July
(c) October
(d) November
(e) None of these

Q 3. How many floor between Z and S?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Two
(d) Five
(e) None of these

Q 4. V borns in which of the following month?
(a) July
(b) October
(c) November
(d) September
(e) None of these

Q 5. In some way S is related to W and Y is related to V, in the same way T is related to?
(a) Z
(b) Y
(c) V
(d) X
(e) None of these

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