Saturday 27 January 2018

Puzzle For SBI Clerk / Syndicate / Canara Bank PGDBF 2018

Puzzle -1

Directions - Study the following information carefully and. Solve this puzzle

Ten friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are sitting around a circle in such a way that five of them facing the centre while five of them facing outside from the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. 

A sits third to the right of F. I is not an immediate neighbour of B or F, but sits on the immediate right of C, who is not facing the centre. H and D are sitting on the immediate left and third to the left of J respectively. I sits fourth to the left of A. E sits on the immediate left of D and is not an immediate neighbour of C. A and E face the same direction. D and G sits opposite and also face opposite direction to each other. H and I face the same direction. 

Note : Facing the same direction means if one persons faces the centre then the other person also faces the centre and if one person faces outward then the other person also faces outward. Facing the opposite directions means if one persons faces the centre then the other person also faces outward and vice versa.

Puzzle -2

Directions -Study the following information carefully Solve this puzzle

Twelve friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting in a row facing south. V sits third to the left of Q, who sits sixth to the right of M. S sits fourth to the right of X, who is not an immediate neighbour of O. N sits fifth from the right end and T sits second to the left of P, Q is not an immediate neighbour of U or R, but sits second to the right of N. There are two friends between O and W. W is not an immediate neighbour of V.

Puzzle -3

Directions - Study the following information carefully  Solve this puzzle

Each of the six batsman Rohit, Dhoni, Kohli, Dhawan, Raina and Yuvraj scored different runs in a match. Dhawan scored less runs only Dhoni. Raina scored more runs than only two batsman. Rohit didn’t score less run than Raina. Kohli did not score least runs. The one who scored second lowest runs, scored 40 runs. Rohit scored 85 runs.

Puzzle -4

Directions - Study the following information carefully Solve this puzzle

In a party ten persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are wearing shirt of different colours viz— Red, Green, White, Yellow, Blue, Black, Purple, Pink, Grey and Indigo and trousers of different colours viz— Orange, Cream, Saffron, Brown, Navy Blue, Orchaid, Sky Blue, Golden, Olive Green and Violet. The persons, colour of shirt and colour of trousers above are not necessarily in the same order. 

C wears white coloured shirt and H wears Pink shirt. A wears Orange coloured trousers. The one who wears white coloured shirt, wears Brown coloured trousers. A wears neither Red coloured shirt nor Pink coloured shirt. I doesn’t wear Red coloured shirt or Green coloured shirt. Neither A nor B wears Grey coloured shirt. D wears Yellow coloured shirt and Navy Blue trousers. F wears Violet coloured trousers and Black coloured shirt. H wears Saffron coloured trousers. I wears Olive Green trousers. G wears Purple shirt. The one who wears Indigo shirt also wears Orchid coloured trousers. E wears Blue shirt and Golden coloured trousers. B wears Cream coloured trousers.


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