Friday 26 January 2018

IBPS SO Human Resource Management MCQ

Professional Knowledge Questions

Q1. Process of recruitment doesn't involve —

(a) Identification of different sources of labour supply

(b) Assessing their validity

(c) Choosing the most suitable source or sources

(d) Selecting right persons for right kind of job

(e) Invites applications from the prospective candidates for the vacant job

S1. (d) 

Sol. Selecting right persons for right job is a part of selection not recruitment.

Q2. Which of the following is not a benefit of formal induction program?

(a) It fosters a uniform understanding among the employers about company's objectives, policies, principles, etc.

(b) In builds positive attitude towards the company and its stakeholders

(c) It increases new employer's anxieties

(d) It strengthens a two-way communication channels

(e) It speeds up the socialisation process

S2. Ans.(c) 

Sol. Induction program decreases new employer's anxiety and provides him an opportunity to know about the organisation and its people.

Q3. The purpose of training is to —

(a) bring about improvement in the performance of work

(b) acquisition of right manpower

(c) Socialise with the organisation culture

(d) Transfer employees to better jobs

(e) Develop overall personality of employee

S3. Ans. (a) 

Sol. Training includes learning of such techniques or methods that are required for the better performance of the work.

Q4. Training needs can be identified through all of the following types of analysis except —

(a) Analysis of objectives

(b) Transactional analysis

(c) Resource utilisation analysis

(d) Task analysis

(e) Manpower analysis

S4. Ans. (b) 

Sol. Transactional analysis is not used for identification of training needs.

Q5. Which of the following is not true about on-the-job (OJT)?

(a) Suitable for imparting skills that can be learnt in a relatively short period of time

(b) Relatively cheaper

(c) Less time consuming

(d) Located in an artificial situation

(e) Most of effective method of training the operative personnel.

S5. Ans. (d) 

Sol. On-the-job is not located in artificial situation. It helps trainee to learn in actual physical environment. It is based by “Learning by doing”

Q6. With which type of learning management development is concerned?

(a) Multiskill development

(b) Manual skill development

(c) Specific job skill development

(d) Inventory development

(e) Organisation development

S6. Ans. (a) 

Sol. Management development focuses on development of multiple skills like problem solving, decision-making, human relation skills, etc. in managers.

Q7. Which of the following is not true about positive aspect of discipline?

(a) Discipline takes the form of positive support

(b) Its aim is to help individual in moulding his behaviour and develop him in a corrective and supportive manner.

(c) It is a punitive approach

(d) Attempts are made to educate the workers the value of discipline

(e) Employees are taught self-discipline

S7. Ans.(c) 

Sol. Positive aspect of discipline is not a punitive approach rather it is a constructive approach. It focuses on self-discipline of employee rather than punishing him for indiscipline.

Q8. Which out of the following can't constitute grievance

(a) Violation of company rules

(b) Unfair treatment by supervisor

(c) Favouritism

(d) Illness in the family

(e) Poor working conditions

S8. Ans. (d) 

Sol. Personal reasons such as illness in the family do not constitute a grievance. Sources of grievance lies within the company.

Q9. Base compensation involves monetary benefits to employees in the form of :

(a) Gratuity and bonus

(b) Provident fund and pension

(c) Salaries and wages

(d) Transport and medical facilities

(e) Paid vacations and maternity leaves

S9. Ans. (c) 

Sol. Base compensation means salary and wages given to employees. It is a monetary payment.

Q10. Which of the following is not a managerial function in any organisation

(a) Planning    

(b) Organising

(c) Motivating 

(d) Controlling 

(e) Operations

S10. Ans. (e) 

Sol. Operations are performed by workers/operative personnel.


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