Tuesday 30 January 2018

One Word Substitutions Part -1

One Word Substitutions

​Introduction to a book, play, etc - Prologue

​Objects or pictures used to suggest a thing that cannot be shown : person or thing that represents an idea - Emblem

Poor and dirty children who annoy people or cause minor trouble - Urchin

​Number of people who are killed or injured in an accident, disaster, war - Toll

Particular ways of walking - Gait 

In a careless and unplanned way - Willy-nilly

Written laws that are formally created by a government - Statute

Object, pieces of evidence or some informations that help the police solve a crime - Clue

Parts of your mind that tell you whether your actions are right or wrong - Conscience

Periods of time when something (activities or programs) are stopped - Hiatus

Written constitutions or description of organization's functions - Charter

Young women who are not married - Damsel

Journey especially by a group of people of for a specific purpose - Expedition

Existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed - Latent

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