Tuesday 23 January 2018

Puzzle OF The Day 23 -01-2018

Puzzle For SBI CLerk 2018

Puzzle -1

Twelve batch mates kalu , Lalu, Nilu, Mallu , Jolly , Indra, Pandey, Rajaur , Abhi , Pommy , Smruti, and Som Were born in same year but in different months  Smruti is not older than Kalu and neither Nilu nor Som is the youngest person . Mallu is younger than Abhi. Lalu is younger than Rajaur but older than Smruti. Indra was born in a month having 30 days and is older than Jolly. Pommy was born in the month just before Nilu's birth month. Rajaur is three months younger Than Abhi. Smruti is older than Pommy. Kalu was born in the fourth month of that Calender year while Pandey was born in August. Pommy was born neither in October Nor in June. Abhi was born in the month having the least number of day.

Puzzle -2

Eight Groups A ,B, C, D, E, F, G and H are going for rock Climbing in different mountain ranges Viz. Aravali, Himalayas, Satpura, Andes, Alps, Rockies, Atlas and  Appalachian, But not Necessarily in the same order. these groups are also going  for rafting in different rivers Viz. Spree Hudson, Amazon, Tigris, Tiber, Nile, Danube and Thames but not Necessarily in the same order. Group G Is going neither to river Danube nor to river Hudson. Neither  group F nor group G is going to raft in the river Tigris or the river Nile. Group E is going to the Appalachian mountain range. Group C is going to the Andes Mountain range and the river Tiber. The one who is going to raft in tha Amazon is also going to the Appalachian mountain range. Group A and B are going for rafting either in the Nile and Thames. Group D does not want to raft in the Tigris and F does not want to raft in the Hudson. The group Which Is Climbing on the Aravallis is rafting in the Danube and the group Which is Climbing on the Atlas is rafting in the Hudson. A and G do not Climb on the Rockies and the Satpura. The group Which is Climbing on the Himalayas is rafting in the Thames. Group H and G Climb either on Alps or On the Satpura mountain range.


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