Wednesday 10 January 2018

Reasoning For IBPS Clerk Mains

REASONING FOR Clerk Mains 2017


6 People A,B,C,D,E,F, seating in 6 Rows of a Stadium, numbered like 1,2 and so on –
Watching Athletics. And they support 6 different countries – China, Brazil, Japan, USA, India, Russia but not necessarily in the same order. The person who supports China is seating on an even numbered row. Russia is in between China and Japan. The one who supports India is neither D nor F. Who is on the last row neither supports India nor China. F neither supports Russia nor Brazil, but seating on 3rd row. A is seating immediately after the person who supports China. D neither supports Japan nor USA. B supports India but not seating on 5th or 4th row. The person who’s seating on second row neither supports India nor China.

1. Who supports China?
(A) E
(B) C
(C) A
(D) None of these

2. Who is on the last row?
(A) Russia
(B) E
(C) Brazil
(D) None of these

3. F supports:
(B) China
(C) Japan
(D) None of these

4. B is on the ___ row:
(A) 2nd
(B) 6th
(C) 1st
(D) None of these

5. Who is in between F and A?
(A) D
(B) C
(C) B
(D) None of these

6. Who is seating immediately after the person who supports Japan?
(A) F
(B) A
(C) Cannot be determined
(D) None

New Pattern Coding-Decoding

River Train Bridged Olympic ?&7 @*5 @&5 @&7

Eye Unity Sky China ?*5 @&3 ?&3 @*5

7. @*5 stands for:
(A) Sky
(B) Unity
(C) China
(D) A or C

8. The code for Train is:
(A) @*5
(B) @&5
(C) @&7
(D) A or B

9. ?&3 stands for –
(A) Unity
(B) Eye
(C) Sky
(D) A or B

10. What is the code for River?
(A) @&7
(B) @*5
(C) ?&7
(D) None of these

For Detailed solutions

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