Saturday 17 February 2018

Puzzle Of The Day 18-02-2018

Puzzle 1

Study the following information and solve the puzzle 

There are seven friends namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. All of them go for a movie in a week starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week) but not necessarily in the same order. Only one person goes for a movie on each day. 

A goes for a movie before Thursday. Three friends go for a movie between the days on which A and F goes. Two friends go for a movie between F and B. Only one friend goes for a movie between B and G. Only one friend goes for a movie between D and G. Two friends go for a movie between D and C. E does not go for a movie on Sunday. 

Puzzle 2

Study the following information and solve the puzzle

M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T eight family members are sitting around a circular table, not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing inside and others are facing outside. They like different species viz. – Squirrel, Sparrow, Cow, Pigeon, Deer, Crow, Rabbit and Collared dove, but not necessarily in the same order. R faces the Centre and sits third to the right of O. P likes Cow and faces the person who likes Crow. S sits third to the right of N who likes Squirrel. The persons who like Pigeon and Deer are facing to the same direction (inside or outside). Q is sitting between the person who like Cow and the one who likes Collared dove respectively. M likes Deer and O likes Sparrow. The person who likes Rabbit is facing outward and is an immediate neighbour of the person who likes Collared dove. T is immediate neighbor of the persons who likes Deer and Rabbit. Q is immediate left of P. 

Puzzle 3

Study the following information and solve the puzzle 

There are nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. All of them play different game like Football, Cricket, Basketball, Tennis, Badminton, Rugby, Baseball, Hockey and Volleyball but not necessarily in the same order. They all are living on a different floor. The ground floor is numbered one and so on up to top floor is numbered nine. A lives on fifth floor. There are three floors between the A and I, who plays Hockey. The one who plays Volleyball lives on second floor. B plays Baseball and lives on even numbered floor but not on the below of the floor on which A lives. The one who plays Rugby lives immediately below B. There are three people lives between the one who plays Rugby and C, who plays Badminton. There are two people lives between C and H, who plays Tennis. G plays cricket lives immediately below F. Four people lives between F and D, who plays Football. 

Puzzle 4

Study the following information and solve the puzzle 

Six persons i.e. L, K, N, O, P and Q like different colours viz; Red, Brown, Pink, Black, Orange and Blue, but not necessarily in the same order. Also they sit in different cabins in the office. Different cabins are allotted to them among 1 to 6 to each of these six persons. Each of the above person was born in a different years among 1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1988 and 1989, but not necessarily in the same order.The persons who were born in consecutive years does not have no two even or odd cabin number together. N was born in 1981. N works in an odd numbered cabin. K works in cabin 2. The person who likes Red colour was born immediately after the person who likes Brown colour. P works in cabin 1. Q was born just after the person who likes Blue colour and Q works in cabin 6. N and O do not like Red, Orange or Blue colours. The person who likes Black colour was born in 1988. The person who likes Pink is youngest person among all of them and L works in an even numbered cabin. Neither the person, who likes Blue colour nor person, who likes Orange colour is allotted cabin 2. K does not like pink colour.


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