Saturday 3 February 2018

Practice Booster - Reasoning Puzzle

Puzzle 1

Study the following information carefully to Solve The Puzzle

Eight different students- Raju, Ramu, Ravi, Ramesh, Ritesh, Rakesh, Rajesh, and Rehman live in an apartment which has Eight floors numbered 1 to 8. The top floor is numbered as 8. They also got different Ranks from 1 to 8 in school. They are also having different Lucky numbers 1 to 8. Ramu’s Lucky number, Floor Number, and His rank are the same number. Except Ramu, all others are having unique Floor number, Lucky Number, and Rank(i.e., No two numbers will be same for a particular student).
Two persons live between Ritesh and one who got Rank 4. One person lives between Rakesh and Raju. Raju’s Rank and Rehman Floor number are same. Rajesh and Ravi live on consecutive floors. Ravi’s Rank and Rakesh’s Lucy number are same. Ramesh got better Rank than Ravi. Rajesh Lucky number and Ramesh Floor number are same. Ritesh Lucky number is 5. Students who got Rank 5 and Rank 6 live on consecutive floors. One who got Rank 5 is having Lucky number as 1. Sum of Rakesh’s Floor number and Lucky number is equal to his Rank. Rakesh lives on an Odd numbered floor but not on floor number 1. Rehman Floor number and Ravi’s Lucky number are same. Two persons live between Rehman and Rakesh. Rakesh Rank is same as Ritesh floor number. Rakesh Rank is an odd number.

Puzzle -2

Study the following information carefully to Solve The Puzzle

Eight boxes made of different materials- Aluminium, Iron, Gold, Plastic, Platinum, Silver, Steel, and Wood. They also weigh different weights – 50,100,150,200,250,300,350 and 400gm not necessarily in the same order.
Two boxes are placed between the boxes weighing 200gm and 400gm. The number of boxes below Steel box is more than the number of boxes above Steel box. There is only One box between Steel box and Gold box. There are three boxes between Iron Box and Aluminium box. The difference between weights of Plastic Box and the Platinum box is 350gm. There are two boxes between Aluminium box and box which weighs 150gm. The Platinum box is placed below Plastic box. There are three boxes between Wooden Box
and Box which weighs 300gm. The difference between weights of Silver and the Wooden box is 250gm. Box weighing 350gm is below Gold box. The 100gm box is placed above 50gms.The heaviest box is either at the top of all boxes or at the bottom of all boxes. The steel box is placed just above the box weighing 200gms. Iron box is just above the Gold box. No of boxes between Boxes weighing 350gm and 50gm is more than Two.


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