Wednesday 7 February 2018

Practice - Puzzle Of The Day 07-02-2018

Directions - Study the following information carefully and Solve This Puzzle

There are seven persons – M, P, Q, R, S, T and U – who participated in a singing competition which started on 25th May and ended on 31st May. In the first round of the competition, each of them performed regional songs, viz Nepali, English,Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri, but not necessarily in the same order. They like different colours, viz White, Yellow, Red, Black, Brown, Green and Pink, but not necessarily in the same order.

U, who likes Green, performed on the fourth day of the competition but performed neither Nepali nor English song. Two performances were held between the performance of U and T, neither of whom performed on the 1st day of the week. There was one performance between the performance of R and Q. But Q’s performance did not happen either on 1st or on 3rd day of the competition. Q likes Yellow colour and performed Nepali song. The one who performed Marathi song on the last day of competition, likes Red colour. P did not perform on the day either immediately before or immediately after the performance of R, who does not like either Brown or White or Black colour. S performed immediately after Q and he likes White colour. M does not like Brown colour and performed a Bengali song. R did not perform either Bhojpuri or Punjabi song. The one who performed in Kannada was scheduled immediately after the performance of the Nepali singer.

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