Monday 19 February 2018

Practice Booster - English ( Cloze Test)

Read the information carefully and answer the question as per the instruction:
Choose the correct option from the given (1), (2), (3), & (4), if the word given in the bracket is correct answer mark (5) i.e No Correction Required as your correct answer.

The future looks increasingly  (1)___ [optimistic] for the human worker. New robots are no longer flummoxed by staircases and doorknobs; clever software is capable of driving cars and carrying on (rudimentary) conversations. While a workless world remains a distant  (2)___ [risk] , a period of automation driven disruption seems to  (3)___ [expose] ahead. Many futurists  (4)___ [account] that as machines replace   people, governments will need to find ways to redistribute income from the machines (and the people who own them) to displaced workers, to ensure that the benefits of automation-driven growth are (5)__[excluded]widely. In a recent interview Bill Gates proposed one method for doing this: a tax on robots, the money from which could be used to retrain workers and expand employment in health care and education. But is this the right response?

a) Impute
b) Perilous
c) Furore
d) Entice
e) No Correction Required

a) Occasion
b) Safety
c) Liability
d) Possibility
e) No Correction Required

a) derive
b) loom
c) Challenge
d) Remit
e) No Correction Required

a) abandon
b) figure
c) reckon
d) credit
e) No Correction Required

a) displaced
b) changed
c) tricked
d) shared
e) No Correction Required

Direction: In the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Economic backwardness of a region is (1) by the co-existence of unutilized or underutilized (2) on the one hand, and (3) natural resources, on the other. Economic development essentially means a process of (4) change whereby the real per capita income of an economy (5) over a period of time. Then, a simple but meaningful question arises: what causes economic development? Or what makes a country developed? This question has absorbed the (6) of scholars of socio-economic change for decades. Going through the (7) history of developed countries like America, Russia and Japan, man is essentially found as (8) in the process of economic development. Japan, whose economy was (9)damaged from the ravages of the Second World War, is the clearest example of our time to (10)kingpin role in economic development.

1) developed
2) cured
3) improved
4) enhanced
5) characterised

1) sources
2) finances
3) funds
4) manpower
5) industries

1) exhaustive
2) unexploited
3) abundant
4) indefinite
5) unreliable

1) upward
2) drastic
3) negligible
4) incredible
5) sudden

1) diminishes
2) degenerates
3) increases
4) succumbs
5) stabilizes

1) plans
2) attempts
3) attention
4) resources
5) strategy

1) existing
2) glorious
3) ancient
4) economic
5) discouraging

1) pivotal
2) neutral
3) insignificant
4) enchanted
5) vicious

1) increasingly
2) always
3) gradually
4) deliberately
5) badly

1) enlighten
2) validate
3) negate
4) underestimate
5) belittle

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