Friday 9 February 2018

Practice Booster English For SBI (20-20)

Practice Booster 20 -20 English

Day 1

Directions (Q 1-5): Which of the words/phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the words/phrases given in bold in the following sentences to make it meaningful and grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (e) as the answer.

1).Due to last year’s vigorous hurricane season, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has advised coastal residents to extend a family evacuation plan, arrange important documents and valuables and create a disaster supply kit for use in the car and at the evacuation destination.

1. Dynamic, supported, enlarge, sort out

2. Active, urged, develop, organize

3. Forceful, insisted, improve, manage

4. Vibrant, recommended, increase, handle

5. No improvement required

2).Reports from New York and Paris specify that this season’s style is an eclectic mix of fashions from past decades, varying from the empire-waist dresses of the rested and liberated 1960s to the legwarmers of the excessive and generous 1980s.

1. Show, changing, settled, lenient

2. Illustrate, differing, respite, soft

3. Prove, diverging, reprieved, tolerant

4. Indicate, ranging, relaxed, indulgent

5. No improvement required

3). While global warming has already made the Hudson River a seemingly fragile ecosystem, the introduction of invasive species has the potential to destroy nearly all of the aquatic plants and animals that inhabit the river.

1. Though, delicate, insidious, demolish

2. Although, flimsy, subtle, wipe out

3. Whereas, feeble, restrained, raze

4. Even if, pathetic, sinister, flatten

5. No improvement required

4).Though we have kept in mind to try and keep most facilities, we would like to demand you to kindly standwith us any problem that may be caused.

1. Maintain, request, bear, inconvenience

2. Sustain, appeal, abide, difficulty

3. Preserve, ask, tolerate, complexity

4. Retain, call, endure, trouble

5. No improvement required

5).These days urbanized countries have begun looking after for under – developed countries because it is beneficial for both the parties.

1. Residential, commenced, since, helpful

2. Built-up, instigated, while, profitable

3. Developed, started, as, advantageous

4. Industrialized, initiated, seeing that, useful

5. No improvement required

Directions (Q. 6-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e).

6). a) A total of ten blocks will be on offer / b) in the third round of coal auctions / c) Which will take place between / d) August 11 to August 17. / e) No error.

7). a) The lay-offs come among the continued debate / b) over immigration reform in the US / c) as the temporary work visas are / d) at the centre of a fierce debate in Congress. / e) No error.

8). a) Economic laws typically aims at balancing / b) competing interests of various stakeholders / c) as well as interests of government departments / d) charged with implementing such laws. / e) No errors.

9). a) To provide two special economic zones / b) exclusively for Indian investors / c) is a clear reflection of / d) Bangladesh‟s positive intent. / e) No error.

10). a) On a separate occasion, the High Court rapped / b) the Director-General of Police for forwarding a complaint / c) against Raj to the state government / d) instead ordering an enquiry into it. / e) No error.

Directions(Q. 11-20)Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Some words are highlighted for your attention.

Patience is hardly an attribute that is associated with the Indian psyche, particularly of the male variety. Instances of road rage at the slightest pretext leading even to death are far too common. A flock is way more common a formation than a queue. Even if a queue is to be formed, violators run amok in total disregard of the conscientious and often the geriatric in the waiting. The urban phenomenon of delirious honking is another manifestation of patience running thin. The recent past, however, has thrown up a remarkable exception, namely, the general attitude in demonetised India. As we near the two-month mark, a consensus seems to be emerging among economists, from both sides of the ideological spectrum, that demonetisation will lead to significantly lower real GDP growth in the transition phase than expected but will have no effect in the long run. Estimates from academics and financial analysts suggest that demonetisation may lead to a decrease in annual real GDP growth of anything between 1 and 2 percentage points than expected.

One of the many crucial assumptions of course is that the national accounting norm remains the same. Irrespective of what the exact number is, evidence suggests that demonetisation has left behind a trail of economic consequences in terms of job loss and diminished economic activity, particularly in the informal sector, and will continue to do so in the near future. Besides the pure economic cost, the psychological cost of having to wait in serpentine queues for a couple of thousand rupees is enormous.And queuing up may not yield rewards anyway as ATMs continue to run dry, especially in the semi-urban and rural areas. Initial reports suggested that the queues in the second month have been significantly shorter than those in the first. Now it seems the shorter queues have a different explanation — people have a fair sense of how long cash will last, if at all, and rational that they are, do not wait if they think their turn will not come. All this for their own money, and this makes demonetisation even more exasperating and psychologically costly.

11). What was discussed by the author from the above passage ?

1. Issues faced  due to insufficient cash supply towards urban areas.

2. Effect of Demonetisation over Indian Economy by means of country’s  GDP value.

3. People’s mental make over towards the problems raised by Demonetisation.

4. Effect of Demonetisation  over informal sectors of present and future.

5. All the above

12). Which of the following problems faced over ATM Centre from the above passage?

i) Issuing of only Rs.2000 currency

ii) Long standing queues

iii) ATM machines got Hanging frequently

iv) Limited cash storage in ATM machines

1. Only iv

2. Both ii and iv

3. Both iii and iv

4. Only iii

5. Only ii

13). What is people’s reaction on standing queue for long periods?

1. They often go for protest.

2. Make some people to break rules and pass through the queue.

3. Make people to move towards bank branch.

4. Make people to reduce their expenditure.

5. Makes people to store their circulating money for future expense.

14). What was people’s mentality on reduction in length of queue over the second month after demonetisation?

1. As people has other priority work than this.

2. Thus people has sufficient amount of new currency for expense from bank branches.

3. People aware about the quantity of cash availability and how long it going to supply.

4. Thus the restriction over cash withdrawal has been liberalised by RBI.

5. None of these

15). What was the effect of Demonetisations on country’s GDP?

1. It has lead to few points down on countries GDP.

2. It has helped to boost the GDP to reach peak of the year

3. It has faced the heavy down fall

4. It made the GDP to remain constant for more than a month.

5. All the above

16). What is the antonyms of ”exasperating” which is used in the above passage?

1. Confusing

2. Puzzling

3. worsening

4. antagonizing

5. Flattening

17). What is the synonyms of ”geriatric” which is used in the above passage?

1. Public

2. patriarch

3. white-collar

4. Disabled Peoples

5. Women

18). What is the antonyms of ”amok ” which is used in the above passage?

1. rampage

2. malicious

3. placid

4. jubilant

5. noisy

19). What is the antonyms of  ”enormous ” which is used in the above passage?

1. extensive

2. adequate

3. realistic

4. stipulate


20). Which of the following would be a suitable title for the above passage ?

1. People and patience, post-demonetisation

2.Problems and Patients

3. Post-Demonetisation Effect

4. Post-Demonetisation and its change over

5. Post-Demonetisation and its Economical Impact

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