Wednesday 31 May 2017

List of Committees Related to Banking 


·             A C Shah Committee - Related to: NBFC
·             A Ghosh Committee - Related to:  Final Accounts
·             A Ghosh Committee - Related to: Modalities Of Implementation Of New 20 Point Programme
·             A Ghosh Committee - Related to: Frauds & Malpractices In Banks
·             Abid Hussain Committee - Related to: Development Of Capital Markets
·             Adhyarjuna Committee - Related to: Changes In NI Act And Stamp Act
·             AK Bhuchar Committee - Related to: Coordination Between Term Lending Institutions And Commercial Banks.
·             B Eradi Committee - Related to: Insolvency And Wind Up Laws
·             B Sivaraman Committee - Related to: Institutional Credit For Agricultural & Rural Development
·             B Venkatappaiah Committee - Related to: All India Rural Credit Review
·             BD Shah Committee - Related to: Stock Lending Scheme
·             BD Thakar Committee - Related to: Job Criteria In Bank Loans (Approach)
·             Bhagwati Committee - Related to: Public Welfare Unemployment
·             Bhave Committee - Related to: Share Transfer Reforms
·             Bhide Committee - Related to: Coordination Between Commercial Banks And SFC’s
·             Bhootlingam Committee - Related to: Wage, Income & Prices.
·             C Rao Committee - Related to: Agricultural Policy
·             CE Kamath Committee - Related to: Multi Agency Approach In Agricultural Finance
·             Chatalier Committee - Related to: Finance To Small Scale Industry
·             Chesi Committee - Related to: Direct Taxes
·             Cook committee (On Behalf Of BIS – Under Basel Committee) - Related to:Capital Adequacy Of Banks.
·             D R Mehta Committee - Related to: Review Progress And Recommend Improvement Measures Of IRDP
·             Damle Committee - Related to: MICR
·             Dandekar Committee - Related to: Regional Imbalances
·             Dantwala Committee - Related to: Estimation Of Employments
·             Dave Committee - Related to: Mutual Funds (Functioning)
·             Dharia Committee - Related to: Public Distribution System
·             DR Gadgil Committee - Related to: Agricultural Finance
·             Dutta Committee - Related to: Industrial Licensing.
·             G Lakshmai Narayan Committee - Related to: Extension Of Credit Limits On Basis Of Consortium
·             G Sundaram Committee - Related to: Export Credit
·             Gadgil Committee (1969) - Related to: Lead Banking System
·             Godwala Committee - Related to: Rural Finance
·             Goiporia Committee - Related to: Customer Service In Banks
·             GS Dahotre Committee - Related to: Credit Requirements Of Leasing Industry
·             GS Patel Committee - Related to: Carry Forward System On Stock Exchanges.
·             Hathi Committee - Related to: Soiled Banknotes
·             Hazari Committee (1967) - Related to: Industrial Policy.
·             IT Vaz Committee - Related to: Working Capital Finance In Banks.
·             J Reddy Committee - Related to: Reforms In Insurance Sector
·             James Raj Committee - Related to: Functioning Of Public Sector Banks
·             Jankiramanan Committee - Related to: Securities Transactions Of Banks & Financial Institutions.
·             JV Shetty Committee - Related to: Consortium Advances.
·             K Madhav Das Committee - Related to: Urban Cooperative Banks
·             Kalyansundaram Committee - Related to: Introduction Of Factoring Services In India
·             Kamath Committee - Related to: Education Loan Scheme
·             Karve Committee - Related to: Small Scale Industry
·             KB Chore Committee - Related to: To Review The Symbol Of Cash Credit Q
·             Khanna Committee - Related to: Non Performing Assets
·             Khusrau Committee - Related to: Agricultural Credit
·             KS Krishnaswamy Committee - Related to: Role Of Banks In Priority Sector And 20 Point Economic Programme.
·             KS Shere Committee - Related to: Electronic Fund Transfer
·             L K Jha Committee - Related to: Indirect Taxes
·             LC Gupta Committee - Related to: Financial Derivatives.
·             Mahadevan Committee - Related to: Single Window System
·             Mahalanobis Committee - Related to: Income Distribution
·             Marathe Committee - Related to: Licensing Of New Banks
·             ML Dantwala Committee - Related to: Regional Rural Banks
·             Nadkarni Committee - Related to: Improved Procedures For Transactions In PSU Bonds And Units
·             Nariman Committee - Related to: Branch Expansion Programme
·             Narsimham Committee - Related to: Financial System.
·             Omkar Goswami Committee - Related to: Industrial Sickness And Corporate Restructuring.
·             P R Nayak Committee - Related to: Institutional Credit To SSI Sector
·             P Selvam Committee - Related to: Non Performing Assets Of Banks
·             PC Luther Committee - Related to: Productivity, Operational Efficiency & Profitability Of Banks
·             PD Ojha Committee - Related to: Service Area Approach
·             Penderkar Committee - Related to: Review The System Of Inspection Of Commercial, RRB And Urban Cooperative Banks
·             Pillai Committee - Related to: Pay Scales Of Bank Officers
·             PL Tandon Committee - Related to: Export Strategy
·             PR Khanna Committee - Related to: Develop Appropriate Supervisory Framework For NBFC
·             Purshottam Das Committee - Related to: Agricultural Finance And Cooperative Societies.
·             R Jilani Banks - Related to: Inspection System Of Banks
·             R S Saria Committee - Related to: Agricultural Finance And Cooperative Societies
·             Raghavan Committee - Related to: Competition Law
·             Raja Chelliah Committee - Related to: Tax Reforms
·             Rajamannar Committee - Related to: Centre – State Fiscal Relationships
·             Rajamannar Committee - Related to: Changes In Banking Laws , Bouncing Of Cheques Etc
·             Rakesh Mohan Committee - Related to:Petro Chemical Sector
·             Ram Niwas Mirdha Committee (JPC) - Related to: Securities Scam
·             Rangrajan Committee - Related to: Computerization Of Banking Industry
·             Rangrajan Committee - Related to: Public Sector Disinvestment
·             Rashid Jilani Committee - Related to: Cash Credit System
·             Ray Committee - Related to: Industrial Sickness
·             RG Saraiya Committee (1972) - Related to: Banking Commission
·             RH Khan Committee - Related to: Harmonization Of the role of Financial Institution in Banks
·             RK Hajare Committee - Related to: Differential Interest Rates Scheme
·             RK Talwar Committee - Related to: Enactment Having A Bearing On Agro Landings By Commercial Banks
·             RN Malhotra Committee - Related to: Reforms In Insurance Sector
·             RN Mirdha Committee - Related to: Cooperative Societies
·             RV Gupta Committee - Related to: Agricultural Credit Delivery.
·             S Padmanabhan Committee - Related to: Onsite Supervision Function Of Banks
·             S Padmanabhan Committee - Related to: Inspection Of Banks (By RBI)
·             Samal Committee - Related to: Rural Credit
·             SC Choksi Committee - Related to: Direct Tax Law
·             Shankar LalGauri Committee - Related to: Agricultural Marketing
·             Shivaraman Committee - Institutional credit for agriculture and rural development
·             SK Kalia Committee - Related to: Role Of NGO And SHG In Credit
·             SL Kapoor Committee - Related to: Institutional Credit To SSI
·             Sodhani Committee - Related to: Foreign Exchange Markets In NRI Investment In India
·             SS Kohli Committee - Related to: Rehabilitation Of Sick Industrial Units
·             SS Kohli Committee - Related to: Rationalization Of Staff Strength In Banks
·             SS Kohli Committee - Related to: Willful Defaulters
·             SS Nadkarni Committee - Related to: Trading In Public Sector Banks
·             SS Tarapore Committee - Related to: Capital Account Convertibility
·             Sukhmoy Chakravarty Committee - Related to: To Review The Working Of Monetary System.
·             Tambe Committee - Related to: Term Loans To SSI
·             Tandon Committee - Related to: Follow Up Of Bank Credit & Export Policy
·             Thakkar Committee - Related to: Credit Schemes To Self Employed
·             Thingalaya Committee - Related to: Restructuring Of RRB
·             Tiwari Committee - Related to: Rehabilitation Of Sick Industrial Undertakings.
·             UK Sharma Committee - Related to: Lead Bank Scheme (Review)
·             Usha Thorat Panel - Related to: Financial Inclusion.
·             Vaghul Committee - Related to: Money Market, Mutual Fund Schemes
·             Varshney Committee - Related to: Revised Methods For Loans (>2 Lakhs)
·             Venketaiya Committee - Related to: Review Of Rural Financing System
·             Vipin Malik Committee - Related to: Consolidated Accounting By Banks
·             VT Dehejia Committee - Related to: To Study Credit Needs Of Industry And Trade Likely To Be Inflated
·             Vyas Committee - Related to: Rural Credit.
·             Wanchoo Committee - Related to: Direct Taxes
·             WS Saraf Committee - Related to: Technology Issues In Banking Industry.
·             Y H Malegam Committee - Related to: Disclosure Norms For Public Issues
·             YV Reddy Committee - Related to: Reforms In Small Savings.

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