Saturday 20 May 2017

Expected Descriptive Topics (Essay/Letter Writing) in SBI PO Mains 2017

Expected Essay Writing Topics for SBI PO Mains 2017:-
  1. •        Impact and Scope of GST Bill in India.
  2. •        Demonetization and its Consequences.
  3. •        The bane of NPAs in the country.
  4. •        The Current Picture of Women Empowerment in India.
  5. •        Gauge the Success of Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan.
  6. •        Ambit and Expansion of Aadhaar Card’s Scope in India.
  7. •        Consolidation of Small Banks and their Implications on Work Force.
  8. •        Can RTI eradicate corruption? If yes, then why did so many major scams take place in the past years?
  9. •        Do you think decentralization is better than centralization? If yes, then explain how.
  10. •        Do political parties have a role to play in communal riots? If yes then explain how can this be controlled?
  11. •        Reservation: A Social Boon or Bane?
  12. •        Evaluate the impact of Multi-brand retail on Indian economy.
  13. •        Comment on direct and indirect benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to companies.
  14. •        Explain how affordable and quality education can help in nation building.
  15. •        Why do private banks reap more profit ratio than public sector banks?
  16. •        Assess the role of sports activities on the economy of a country.
  17. •        Discuss OROP and its feasibility.
  18. •        What is the best way for the country to be rid of the menace of sexual harassment of women? 

Expected Letter Writing Topics in SBI PO Mains 2017:-
  1. •        Write a letter to the Editor, the Hindu, expressing your deep concern on the impact of adult graded cinemas on young minds.
  2. •        Write a letter to a student preparing for his Board Examination giving tips on healthy study habits.
  3. •        Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper commending it on an article published in it regarding Environmental awareness and adding your own views on the duty of every citizen to protect the environment.
  4. •        Letter to sibling explaining benefits of saving money for the future.
  5. •        Write a letter to your friend mentioning how to prepare for Competitive Exams.
  6. •        Write a letter to the Bank Manager seeking time for payment of EMI.
  7. •        Write a Formal Letter to the Principal requesting him to increase security for women in the college.
  8. •        Letter to an aged teacher - Thank him/her for contribution to your success as a human being.
  9. •        Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper - on cyber crimes taking place in your city & suggest measures to curb this menace.
  10. •        Letter to the Manager - Point out the haphazard manner in which files are maintained in the office & propose some innovative methods for the above. 
List of Descriptive Topics (Essay/Letter Writing) asked in Previous Year SBI PO Mains Examinations

List of Previous Years Essay Topics in SBI PO Main Exam:

  1. ·        How is Economy Related to Common Man?
  2. ·        Stopping Farmers from Committing Suicide.
  3. ·        Benefits and Drawbacks of Winning Lotteries.
  4. ·        To What Extent is Aadhaar Card Useful?
  5. ·        Comment on the Relevance of Presidential Form of Governance in India.
  6. ·        The Importance of Imparting Education in Vernacular Languages.
  7. ·        Womens Safety in the Workplace.
  8. ·        Fairness of Taxation Criteria in the India.
  9. ·        Give Ideas to Eradicate Unemployment.
  10. ·        Is Man a Prisoner of Shackles of Technology?
  11. ·        Pros and Cons of Mutual Funds Investments.
  12. ·        Is Generation Gap an Outdated Concept?
  13. ·        Monsoon Dependence of Indian Economy.
  14. ·        Ethical Issues Posed by E-commerce.
  15. ·        Creating Personal Financial Targets Early in Life.
  16. ·        Discuss the Pros and Cons of OROP.
  17. ·        The Necessary Evil Called Entrance Exams.
  18. ·        Impact of Digging Up Black Money on Indian Economy.
  19. ·        Print Medias Influence on Modern Youth.
  20. ·        Banking Industrys Future Prospects.
  21. ·        Discuss the Role Unskilled Labour Plays in India.
  22. ·        Justify the Cuts and Profits Earned by Brokers.
  23. ·        Press and Privacy Infringement.
  24. ·        The Impact of Media and Technology on Families.
  25. ·        Will India Always Remain a Developing Country?
  26. ·        If I were a Banking Industry Minister
  27. ·        Classroom Learning is More Beneficial than Distance Learning.
  28. ·        Analyse the Impacts of 10-year-old Children Owning Bank Accounts.
  29. ·        Indian Political Parties: Neither Friends Nor Foes.
  30. ·        Tourism and its Effects on Economy.
  31. ·        Has Information Technology Changed the Workplace Culture?
  32. ·        Bringing About Effective Credit Rating.
  33. ·        Prominence of Swadeshi in the Globalized Era.
  34. ·        Inflation and Stabilization in Economy.
  35. ·        Role of Uneducated Population in Indian Economy.
  36. ·        Using Animals For Scientific Research.
  37. ·        Rural Life Vs. Urbanisation.
  38. ·        Corporate Social Responsibility.
  39. ·        Role of NABARD in Indian Agro-Economy.
  40. ·        Banning of Voting Symbols by the Election Commission.

List of Letter writing - Topics Asked in Previous Year of SBI PO Mains Exam:
  1. ·        Write a letter to the bank manager to share an innovative idea on file management system in banks
  2. ·        Write a letter to the newspaper editor on how to stop crime in city
  3. ·        Write a letter to your old teacher to thank him/her for making you a good human being
  4. ·        A letter to Complaint Letter : Being a customer of a so and so bank, you have to write a complaint letter to the Bank Manager about the negligence / irresponsibility of the employees
  5. ·        Letter to Editor : About tampering the currency notes by punching pins to it.
  6. ·        An Informal Letter about telling your friend about the advantages of PPF account and suggesting him to open a PPF account.
  7. ·        You are withdrawing money from ATM but the ATM turn out to be malfunctioned. So, money didn't come out but deducted from account. Write a letter to bank manger for refund.
  8. ·        Letter to regional manager for change in bank timing as it is inconvenient for customers.
  9. ·        A Letter to Superintendent of Police raising the concern over the increased cases of theft near ATM.
  10. ·        A letter to bank for applying educational loan providing all particulars.
  11. ·        A letter to friend for encouraging and wishing him for civil service examination which he is writing for the third time.
  12. ·        A letter to editor for publishing some articles on stress management since these are exam season.
  13. ·        A letter to bank manager about the bad habit of stapling currency notes
  14. ·        A letter to friend to aware him about the importance and benefit of PPF (Public Provident Fund) account.
  15. ·        A letter to the Bank Manager for the rude behavior of one of the employee.
  16. ·        A letter to the Manager of the Bank for the Overdraft Facility which you stopped long ago with the bank.
  17. ·        Letter to Branch manager to add your daughter's name as a second nominee for your savings account.
  18. ·        Letter to your friend to avoid junk food and inform her/him about its bad consequences
  19. ·        Write a letter to your friend explaining him your retirement plan
  20. ·        Mr. Piyush applied for loan of Rs. 26 lacs but he is eligible only for Rs. 22 lacs. Write a letter as a Bank Manager telling him about the refusal of his loan in a polite manner.
  21. ·        Write a letter to a client of your bank who got a car loan from you 2 years ago and has sold it now without paying the load.
  22. ·        Write a letter to your friend sharing experience of selection in SBI PO Exam.
  23. ·        Write an application to branch manager as you have lost your receipt of term deposit which matures in next week asking him what steps needs to be taken next.
  24. ·        Write a letter to a friend who has got scholarship to study in abroad but is not willing to go as he is a single child of his parents.
  25. ·        You completed (Banking & Insurance). Write an unsolicited letter to bank manager for the job.
  26. ·        Write a letter to a friend advising him/her not to lose hope after failure in university exam.
  27. ·        Letter to the Editor about Air Pollution and giving some suggestions.
  28. ·        Write a letter to a letter to client as Manager to help him close his savings account.
  29. ·        Write a letter to the newspaper regarding loan easiness.
  30. ·        Write a letter to the bank manger reporting him about missing of debit card

List of Letter Writing - Topics Asked in SBI Associate PO Exam
  1. ·        Letter to the Editor for describing the menace of Electronic Waste
  2. ·        Letter to your DTH Operator to deactivate your connection for one month since you'll be out of station!
  3. ·        Letter to ISRO team to congratulate them about their Mars Orbitor mission
  4. ·        Letter from you (bank manager) to account holder asking him not to deactivate his debit card and provide him information about benefits of debit card
  5. ·        Letter to the BSNL Manager to Surrender your Land line Phone Number
  6. ·        Letter to a Bank Manager to open a branch in your neighbourhood
  7. ·        Letter to an Editor about your views on ever increasing crime against women.
  8. ·        Letter to a leading computer manufacturer for OS upgrade of your bank's terminals (PCs).
  9. ·        Write a letter to your Bank Manager seeking loan for a second home. Also inform him about the loan on your first home that has not been repaid fully, yet.
  11. ·        Lodge a police complaint for having lost your wallet.

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