Wednesday 14 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Day -14 -03-2018

Vocabulary of The Day -14 -03-2018

(i) Derelict (Adj.): in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.

Pronunciation: डेरलिक्ट

Hindi Translations: आवारा, जीर्ण, त्यक्त, नष्टप्राय, छोड़ा हुआ, परित्यक्त वस्तु, त्यागा हुआ, बिना मालिक का, छोड़ा हुआ, त्याग किया हुआ

Synonyms:  abandoned, neglectful, remiss, outcast, delinquent, run-down, dilapidated, ramshackle, careless, forsaken

Antonyms: beloved, careful, dependable, conscientious, responsible, salubrious, strong, good, populated, dutiful, reliable

Usage: The canal has been derelict for many years.

Meaning: नहर कई वर्षों से नष्टप्राय हो गई है।

(ii) Repulsive (Adj.): Possessing the ability to repel. So extremely ugly as to be terrifying.

Pronunciation: रिपल्सिव / रीपल्सिव

Hindi Translations: अप्रिय, अरुचिकर, घिनौना, घृणास्पद, घृणोत्पादक, डरावना, निषेधक, प्रतिकारक, भावशून्य, प्रतिघाती, पीछे हटानेवाला

Synonyms:  disgusting, offensive, repellent, loathsome, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, nauseating, abominable, foul, sickening

Antonyms: delicious, gorgeous, pleasing, attractive, pretty. tasty, inviting, delectable, magnetic

Usage: I think rats and snakes are repulsive.

Meaning: मुझे लगता है कि चूहे और सांप घिनौने हैं।

(iii) Dunk (V.): dip (bread or other food) into a drink or soup before eating it.

Pronunciation: डंक

Hindi Translations: डुबोना, डुबा देना, डुबो देना, बहुत ऊँचा कूद कर गेंद बास्केट में डालना, डुबा कर खाना, डुबाना

Synonyms:  submerge, dip, immerse, douse, plunge, souse, soak, duck, inundate, drown, saturate

Antonyms: augment, amplify, improve, raise, erect, build, elevate, enhance, grow, promote, prefer

Usage: She likes to dunk her biscuits in milk.

Meaning: वह अपने बिस्कुट को दूध में डुबोना पसंद करती है।

(iv) Sedulous (Adj.): marked by care and persistent effort.

Pronunciation: सेजलस

Hindi Translations: तत्पर, परिश्रमी, मेहनती, सरगर्म, साग्रह, अध्यवसायी, उद्योगी

Synonyms:  industrious, assiduous, diligent, persevering, persistent, tireless, hardworking, indefatigable, laborious, busy, hard-working

Antonyms: lazy

Usage: He is a sedulous worker.

Meaning: वह एक मेहनती कार्यकर्ता है।

(v) Cogent (Adj.): (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.

Pronunciation: कोजन्ट

Hindi Translations: अकाट्य, आवश्यक, ठोस, निरुत्तर, निश्चायक, पक्का, प्रभावशाली, बलवान, यक़ीनी

Synonyms:  persuasive, convincing, strong, telling, valid, compelling, forceful, powerful, effective, sound

Antonyms: weak, impotent, ineffective, feeble, invalid, incoherent, unconvincing, irrational, pointless, useless, delicate

Usage: The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

Meaning: वकील के ठोस तर्कों ने जूरी का संदेह दूर किया।

Hope this was helpful.

All the best!!!

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