Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Hindu Vocabulary 13 -03- 2018

English Vocabulary from “The Hindu Editorial”

13 -03 -2018

1). Consignors (Noun) – परेषक

Definition: a person or company that sends goods to someone, usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms: sender, shipper.

Usage: All goods are carried and stored at the risk of the consignor

2).Chinks (Noun) – दरार

Definition: a narrow opening, typically one that admits light.

Synonyms: opening, gap, space, hole, aperture, break, breach, crack, fissure,

crevice, cranny

Usage: chink in the curtains

3). Foil (Verb) – विफल करना

Definition: prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from succeeding.

Synonyms: thwart, frustrate, counter, oppose, baulk, disappoint, impede, obstruct,


Usage: a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4). Evasion (Noun) – अपवंचन

Definition: the action of evading something.

Synonyms: avoidance, dodging, eluding, elusion, sidestepping, bypassing, circumvention

Usage: their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5). Edgy (Adjective) — चिड़चिड़ापन

Definition:  tense, nervous, or irritable

Synonyms:  tense, nervous, on edge, highly strung, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy,  ill at ease

Usage: he became edgy and defensive

6). Deferred (Verb) – आस्थगित

Definition: put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.

Synonyms:  postpone, put off, adjourn, delay, hold over/off, put back, carry over

Usage: they deferred the decision until February

7). Rendering (Noun) – प्रतिपादन

Definition: give up; surrender.

Synonyms: give back, return, restore, pay back, repay, hand over

Usage: he will render up his immortal soul

8). Avenues (Noun) – रास्ते

Definition: a way of approaching a problem or making progress towards something.

Synonyms:  line, path, direction, route

Usage: three possible avenues of research suggested themselves

9). Daunting (Adjective) – कठिन

Definition: seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.

Synonyms:  intimidating, formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying

Usage: daunting task

10). Fickle (Adjective) – चंचल, मनमौजी

Definition: changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties or affections.

Synonyms: capricious, changeable, variable, volatile, mercurial, vacillating, fitful,  irregular.

Usage: celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly ficklepublic

11). Presumed (Verb) – परिकल्पित

Definition: suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.

Synonyms:  assume, suppose, dare say, imagine, take it, expect, believe, think,  surmise

Usage: presumed that the man had been escorted from the building

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