Wednesday 28 March 2018

Vocabulary 29-03-2018

1. Plucky (adjective) – Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties.

Synonyms: Brave, Courageous, Bold, Daring, Fearless, Intrepid

Antonyms: Afraid, Cowardly, Fearful, Meek, Timid

Usage: A soldier must have the plucky attitude.

2. Construe (verb) – Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.

Synonyms: interpret, Understand, Parse, Render, Elucidate, Decode

Antonyms: Misunderstand, Confuse

Usage: Even though Ellen looked at the handwritten note several times, she was unable to construe the message behind Henry’s messy text.

3. Clique (noun) – A small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.

Synonyms: Coterie, Group, Cabal, Faction, Posse

Antonyms: Individual

Usage: Elaine did not receive an invitation to Rachel’s birthday party because she is not a part of the popular clique in the college.

4. Ginormous (adjective) – Extremely large.

Synonyms: Huge, Vast, Extensive, Gigantic, Colossal, Gargantuan

Antonyms: Insignificant, Little, Miniature, Miniscule, Minute

Usage: A stadium colossal in size can hold enormous people.

5. Eloquent (adjective) – Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

Synonyms: Articulate, Facund, Expressive, Fluent

Antonyms: Dull, Inarticulate

Usage: When you listen to the eloquent person’s speech, you always understand his message.

6. Onus (noun) – Something that is one’s duty or responsibility.

Synonyms: Responsibility, Liability, Obligation, Duty

Antonyms: Exoneration, Irresponsibility

Usage: As a good teacher, I accept the onus for making sure my students learn something each day.

7. Fatuity (noun) – Pointless foolishness and stupidity

Synonyms: Absurdity, Asininity, Foolishness, Idiocy, Stupidity

Antonyms: Intelligence, Shrewdness, Wisdom, Sagacity

Usage: After receiving a windfall, the foolish man showed his fatuity by spending every dime on frivolous purchases.

8. Dote (verb) – Be extremely fond of.

Synonyms: Adore, Love dearly, Blandish, Cherish, lavish, Affection on

Antonyms: Insult, Offend, Criticize

Usage: They were looking for a babysitter who would dote on their children as much as they would.

9. Mollycoddle (verb) – Treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.

Synonyms: Pamper, Cosset, Coddle, Overindulge, Wrap in cotton wool

Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect

Usage: Being the only girl in the team, Sweety is mollycoddled by everyone.

10. Dodgy (adjective) – Dishonest or unreliable.

Synonyms: Crafty, Cunning, Dicey, Guileful, Knavish, Substandard, Low-Grade, Unsatisfactory

Antonyms: Forthright, Honest, Straightforward, Satisfactory

Wednesday 21 March 2018

About vitamins For Railway & SSC

*विटामिन संबंधी महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य*

• *विटामिन* - 'A'
रासायनिक नाम : रेटिनाॅल
कमी से रोग: रतौंधी
स्त्रोत (Source): गाजर, दूध, अण्डा, फल

• *विटामिन* - 'B1'
रासायनिक नाम: थायमिन
कमी से रोग: बेरी-बेरी
स्त्रोत (Source): मुंगफली, आलू, सब्जीयाँ

• *विटामिन* - 'B2'
रासायनिक नाम: राइबोफ्लेबिन
कमी से रोग: त्वचा फटना, आँख का रोग
स्त्रोत (Source): अण्डा, दूध, हरी सब्जियाँ

• *विटामिन* - 'B3'
रासायनिक नाम: पैण्टोथेनिक अम्ल
कमी से रोग: पैरों में जलन, बाल सफेद
स्त्रोत (Source): मांस, दूध, टमाटर, मंूगफली

• *विटामिन* - 'B5'
रासायनिक नाम: निकोटिनेमाइड (नियासिन)
कमी से रोग: मासिक विकार (पेलाग्रा)
स्त्रोत (Source): मांस, मूंगफली, आलू

• *विटामिन* - 'B6'
रासायनिक नाम: पाइरीडाॅक्सिन
कमी से रोग: एनीमिया, त्वचा रोग
स्त्रोत (Source): दूध, मांस, सब्जी

• *विटामिन* - 'H / B7'
रासायनिक नाम: बायोटिन
कमी से रोग: बालों का गिरना , चर्म रोग
स्त्रोत (Source): यीस्ट, गेहूँ, अण्डा

• *विटामिन* - 'B12'
रासायनिक नाम: सायनोकोबालमिन
कमी से रोग: एनीमिया, पाण्डू रोग
स्त्रोत (Source): मांस, कजेली, दूध

• *विटामिन* - 'C'
रासायनिक नाम: एस्कार्बिक एसिड
कमी से रोग: स्कर्वी, मसूड़ों का फुलना
स्त्रोत (Source): आँवला, नींबू, संतरा, नारंगी

• *विटामिन* - 'D'
रासायनिक नाम: कैल्सिफेराॅल
कमी से रोग: रिकेट्स
स्त्रोत (Source): सूर्य का प्रकाश, दूध, अण्डा

• *विटामिन* - 'E'
रासायनिक नाम: टेकोफेराॅल
कमी से रोग: जनन शक्ति का कम होना
स्त्रोत (Source): हरी सब्जी, मक्खन, दूध

• *विटामिन* - 'K'
रासायनिक नाम: फिलोक्वीनाॅन
कमी से रोग: रक्त का थक्का न बनना
स्त्रोत (Source): टमाटर, हरी सब्जियाँ, दूध।

Friday 16 March 2018

Reasoning for SBI Clek 2018

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

निम्नलिखित जानकारी को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये.

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are sitting around the table, and all of them are facing the center. All of them like different colors ie red, yellow, white, black, pink, purple, orange and green but not necessarily in this order. Two people are sitting on each side of the table. According to the character sequence, no two consecutive people have not sat together. Example: A is not sitting next to B (adjacent); Similarly, B is not adjacent to C and so on.

A, G is sitting on the third spot from the left side of the green color. Only one person is sitting between A and C. The person who likes white color sitting in the second place from the right of C Only one person is sitting between A and H. Only one person is sitting between the B and F who like the pink color. The person who likes red and orange colors are sitting on the same side. E likes neither red nor orange color. Three people are sitting between a black and red person. C does not like black color.A, G The person who likes yellow color is not sitting adjacent to F.

आठ व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H एक आयातकार मेज के चारो ओर बैठे हैं, और उन सभी का मुख केंद्र की ओर है. उन सभी को विभिन्न रंग पसंद है अर्थात लाल, पीला, सफेद, काला, गुलाबी, बैंगनी, नारंगी और हरा लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं की इसी क्रम में हो. दो व्यक्ति मेज की प्रत्येक भुजा पर बैठे हैं. वर्ण क्रम के अनुसार कोई भी दो क्रमागत व्यक्ति एकसाथ नहीं बैठे हैं. उदाहरण: A, B के अगले स्थान (आसन्न) पर नहीं बैठा; इसी प्रकार B, C के आसन्न नहीं बैठा है और इसी प्रकार आगे.

जिसे हरा रंग पंसद है उसके बाएं से तीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है. A और C के मध्य केवल एक व्यक्ति बैठा है. वह व्यक्ति जिसे सफ़ेद रंग पसंद है वह C के दायें से दूसरे स्थान पर बैठा. A और H के मध्य केवल एक व्यक्ति बैठा है. B और F जिसे गुलाबी रंग पसंद है उनके मध्य केवल एक व्यक्ति बैठा है. वह व्यक्ति जिन्हें लाल और नारंगी रंग पसंद है वे समान भुजा पर बैठे हैं. E को न तो लाल न ही नारंगी रंग पसंद है. तीन व्यक्ति काला और लाल पसंद करने वाले व्यक्ति के मध्य बैठे हैं. C को काला रंग पसंद नहीं है. वह व्यक्ति जिसे पीला रंग पसंद है वह F के आसन्न नहीं बैठा है.

Question (1) Who is sitting at the third place from the left of C?

C के बाएं से तीसरे स्थान पर कौन बैठा है?



(c) F


(e) B

Question (2) Who is sitting in front of D?

D के विपरीत कौन बैठा है?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) F

(d) E

(e )B

Question (3) Which of the following is the yellow color choice

निम्नलिखित में से किसे पीला रंग पसंद है

(a) E

(b) D

(c) C

(d) B

(e) A

Question (4) Which of the following is the black color choice?

निम्नलिखित में से किसे काला रंग पसंद है?

(a) E

(b) D

(c) C

(d) B

(e) A

Question (5).Which of the following is sitting at the third place from the left of A?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन A के बाएं से तीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है?

(a) B

(b) C

(c) D

(d) E

(e) F

All Solution (1-5):

1. Ans.(c)

2. Ans.(c)

3. Ans.(c)

4. Ans.(a)

5. Ans.(a)

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Day -14 -03-2018

Vocabulary of The Day -14 -03-2018

(i) Derelict (Adj.): in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.

Pronunciation: डेरलिक्ट

Hindi Translations: आवारा, जीर्ण, त्यक्त, नष्टप्राय, छोड़ा हुआ, परित्यक्त वस्तु, त्यागा हुआ, बिना मालिक का, छोड़ा हुआ, त्याग किया हुआ

Synonyms:  abandoned, neglectful, remiss, outcast, delinquent, run-down, dilapidated, ramshackle, careless, forsaken

Antonyms: beloved, careful, dependable, conscientious, responsible, salubrious, strong, good, populated, dutiful, reliable

Usage: The canal has been derelict for many years.

Meaning: नहर कई वर्षों से नष्टप्राय हो गई है।

(ii) Repulsive (Adj.): Possessing the ability to repel. So extremely ugly as to be terrifying.

Pronunciation: रिपल्सिव / रीपल्सिव

Hindi Translations: अप्रिय, अरुचिकर, घिनौना, घृणास्पद, घृणोत्पादक, डरावना, निषेधक, प्रतिकारक, भावशून्य, प्रतिघाती, पीछे हटानेवाला

Synonyms:  disgusting, offensive, repellent, loathsome, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, nauseating, abominable, foul, sickening

Antonyms: delicious, gorgeous, pleasing, attractive, pretty. tasty, inviting, delectable, magnetic

Usage: I think rats and snakes are repulsive.

Meaning: मुझे लगता है कि चूहे और सांप घिनौने हैं।

(iii) Dunk (V.): dip (bread or other food) into a drink or soup before eating it.

Pronunciation: डंक

Hindi Translations: डुबोना, डुबा देना, डुबो देना, बहुत ऊँचा कूद कर गेंद बास्केट में डालना, डुबा कर खाना, डुबाना

Synonyms:  submerge, dip, immerse, douse, plunge, souse, soak, duck, inundate, drown, saturate

Antonyms: augment, amplify, improve, raise, erect, build, elevate, enhance, grow, promote, prefer

Usage: She likes to dunk her biscuits in milk.

Meaning: वह अपने बिस्कुट को दूध में डुबोना पसंद करती है।

(iv) Sedulous (Adj.): marked by care and persistent effort.

Pronunciation: सेजलस

Hindi Translations: तत्पर, परिश्रमी, मेहनती, सरगर्म, साग्रह, अध्यवसायी, उद्योगी

Synonyms:  industrious, assiduous, diligent, persevering, persistent, tireless, hardworking, indefatigable, laborious, busy, hard-working

Antonyms: lazy

Usage: He is a sedulous worker.

Meaning: वह एक मेहनती कार्यकर्ता है।

(v) Cogent (Adj.): (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.

Pronunciation: कोजन्ट

Hindi Translations: अकाट्य, आवश्यक, ठोस, निरुत्तर, निश्चायक, पक्का, प्रभावशाली, बलवान, यक़ीनी

Synonyms:  persuasive, convincing, strong, telling, valid, compelling, forceful, powerful, effective, sound

Antonyms: weak, impotent, ineffective, feeble, invalid, incoherent, unconvincing, irrational, pointless, useless, delicate

Usage: The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

Meaning: वकील के ठोस तर्कों ने जूरी का संदेह दूर किया।

Hope this was helpful.

All the best!!!

Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Hindu Vocabulary 13 -03- 2018

English Vocabulary from “The Hindu Editorial”

13 -03 -2018

1). Consignors (Noun) – परेषक

Definition: a person or company that sends goods to someone, usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms: sender, shipper.

Usage: All goods are carried and stored at the risk of the consignor

2).Chinks (Noun) – दरार

Definition: a narrow opening, typically one that admits light.

Synonyms: opening, gap, space, hole, aperture, break, breach, crack, fissure,

crevice, cranny

Usage: chink in the curtains

3). Foil (Verb) – विफल करना

Definition: prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from succeeding.

Synonyms: thwart, frustrate, counter, oppose, baulk, disappoint, impede, obstruct,


Usage: a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4). Evasion (Noun) – अपवंचन

Definition: the action of evading something.

Synonyms: avoidance, dodging, eluding, elusion, sidestepping, bypassing, circumvention

Usage: their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5). Edgy (Adjective) — चिड़चिड़ापन

Definition:  tense, nervous, or irritable

Synonyms:  tense, nervous, on edge, highly strung, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy,  ill at ease

Usage: he became edgy and defensive

6). Deferred (Verb) – आस्थगित

Definition: put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.

Synonyms:  postpone, put off, adjourn, delay, hold over/off, put back, carry over

Usage: they deferred the decision until February

7). Rendering (Noun) – प्रतिपादन

Definition: give up; surrender.

Synonyms: give back, return, restore, pay back, repay, hand over

Usage: he will render up his immortal soul

8). Avenues (Noun) – रास्ते

Definition: a way of approaching a problem or making progress towards something.

Synonyms:  line, path, direction, route

Usage: three possible avenues of research suggested themselves

9). Daunting (Adjective) – कठिन

Definition: seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.

Synonyms:  intimidating, formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying

Usage: daunting task

10). Fickle (Adjective) – चंचल, मनमौजी

Definition: changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties or affections.

Synonyms: capricious, changeable, variable, volatile, mercurial, vacillating, fitful,  irregular.

Usage: celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly ficklepublic

11). Presumed (Verb) – परिकल्पित

Definition: suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.

Synonyms:  assume, suppose, dare say, imagine, take it, expect, believe, think,  surmise

Usage: presumed that the man had been escorted from the building

Monday 12 March 2018

Current Affairs. (February 1st Week)

1. NASA has launched its first science mission named _______to study the region where Earth’s uppermost atmosphere meets the outer space.



GOLD (correct)


2. Name the first Indian metro city to unveil first-of-its-kind floating market of the country




Kolkata (correct)

3. The Agra Municipal Corporation has released the logo of Smart City Agra featuring Taj Mahal along with ______


Lotus Flower

Peacock Feather (correct)

National Flag

4. Who is the author of the newly launched book titled, Dilli Meri Dilli: Before and After 1998?

Sushma Swaraj

Sheila Dikshit (correct)

Chaudhary Brahm Prakash

Madan Lal Khurana

5. Name the India’s first indigenously developed vaccine which has received the “pre-qualified” tag by the World Health Organisation

Rubevac Vaccine

Norovac Vaccine

Pneumovac Vaccine

Rotavac Vaccine (correct)

6. Name the winner of the women’s single title at the Australian Open 2018

Simona Halep

Flavia Pennetta

Jana Novotna

Caroline Wozniacki (correct)

7. Name the documentary movie to win the US Grand Jury Prize at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival

This Is Home

Of Fathers and Sons

The Sentence

Kailash (correct)

8. Which among the given has received the best Album of the Year award at the 60th Annual Grammy Awards?



24K Magic (correct)


9. The inaugural India Open Boxing Tournament was organized in which city?




New Delhi (correct)

10. In a bid to expand its reach into the hyperlocal news, Google has introduced a new app named ______ to enable the users to submit stories for and about their communities.



Bulletin (correct)


11. Which state will host the International Bird Festival 2018 in February 2018?

Uttar Pradesh (correct)

Madhya Pradesh



12. Which among the given years has been proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be declared as the ASEAN-India Year of Tourism?


2019 (correct)



13. The government of Assam has recently unveiledpostage stamp on legendary sportsperson Dr Talimeren Ao to mark his birth centenary. He was a noted player of which sports?

Football (correct)




14. The maiden military exercise named VINBAX between the Armies of India and Vietnam is being held in which state of India?



Madhya Pradesh (correct)


15. Name the newly appointed Election Commissioner (EC) of India

Vijay Kelkar

Rajiv Mehrishi

Ashok Lavasa  (correct)

Hasmukh Adhia

Important English Vocabulary from “The Economist”

Important English Vocabulary from “The Economist”


1). Aesthetic (Adj) 
Definition: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
Usage: The pictures give great aesthetic pleasure.

3). Whopping (Adj) 
Definition: very large.
Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large,
Usage: They made a whopping $74 million loss.

4). Scour (Verb) 3rd person present: scours
Definition: clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent.
Synonyms: scrub, rub, clean, wash, cleanse, wipe; polish
Usage: She scoured the cooker and cleaned out the kitchen cupboards.

5). Imminent (Adj) 
Definition: about to happen.
Synonyms: impending, at hand, close, near, approaching
Usage: There was speculation that a ceasefire was imminent.

6). Dismay (Verb) 
Definition: cause (someone) to feel concern and distress.
Synonyms: appal, horrify, shock, shake, shake up; disconcert
Usage: He was dismayed by the change in his old friend.

7). Incredulous (Adj) 
Definition: (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
Synonyms: disbelieving, unbelieving, doubtful, dubious, unconvinced
Usage: He was frankly incredulous when told the cost.

8). Stingy (Adj) 
Definition: mean; ungenerous.
Synonyms: mean, miserly, parsimonious, niggardly, close-fisted
Usage: His boss is stingy and idle.

9). Procurement (Noun) 
Definition: the action of obtaining or procuring something.
Usage: Financial assistance for the procurement of legal advice.

10). Outrage (Noun) 
Definition: an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.
Synonyms: indignation, fury, anger, rage, disapproval, wrath
Usage: There was widespread public outrage at the proposal.

11). Countervail (Verb) 
Definition: offset the effect of (something) by countering it with something of equal force.
Usage: The dominance of the party was mediated by a number of countervailing factors.

12). Acrimonious (Adj) 
Definition: (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.
Synonyms: bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic
Usage: They had a heated and acrimonious discussion.

13). Contentious (Adj) 
Definition: causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, contended
Usage: The contentious issue of abortion.

14). Presumably (Adv) 
Definition: used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.
Synonyms: I assume, I expect, I believe, I presume, I take it, I suppose, I imagine
Usage: It was not yet ten o’clock, so presumably the boys were still at the pub.

15). Squeal (Noun) 
Definition: a long, high-pitched cry or noise.
Synonyms: screech, scream, shriek, squawk, howl, cry
Usage: They drew up with a squeal of brakes.

16). Topsy-Turvy (Adj & Adv) 
Definition: upside down.
Synonyms: upside down, wrong side up, head over heels
Usage: The fairground ride turned riders topsy-turvy.

Saturday 10 March 2018

Number series For SBI Clerk 2018

Directions (Q. 1-10): Find the next number in the place of question mark (?) in the following number series.

1.     4 ,   13,     54,     273,      1642,       ?

1) 10432
2) 10968
3) 11120
4) 11499
5) 11562

2.     3,    14,     66,      312,      1640,         ?

1) 9950
2) 9960
3) 9970
4) 9980
5) 9990

3.   3,    8,    16,    15,     42,      29,      81,     ?
1) 50
2) 54
3) 72
4) 78
5) 96

4.    6,    42,   114,      258,        546,        ?

1) 1116
2) 1118
3) 1120
4) 1122
5) 1124

5.   484,   729,   1024,  1369,  1764,     ?

1) 2204
2) 2206
3) 2209
4) 2212
5) 2215

6.  27     76   272      713    1497      ?

1) 2720
2) 2721
3) 2722
4) 2723
5) 2724

7.   68   216    444    752     1140      ?

1) 1600
2) 1602
3) 1604
4) 1606
5) 1608

8.   7    14   35    78     151    262           ?

1) 417
2) 419
3) 421
4) 423
5) 425

9. 3    35     99    195    323     483      ?

1) 645
2) 655
3) 665
4) 675
5) 685

10. . 5     7    19    49   105    195     ?
1) 323
2) 325
3) 327
4) 329
5) 331

Current Affairs One liner March 2018 (1st to 10th)

Current Affairs – 01/03/2018

1. How much amount has been approved by the Government of India to support the development of the Champion Sectorsproposed by the Department of Commerce? – Rs 5000 crore

2. A group of scientists is working to built first of its kind, mobile phone network for Moon by which year? – 2019

3. The Health Ministry has recently launched afree viral load test for which disease? – HIV

4. Name the sports star who has created history by becoming the most decorated winner in the history of Laureus World Sports Awardsin the 2018 event – Roger Federer

5. The Central Government has sanctioned fundabove Rs 700 crore for the construction of roads and bridges in which state? – Arunachal Pradesh

6. The government of which state has given green signal to the death penalty for rape of minor aged 12 or less? – Haryana

7. Surya Kiran is a joint military training exercise of India and ___________ – Nepal

8. The Chilika lake has emerged as the single largest habitat of Irrawaddy dolphins in the world. The lake is located in which state? – Odisha

9. Which team has won the 2017-18 Vijay Hazare Trophy? – Karnataka

10. What was the theme of the 2018 National Science Day? – Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future

Current Affairs – 02/03/2018

1. Recently, a pair of futuristic superheroeswere launched as the mascot for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The event will take place in which city? – Tokyo

2. Which state government has launched a mobile App named T App Folio to offer a single point of access for all government services to the citizens? – Telangana

3. The 27th Technological Conference of Indian Jute Industries’ Research Association (IJIRA)on Shaping the Future of Jute was held in which city? – Kolkata

4. Who has been appointed as the new secretary of Higher Education? – R Subrahmanyam

5. Which country has inked a trilateral agreement with India and Bangladesh for the construction of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh? – Russia

6. Arabinda Muduli passed away recently. He was a renowned Bhajan singer of which language? – Odia

7. Which mobile company has launched world’s first 5G commercial chip named Balong 5G01? – Huawei

Current Affairs – 03/03/2018

1. The state government of Maharashtra has collaborated with whom for promoting the Marathi language? – Wikipedia

2. Which bank has signed an agreement with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for financial support to MSMEs in North Eastern India? – Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank)

3. The Cabinet has approved setting up of the NFRA as an independent regulator for the auditing profession. What is the full form of NFRA? – National Financial Reporting Authority

4. Which state has launched a 24 X 7 toll-free helpline number to provide guidance and information related to education to the students? – Tamil Nadu

5. Which country has topped the Hurun’s Global Rich List 2018? – China

6. Which ministries has launched a competition for the design of a logo and tagline for the Ayushman Bharat programme? – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

7. The first phase of the world’s largest 2000 MW solar park named Shakti Sthala has been inaugurated in which state recently? –Karnataka

8. Who has been appointed as the new MD & CEO of SBI Life Insurance Co? – Sanjeev Nautiyal

9. When is the World Wildlife Day observed? – March 3

10. What was the theme of the 2018 World Wild Life Day? – Big cats – predators under threat

Current Affairs – 04/03/2018

1. Who has been conferred with the lifetime achievement award at the United Kingdom’s annual Political and Public Life Awards? – Shatrughan Sinha

2. Which country has won the inaugural IBSF Snooker Team World Cup? – India

3. Veteran politician Khagendra Jamataiapassed away recently. He served as the minister of which state? – Tripura

4. Name the first Indian female wrestler to win the gold medal at the Asian Wrestling Championships recently? – Babita Kumari

Current Affairs – 05/03/2018

1. Ama Gaon, Ama Vikas programme on Panchayatiraj has been launched by which state? – Odisha

2. Prafulla Das passed away recently. He was a renowned ________ – Literateur

3. Name the gold medal winner of the ISSF World Cup in the men’s 10 m air pistol event? – Shahzar Rizvi

4. Mukul Sangma has recently resigned from the post of the Chief Minister of which state? – Meghalaya

5. Javed Abidi died of health issues. He was one of the first activists of _______ movement in India – Disability

6. Davide Astori who died recently was related with which sports? – Football

Current Affairs – 06/03/2018

1. Who is the author of the book titled ‘How to be a Human’, launched by Aamir Khan? – Manjeet Hirani, wife of Rajkumar Hirani

2. Who has been nominated as the new Chief Minister of Meghalaya? – Conrad Sangma

3. The 2018 edition of FICCI Frame was held in which city? – Mumbai

4. Name the winner of the rapid event at the 11th Tal Memorial Chess Tournament – Viswanathan Anand

5. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently imposed a monetary penalty of Rs 2 crore on which bank over non-compliance with KYC norms? – Indian Overseas Bank

6. On which bank, RBI has imposed a fine of Rs 3 crore recently for violation of non-performing asset (NPA) classification norms? – Axis Bank

7. The 29th edition of the annual International Yoga Festival (IYF) was organized in which state? – Uttarakhand

8. Shigmotsav is a popular spring festival celebrated in which Indian state? – Goa

9. Name the first country in the World to launch its own crypto-currency as legal tender in a bid to raise money? – Marshall Islands

10. The magazine titled ‘Namaste Shalom’ on India-Israel bilateral relations was launched recently. Who has edited and compiled the magazine? – Tarun Vijay

Current Affairs – 07/03/2018

1. How much amount of fund has been approved by the government under the Nirbhaya fund for the safety of women in 8 major cities? – Rs 2,900 crore

2. Who has been appointed as the new Chief Minister of Nagaland? – Neiphiu Rio

3. Name the President of Vietnam who was on 3 days visit to India for various bilateral conversations? – Tran Dai Quang

4. Who won the best picture award at the 90th Academy Awards? – The shape of water

5. How much amount has been sanctioned under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme of Ministry of Tourism? – Rs. 5638.87 crore

6. Which private sector lender has launched first of its kind home loan linked to government’s T-Bill? – Citi India

7. Name the Indian city to launch India’s first helicopter taxi service? – Bengaluru

8. Which region observed the silver jubilee of the Losar Festival recently? – Itanagar

9. Who has been appointed as the new President of Armenia? – Armen Sarkisian

10. Nargis Rabadi, well known as Shammi aunty passed away at 89. She was a veteran _______ – Actress

Current Affairs – 08/03/2018

1. Name the mobile app launched by the Union Government for the Highway users in New Delhi – Sukhad Yatra

2. Name the US state which has become the first such state to enact its own net-neutrality law – Wahington

3. Who has emerged as the top-ranked Indianin the 2018 World Billionaire List? – Mukesh Ambani

4. The 2018 World ATM Congress (WATMC) is being held in which country? – Spain

5. Name the Indian Airports which have been ranked as the world’s best airport in handling over 40 million passengers annually as per the Airports Council International (ACI) report – Mumbai & Delhi

6. According to the Forbes’ 2018 ‘World’s Billionaires’ report, who has topped the list as the world’s wealthiest person? – Jeff Bezos

7. Who has emerged as the youngest Indian billionaire according to the 2018 Forbes World’s Billionaire list? – Vijay Shekhar Sharma

Current Affairs – 09/03/2018

1. Which bodies has tied up with NITI Aayog to launch the Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) initiative? – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)

2. Recently, the government of India has sanctioned an agreement with UN for re-construction of earthquake-hit homes in which country? – Nepal

3. On the eve of Women’s Day, the Government of India has launched biodegradable sanitary napkins under the name ______ – Suvidha

4. Recently, Justice Gita Mittal has been conferred with the 2017 Nari Shakti Puraskar. She is the acting Chief Justice of which High Court? – Delhi High Court

5. Who has been honored with the 2018 Pritzker Prize? – Balkrishna Doshi

6. What is the theme of the International Women’s Day 2018? – Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives

7. Which IT firms has been named as the world’s fastest growing IT services brand in 2018, according to the report of leading brand valuation firm, Brand Finance? – Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

8. The government of Karnataka has recently unveiled its new tricolor state flag. Which colors are not included in the flag? – red, white and yellow

9. Udyam Sakhi Portal has been launched by which ministry for women entrepreneurs of India? – Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME)

Current Affairs – 10/03/2018

1. Name the President of France who was on a visit to India for strengthening the bilateral relation? – Emmanuel Macron

2. The Swachh Shakti 2018 was held in which city on the occasion of International Women’s Day? – Lucknow

3. The book titled Fulfilling Bapu’s Dreams – Prime Minister Modi’s Tribute to Gandhiji was launched recently. The book is written and published by ____________ – Bluekraft Digital Foundation

4. Which Union Territory has become the first UT of India to be 100% solar power efficient? – Diu

5. Who has been appointed as the first Indian brand ambassador of Uber? – Virat Kohli

6. Name the railway station of Bengaluru which became an all-women-run railway station of the city on the occasion of International Women’s Day? – Banaswadi

7. What was the theme of the World Kidney Day 2018? – Kidneys and Women’s Health

Reasoning For SBI Clerk

Directions(1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Here are some statements with some conclusions. You have to choose which conclusion is suitable for the given statements from the given five options.

a)if only conclusion I follows.
b)if only conclusion II follows.
c)if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
d)if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
e)if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.

1. Statements:
R ≥ S ≥ T > U > X,
T < V < W
I.R > X
II.X < W

2. Statements:
E = F < G < H,
G ≥ I
I.H > I
II.E ≥ I

3. Statements:
A > B > F > C,
D > E > C
I.C < A
II.B > D

4. Statements:
K ≤ L ≤ M = N,
P ≥ O ≥ M
I.K < P
II.K = P

5. Statements:
D < E < F < G,
K > F
I.K ≤ G
II.K > D

Directions (6-8): In the given questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the given four conclusions numbered I, II and III is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

6. Statements:
W ≥ P,
P > G,
G < I,
I ≤ N
I.I > P
II.N ≤ W
a)Only III is true
b)Only I and II are true
c)All are true
d)None is true
e)None of these

7. Statements: 
U < D,
D = S,
S > Y,
Y ≥ W,
I.S > W
II.D > W
a)Only III is true
b)Only I and II are true
c)All are true
d)None is true
e)None of these

8. Statements: 
A > N,
K ≥ N,
K = M,
R > M,
I.M = N
II.M = K
a)Only III is true
b)Only I is true
c)All are true
d)None is true
e)None of these

Directions(9-13): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.(meaning of the symbols is given below)

‘P © Q’ means ‘P is either equal to or greater than Q’
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is either equal to or smaller than Q’
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’
‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’

Now choose your answer from the following five options.
(a) if only Conclusion I is true.
(b) if only Conclusion II is true.
(c) if either Conclusion I or II is true.
(d) if neither Conclusion I nor II is true.
(e) if both Conclusions I and II are true.

9. Statements: 
L * M,
M $ N,
N % K
I.K @ L
II.L * N

10. Statements: 
A © B,
B @ C,
C * D
I.D © B
II.C % A

11. Statements: 
H % G,
G © F,
F * E
I.F % H
II.G © E

12. Statements: 
R @ S,
S © T,
T $ V
I.R @ T
II.V * S

13. Statements: 
W * X,
X @ Y,
Y % Z
I.W % Y
II.Z @ W

Monday 5 March 2018

Vocabulary Power

1). Brutalize
Meaning: attack, abuse, assault, beat, thump, pummel, pound
Definition: treat (someone) in a savage and violent way
Usage: They brutalize and torture persons in their custody.

2). Cantankerous
Meaning: irritable, cross, fraction, testy, touchy
Definition: bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative.
Usage: He can be a cantankerous old fossil at times.

3). Obstacle
Meaning: Barrier, hurdle, stumbling block, bar, block, problem, deterrent, handicap
Definition: a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.
Usage: The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money.

4). Trite
Meaning: hackneyed, banal, cliched, vapid, ordinary
Definition: (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or freshness; dull on account of overuse.
Usage: This point may now seem obvious and trite.

5). Derision
Meaning: Mockery, ridicule, jeering, sneers, scoffing
Definition: contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
Usage: My stories were greeted with derision and disbelief.

6). Meandering
Meaning: winding, windy, zigzag, turning, curving, twisting, snaky
Definition: following a winding course.
Usage: Meandering rivers flow at vastly different rates.

7). Fervent
Meaning: impassioned, intense, ardent, sincere, feeling, heartfelt
Definition: having or displaying a passionate intensity.
Usage: A fervent supporter of the revolution.

8). Florid
Meaning: ruby, red, rosy, red faced, pinkish
Definition: having a red or flushed complexion.
Usage: A stout man with a florid face.

9). Unanimity
Meaning: agreement, accord, concord, unity, union, solidarity
Definition: agreement by all people involved; consensus.
Usage: There is almost complete unanimity on this issue.

10). Vice
Meaning: immorality, wrong, badness, wickedness, evil, impurity
Definition: immoral or wicked behaviour.
Usage: An open sewer of vice and crime.

Sunday 4 March 2018

GA Question Asked In Canara Bank PGDBF 2018

Canara Bank PGDBF 2nd  Shift

4th March. 2018

Q1Where is the capital of Nagaland- Kohima
Q2Where is the headquarters of Citibank- New York, USA
Q3Name the cricketer who has received Padam bhusan Award 2018- Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Q4Who has won ICC cricketer of the year- Virat Kohli
Q5One question related to IFSC code
Q6What is the meaning of "M" in MSF- Marginal (Marginal Standing Facility)
Q7What is on reverse side in new rs 50 notes- motif of Hampi with Chariot
Q8Unstoppable: My Life So Far is autobiography of- Maria Sharapova
Q9Which country is not a member of BIMSTEC?
Q10JSCA International Stadium Complex in- Ranchi
Q11Who was Supriya Devi- Indian Bengali actress 
Q12Maximum limit of Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA)- Rs 1 lakh
Q13Chamera III Hydroelectric Power Plant sitiated in- Himachal Pradesh
Q14. Badrinath temple situated on the bank of which river- Alaknanda River
Q15Every year 3rd March celebrated as- World Wildlife Day
Q16Where is Balpakram National Park- Meghalaya
Q17What is the meaning of "I" in IDFC Bank- Infrastructure (Infrastructure Development Finance Company)
Q18What is the size of 10rs note- 123mm*63mm
Q19Which country will host the Women's World T20- West Indies
Q20Nokrek National Park situated in- Meghalaya
Q21Ajanta Cave Temple situated in- Maharashtra
Q22. Small Bank and Payment Bank can not- Term Deposit
Q23National Voters' Day is observed on January 25 and this year, National Voters' Day theme is- Accessible Elections

GA Question Asked In Canara Bank PGDBF 2018

Canara Bank PGDBF Morning Shift

4th March. 2018

Q1. Which is a BIMSTEC member country- Myanmar
Q2. 25th December celebrated as good governance day in the birthday of- Atal Bihari Bajpai
Q3Paytm partner with whom for fixed deposit- IndusInd Bank
Q4. What is amount of PMJJY- Rs.330
Q5Prague is capital of which country- Czech Republic
Q6Every year 13th February celebrated as- World Radio day
Q7. Who is president of Liberia- George Weah
Q8. Prime Minister has inaugurated Rajasthan refinery in- Barmer
Q9. In which state Somasila Dam located- Andhra Pradesh
Q10Imperfect is autobiography of- Sanjay Manjrekar
Q11Name the Bank, which has crossed 5bn market share- HDFC Bank
Q12. Paytm partner with whom for fixed deposit- IndusInd Bank
Q13. Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) started in which year- 2011-12
Q14. Where is the headquarters of Catholic Syrian Bank- Kerela
Q15. L&T Shipbuilding in-Tamil Nadu
Q16. One question asked from Door to door step rbi policy for senior age.
Q17. HPCL and Rajasthan mou in which district- Barmer
Q18. Aanchal Thakur is an Indian- Female alpine skie
Q19. Which country has won 2018 Blind Cricket World Cup- India
Q20What is the meaning of "C" in CRR- Cash (Cash Reseve Ratio)
Q21. What is the meaning of "S" in SWIFT- Society (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)
Q22. Highest FDI in India from which country- Mauritius
Q23. Which country has emerged as the top borrower from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)- India
Q24. Name the river near Taj Mahal- Yamuna
Q25. 'Naseem Al Bahr', a Naval Exercise between- Indian & Oman
Q26. One question asked from soild or mutilated notes

Friday 2 March 2018

The hindu vocabulary 02-03-2018

English Vocabulary from “The Hindu Editorial

March 2, 2018

Buoyant again

But this GDP growth coincides with higher public spending, which risks fanning inflation

The latest economic data from the Central Statistics Office reveal that India’s GDP expanded at a brisk 7.2% pace in the three months ended December, an acceleration from the 6.5% posted in the second quarter. On the face of it, the numbers are cause for cheer and optimism, with gross fixed capital formation, a key measure of investment demand, showing a healthy improvement. Sectoral gross value added (GVA) figures also reflect a broad-based pickup in activity from the preceding quarter. The only three laggards last quarter were mining; utility services (including electricity, gas, and water supply); and trade, hotels, transport and communication services. The contraction in mining is of particular concern. The October-December quarter in 2016 was, however, the period when  the Centre implemented the widely disruptive demonetisation of high-value currency notes, and  so one has to bear in mind the base effect on the latest third-quarter data. Also, the CSO’s second advance estimates of national income for the full financial year are a lot more sobering. Both GDP and GVA growth estimates for 2017- 18 have been revised upwards from the first-cut projections made in early January — GDP growth to 6.6% from 6.5% earlier as a result of GVA expansion being lifted to 6.4%  from January’s 6.1%. But the assumption for increase in net taxes has been pared, reflecting the struggle to ensure buoyancy in GST revenue collections. A study of the full-year projections reveals the pressure points. The same sectoral GVA data that at a quarterly level appeared to give promise of a more enduring recovery show momentum in five of the eight sectors decelerating. Of particular concern are the farm sector, where growth is set to slow to 3% from 6.3% in the previous fiscal; and manufacturing where the pace is expected to ease to 5.1% from 7.9% in the revised estimate for 2016-17. The latest Index of  Industrial Production numbers that show manufacturing in April-December still  significantly  lagging  behind  the  previous  nine-month period, as also the Nikkei India Manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index that shows growth in the sector slowed to a four-month low in February, add to concerns about manufacturing. With private final consumption expenditure, a crucial driver of economic momentum, still to gain traction over the full financial year, it is increased government spending that has undergirded the expansion. Here lies the rub. The leeway for more pump priming is restricted as fiscal deficit at the end of January has already exceeded 113% of the revised estimate for the full year. Any more profligacy by the government risks threatening price stability. With the banking sector beset by bad loans and increased scrutiny on lending in the wake of frauds, and exporters still to make the most of the revival in global trade demand, the economy is not yet out of the woods.

War and peace

Kabul extends a peace proposal to the Taliban. But will it be accepted?

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s offer of talks with the Taliban is the most comprehensive peace proposal to have come from Kabul since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Speaking at the Kabul Process, a two-day security conference in the city with more than 20 countries including India represented, Mr.Ghani promised to recognize the Taliban as a political party, called for confidence-building measures and asked them to recognize the Kabul regime and the constitution. The Taliban was told to open an office in Kabul; passports and freedom of travel were offered to those involved in negotiations. This is not the first official attempt to make peace with the Taliban.  In July 2015, Taliban and Afghan government representatives held talks in Pakistan. But the talks collapsed when it emerged that Taliban leader Mullah Omar had died two years earlier. Ever since, the Taliban has stepped up its violent campaign, killing thousands. This time the difference is that the Afghan government has come up with a seven-point plan of engagement with the Taliban and invited the group for talks without preconditions: the previous formulation was that the Taliban should choose between war and peace. Mr.Ghani has not set any time limit for the Taliban to respond. He has said the views and proposals of the Taliban would be considered, thereby lobbing the ball into the Taliban’s court. Mr.Ghani’s offer comes a month after U.S. President Donald Trump ruled out talks with the Taliban. The Trump administration has also committed more troops to Afghanistan. But given how much Kabul relies on the

U.S. for support, it is unlikely that Mr. Ghani would have made such a significant offer to the Taliban without U.S. consent. The reason could be desperation. After more than 16 years of war, the Afghan government is helplessly watching the Taliban spread its influence across rural areas. In the east, the Islamic State has gained ground. Over the years the U.S. had tried tacticsincluding a troops surge, putting pressure on Pakistan to use its leverage with the Taliban and promoting secret talks. But nothing worked, and the Taliban has established a strong presence in almost two-thirds of Afghanistan, and is constantly on the offensive. It has shown a capacity to strike at the most fortifiedpositions in Kabul, but knows it cannot capture the city as long as the Americans remain committed to the government’s security. Therefore, both sides have an incentive to break the stalemate and try direct negotiations for a way out. If the Taliban accepts Mr. Ghani’s proposal, that could set the stage for a constructive engagement between the militants and the government, and provide hope for some much-needed relief to the war-hit Afghan people.

1). Laggards (Noun) –फिसड्डी

Definition: a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others.

Synonyms: straggler, loiterer, lingerer, dawdler, sluggard, slug, snail, delayer, idler, loafer, lounger

Usage:  staff were under enormous pressure and there was no time for laggards

2). Buoyancy (Noun) –उछाल

Definition: a cheerful and optimistic attitude or disposition.

Synonyms:  cheerfulness, cheeriness, happiness, light-heartedness, care freeness,  brightness

Usage:  She is a buoyancy person

3). Undergirded (Verb) –समर्थन करना

Definition: provide support or a firm basis for.

Synonyms: support, back up, strengthen

Usage: that’s a philosophy that needs to undergirdretailers’ business plans this year

4). Leeway (Noun) –अनुवातगमन

Definition: the amount of freedom to move or act that is available.

Synonyms:  freedom, scope, room to manoeuvre, latitude, elbow room, slack, space,  room

Usage: the government had greater leeway to introduce reforms

5). Scrutiny (Noun) –संवीक्षा

Definition: critical observation or examination.

Synonyms: careful examination, inspection, survey, scan, study, perusal

Usage: every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny

6). Lobbing (Verb) –फेंकना

Definition: throw or hit (a ball or missile) in a high arc.

Synonyms:  throw, toss, fling, pitch, shy, hurl, pelt, sling, loft, cast, let fly with, flip

Usage: he lobbed the ball over their heads

7). Surge (Noun) –महोर्मि

Definition: of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.

Synonyms:  gush, rush, stream, flow, burst, pour, cascade, spill, overflow, brim over

Usage: the journalists surged forward

8). Offensive (Ajective) –अपमानजनक

Definition: actively aggressive; attacking.

Synonyms:  hostile, attacking, aggressive, invading, incursive, combative, threatening

Usage: offensive operations against the insurgents

9). Fortified (Verb)-किलाबंद

Definition: provide (a place) with defensive works as protection against attack.

Synonyms: build defences round, strengthen with defensive works, secure, protect

Usage:  the whole town was heavily fortified

10). Stalemate (Noun) –गतिरोध

Synonyms:   deadlock, impasse, standstill, dead end, stand-off, draw

Usage: last time I played him it ended up in stalemate

Common Errors For SBI

Directions (Q1-10): below ten sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided in five part denoted by a, b, c, d, and e. read the sentence and find out the grammatical error in it. The code of that part of sentence will be your answer. If you find no error in sentence then mark e as your answer.

1) Authors dread the moment when (a)/ they find their books in the remainder bins (b)/ at bookstores as these bins are create (c)/for disposing of unsold book at deep discount (d)/ no error (e).


2)Higher authority has moved to tighten(a)/ regulations in the wake of the alleged fraud as it has(b)/ set out more than two dozen checkpoints and have asked all the(c)/ institutions and companies to comply with  recent guidelines(d)/ no error(e).


3) Association added that new measure will being an (a)/unnecessary and expensive burden that will not make much (b)/difference to our member firms, which are in the(c)/ business of providing solutions to client companies(d)/ no error(e).


4) It was reported that the situation (a)/ revolving the country had worsened (b)/ and can have got transformed(c)/ into a full-fledged armed conflict (d)/ no error (e).


5) The army chief stray into political (a)/commentary when he talked about(b)/ issues of religious identity, demographics and(c)/ country’s relationship with its neighbors(d)/ no error(e).


6) Taking serious note of the alleged illegal (a)/ operations of MN accounting companies in collaboration with (b)/ Indian CA firms, the apex court asked(c)/ the Centre to examine steps to rein that in (d)/ no error (e).


7)The department of telecom  said that it(a)/ decide to implement 13 digit number plan from (b)/July and from this month onwards all the(c)/ new mobile connections will be allocated 13 digit number only(d)/ no error (e).


8) The court has directed the (a)/ investigation agency to probe (b)/ an incident were officers are (c)/involved in scam (d)/ no error (e).


9) The authorities have been (a)/ repeatedly remind by the people (b)/about the issues but the issue(c)/ has not been sorted out so far (d)/ no error (e).


10) The ministers have being(a)/ told to use government transport for(b)/ official use only otherwise penalty(c)/ will be imposed on them(d)/ no error(e).



1) Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: “created” will be used in place of “create”

As the second part of the sentence is in passive voice so third form of verb will be used

Correct Sentence Authors dread the moment when they find their books in the remainder bins at bookstores as these bins are created for disposing of unsold book at deep discount.

2)Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: “has” will be used in place of “have”

According to the sentence the subject is singular so “has” will be used.
Correct Sentence: Higher authority has moved to tighten regulations in the wake of the alleged fraud as it has set out more than two dozen checkpoints and has asked all the institutions and companies to comply with recent guidelines.

3) Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation:  “be” will be used in place of “being”

As we use first form of verb with will so “be” should be used.

Correct Sentence: Association added that new measure will be an unnecessary and expensive burden that will not make much difference to our member firms, which are in the business of providing solutions to client companies.

4. Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: “could” will be used in place of “can”

As the sentence is based on past so “could” will be used in place of “can”.
Correct Sentence: It was reported that the situation revolving the country had worsened and could have got transformed into a full-fledged armed conflict.
5) Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: “strayed” will be used in place of “stray”

As the sentence is in past so second form of verb will be used.

Correct Sentence: The army chief strayed into political commentary when he talked about issues of religious identity, demographics and country’s relationship with its neighbors.

6) Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: “them” will be used in place of “that”

According to the sentence the subject is plural “them” will be used.

Correct Sentence: Taking serious note of the alleged illegal operations of  MN accounting companies in collaboration with Indian CA firms, the apex court asked the Centre to examine steps to rein them in.,

7)Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: “decided” will be used in place of “decide”

As the first part of sentence is based on past so “decided” will be used
Correct Sentence: The department of telecom said that it decided to implement 13 digit number plan from July and from this month onwards all the new mobile connections will be allocated 13 digit number only.

8) Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: “where” will be used in place of “were”

According to the sentence “where” will be used as the sentence is in present.

Correct Sentence: The court has directed the investigation agency to probe an incident where officers are involved in scam.

9) Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: “reminded” will be used in place of “remind”

As the sentence is in passive voice so third form of verb will be used

Correct Sentence: The authorities have been repeatedly reminded by the people about the issues but the issue has not been sorted out so far.

10) Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: “been” will be used in place of “being”

According to the sentence “been” will be used because after have third form of verb will be used.

Correct Sentence: The ministers have been told to use government transport for official use only otherwise penalty will be imposed on them.
