Thursday 2 August 2018

The Hindu. Vocabulary -2nd July 18

The Hindu. Vocabulary -2nd July 18

1.CADGE (VERB): (भीख मांगना): beg

Synonyms: scrounge, sponge

Antonyms: donate, give

Example Sentence:

She asked me to cadge help in the hour of need.

2.CONVOKE (VERB): (समाह्वान करना): to cause to assemble in a meeting

Synonyms: gather, muster

Antonyms: scatter, disperse

Example Sentence:

The committee was assured that they intended to convoke the electors.

3. RESPITE (NOUN): (विराम): pause

Synonyms: breather, downtime

Antonyms: advance, continuation

Example Sentence:

She gave a sudden respite amid the conversation.

4. PARRY (VERB): (बचाव): avoid

Synonyms: deflect, evade

Antonyms: encounter, encounter

Example Sentence:

She parried the danger somehow.

5. BARRAGE (NOUN): (बमबारी): blast

Synonyms: gunfire, bombardment

Antonyms: defence, shield

Example Sentence:

When she was experiencing the barrage the royal Prince came like a knight in shining armour.

6. BAIT (VERB): (प्रलोभन): entice

Synonyms: tempt, seduce

Antonyms: repel, repulse

Example Sentence:

She knows the ropes how to bait him.

7. SPIRAL (ADJECTIVE): (घुमावदार): twisted

Synonyms: circling, coiled

Antonyms: unwinding, straight

Example Sentence:

He lives in a spiral building.

8. ETHNIC (ADJECTIVE): (संजातीय): traditional

Synonyms: indigenous, native

Antonyms: alien, foreign

Example Sentence:

I like the ethnic prints on the kurta.

9. DISORIENTATE (VERB): (गुमराह करना): baffle

Synonyms: puzzle, bewilder 

Antonyms: orient, balance

Example Sentence:

Students become pretty much disoriented when they are asked career related questions.

10. ADO (NOUN): (हलचल): fuss

Synonyms: confusion, stir

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence:

These guests are making ado at my place.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

The Hindu Vocabulary -1St August 18

The Hindu Vocabulary - 1St August 18

1. REPINE (VERB): (शिकायत करना): complain 

Synonyms: grumble, lament 

Antonyms: compliment, praise 

Example Sentence: 

He always repines about his peer. 

2. INURE (VERB): (तपाकर पुख़्ता करना): harden 

Synonyms: temper, toughen 

Antonyms: lighten, soften 

Example Sentence:

A continuation of the exclusion of these people from their lands should not inure to the benefit of the wrongdoers. 

3. ONSLAUGHT (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack 

Synonyms: onrush, invasion 

Antonyms: retreat, defense 

Example Sentence: 

The people suddenly made an onslaught on him. 

4. PRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): (परोपदेशक): smug 

Synonyms: pompous, stuffy 

Antonyms: dissatisfied, discontented 

Example Sentence: 

I had to meet a priggish person in the train. 

5. CABOODLE (NOUN): (ताम-झाम): collection of something 

Synonyms: cluster, agglomeration 

Antonyms: individual, one 

Example Sentence: 

I have a caboodle of great books. 

6. ATTICISM (NOUN): (शान): splendour 

Synonyms: grandeur, elegance 

Antonyms: crudeness, inelegance 

Example Sentence: 

I see the majestic Atticism in her personality. 

7. AUSTERITY (NOUN): (आत्मसंयम): formality 

Synonyms: acerbity, asperity 

Antonyms: informality, mildness 

Example Sentence: 

The austerity of the politician was well renowned. 

8. ARTIFICE (NOUN): (चालाकी): clever act 

Synonyms: maneuver, gimmick 

Antonyms: candor, honesty 

Example Sentence: 

These pictures are full of artifice. 

9. VALOR (NOUN): (वीरता): courage 

Synonyms: firmness, fortitude 

Antonyms: cowardice, timidity 

Example Sentence: 

His valor impressed everyone. 

10. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): (जागरूक):attentive 

Synonyms: observant, cautious 

Antonyms: heedless, impulsive 

Example Sentence: 

I am very vigilant while writing a letter.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

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Friday 29 June 2018

Banking Express




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Tuesday 26 June 2018


1. Word of the day: Untrammelled (मुक्त)

Part of Speech: Adjective
Pronunciation: un-tram-uh l-d/अन्ट्रैमल्ड
Meaning: not deprived of freedom of action or expression; not restricted or hampered.
Synonyms: unrestrained, free, uncontrolled
Antonyms: limited
Use in a Sentence: She began to moan aloud with untrammelled excitement.
2. Word: Wield (उपयोग करना)

Part of Speech: Verb
Pronunciation: weeld/वील्ड
        a. hold and use (a weapon or tool).

        b. have and be able to use (power or influence).

Synonyms: utilize, operate
Antonyms: retain, hide, cease
Use in a Sentence: They wield enormous political power.
3. Word: Coup (आघात)

Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: koo/कू
        a. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

        b. an instance of successfully achieving something difficult.

Synonyms: takeover, overthrow
Antonyms: failure, defeat
Use in a Sentence: There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.
4. Word: Consolidation (एकीकरण)

Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: kuh n-sol-i-dey-shuh n/कन्सालिडेशन
Meaning: the action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole.
Synonyms: union, association
Antonyms: division, breakup
Use in a Sentence: There are still problems with the definition of liberal consolidation.
5. Word: Backlash (प्रतिक्षेप)

Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: bak-lash/
Meaning: a strong or violent reaction, as to some social or political change
Synonyms: response, counteraction
Antonyms: request
Use in a Sentence: Such a decision may prompt a backlash from their supporters.
6. Word: Falter (अटकना)

Part of Speech: Verb
Pronunciation: fawl-ter/फॉल्टर
        a. lose strength or momentum.

        b. speak hesitantly.

        c. move unsteadily or hesitantly.

Synonyms: stumble, stagger, vacillate
Antonyms: maintain, persist, continue
Use in a Sentence: We must not falter in our resolve.
7. Word: Revive (पुनः प्रचलित करना)

Pronunciation: ri-vahyv/रीवाइव
Part of Speech: Verb
        a. restore to life or consciousness.

        b. give new strength or energy to.

Synonyms: renew, refresh
Antonyms: destroy, abolish
Use in a Sentence: Now, the economy is starting to revive.
8. Word: Embolden (साहस देना)

Part of Speech: Verb
Pronunciation: em-bohl-duh n/एम्बोल्डन
Meaning: give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Synonyms: encourage, inspire, fortify
Antonyms: discourage, dishearten
Use in a Sentence: His success emboldened him to develop his business.
9. Word: Belligerent (लड़ाकू)

Part of Speech: Adjective
Pronunciation: buh-lij-er-uh nt/बलिजरन्ट
Meaning: hostile and aggressive.
Synonyms: combative, quarrelsome
Antonyms: friendly, pacifist
Use in a Sentence: They gave my new acquaintance a somewhat belligerent aspect.
10. Word: Blight (हानि पहुंचाना)

Part of Speech: Noun/Verb
Pronunciation: blahyt/ब्लाइट
Meaning: a thing that spoils or damages something.
Synonyms: curse, ruin, spoil
Antonyms: aid, improve
Use in a Sentence: Unemployment is a blight on our society.
11. Word: Depreciation (मूल्य का न्यून करना)

Pronunciation: dih-pree-shee-ey-shuh n/डिप्रीशीऐशन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a decrease in the value of a currency relative to other currencies.
Synonyms: decrease, curtailment. deduction
Antonyms: rise
Use in a Sentence: The depreciation of the rupee has shaken the Indian market.
12. Word: Plunging (तेजी से गिर रहा है)

Part of Speech: Adjective
a) falling steeply.

Pronunciation: pluhnj-ing/प्लन्जिंग
Synonyms: falling, dropping, sinking
Antonyms: expand, rising, ascend
Use in a Sentence: He is plunging into an intensity of depression.

Cloze test -The Hindu Newspaper

International football, as the historian Eric Hobsbawm wrote of sport in the early periods of the 20th century, ___(1)__ be an “expression of national conflict, and the sportsmen representing their nation or their state, primarily __(2)___ of their imagined community.” There is more than a kernel of truth to this even today, so much so that a win on the field can occasionally even represent a geopolitical victory of __(3)__. But football’s potential for change goes further than simple concerns over soft international power, exemplified best perhaps _(4)_ the protests of a group of Iranian women who unfurled banners in the arena in St. Petersburg during their country’s match against Morocco. They were protesting the ban in Iran on women watching the sport at the Azadi Stadium in Tehran. In the months before the World Cup, an all-women reggae band “Abjeez” had even called on Iranian men to _(5)_ their support to the movement: “The empty seat by your side is my place. To have me by your side is your right. It’s my right! Consider me a part of you. I am your equal,” the song’s opening lyrics read.

1. (a) can
(b) will
(c) can be
(d) will be

2. (a) faces
(b) expressions
(c) airs
(d) tones

3. (a) forms
(b) kinds
(c) people
(d) sorts

4. (a) to
(b) for
(c) over
(d) by

5. (a) take
(b) lend
(c) grant
(d) remove

Answers:- Cloze Test -


Thursday 21 June 2018

Quant Practice

Q1. Anita’s father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was 36 years old when her brother four years younger to her was born. What is the difference between the ages of her parents?
(a) 2 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 6 years
(d) 8 years
(e)10 years

Q2. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then, what was the age of my father and mother respectively when my brother was born?
(a) 32 yrs, 23 yrs
(b) 32 yrs, 29 yrs
(c) 35 yrs, 29 yrs
(d) 35 yrs, 33 yrs
(e) None of these

Q3. Raman borrowed some money at the rate of 6% p.a. S.I. for the first three years, 9% p.a. S.I.  for the next five years and 13% p.a. S.I.  for the period beyond eight years. If the total interest paid by him at the end of eleven years is Rs. 8160, how much money did he borrow?
(a) Rs. 8000
(b) Rs. 10,000
(c) Rs. 12,000
(d) Data inadequate
(e)None of these

Q4. Peter invested Rs. 12,000 at the rate of 10 p.c.p.a. simple interest and another amount at the rate of 20 p.c.p.a. simple interest. If total interest earned on whole money is 14% of total amount. Find the total amount invested.
(a) Rs. 20,000
(b) Rs. 22,000
(c) Rs. 24,000
(d) Rs. 25,000
(e)Rs. 18,000

Q5. A bank offers 5% compound interest calculated on half-yearly basis. A customer deposits Rs. 1600 each on 1st January and 1st July of a year. At the end of the year, the amount he would have gained by way of interest is
(a) Rs. 220
(b) Rs. 244
(c) Rs. 222
(d) Rs. 223
(e) Rs. 425

Directions (6-10): What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
Q6. 7,20,   46,    98,  202,?
(a) 420
(b) 410
(c) 310
(d) 320
(e) 340

Q7.  210,   209,   213,   186,   202,    ?
(a) 138
(b) 77
(c) 177
(d) 327
(e) 127

Q8.  27,    38,71,126,203,?
(a) 212
(b) 202
(c) 301
(d) 312
(e) 302

Q9.  435,    354,   282,   219,  165,?
(a) 103
(b) 112
(c) 120
(d) 130
(e) 140

Q10.  4,   200,   369,  513,   634,     ?
(a) 788
(b) 715
(c) 734
(d) 755
(e) 655

Monday 18 June 2018

Vocabulary -18-06-2018

Challenging Words from the Article

1. Word of the day: Scepticism (संशयवाद)

Pronunciation: skep-tuh-siz-uh m/स्केप्टिसिज़म

Part of Speech: Noun

a. a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.
b. the theory that certain knowledge is impossible.

Synonyms: suspicion, mistrust, misgiving

Antonyms: credence, trust

Use in a Sentence: She has a healthy scepticism towards the requirements in the organization's report.

2. Word: Implication (अनुमान)

Pronunciation: im-pli-key-shuh n/ इम्प्लकैशन

Part of Speech: Noun

a. the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.

b. the action or state of being involved in something.

Synonyms: significance, indication


Use in a Sentence: She is by implication requesting me to resign.

3. Word: Conducive (उपकारी)

Pronunciation: kuh n-doo-siv/कन्डूसिव

Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Synonyms: advantageous, helpful, contributory

Antonyms: hindering, unfavourable, cumbersome

Use in a Sentence: This is a conducive environment for studying.

4. Word: Jitter (घबराना)

Pronunciation: jit-er/जिटर

Part of Speech: Noun

a. feelings of extreme nervousness. [Noun]

b. slight irregular movement, variation, or unsteadiness, especially in an electrical signal or electronic device. [Noun]

c. act nervously. [Verb]

Synonyms: anxiety, tremble

Antonyms: soothe, calm

Use in a Sentence: I always get the jitters before exams.

5. Word: Disenchantment (निराशा)


Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning:  a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired; disillusionment.

Synonyms: discontent, disgruntlement, dissent

Antonyms: satisfaction, delight, gratification

Use in a Sentence: Citizens have expressed growing disenchantment with the government.

6. Word of the day: Loom (संकट मँडराना)

Pronunciation: loom/लूम

Part of Speech: Verb

Meaning: appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or threatening

Synonyms: menace, emerge, stand out

Antonyms: disappear, diminish, remove

Use in a Sentence: We should flag those problems that could loom ahead.

7. Word: Taint (अपमान)

Pronunciation: teynt/टैन्ट

Part of Speech: Noun, Verb

a. a trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality. [oun]

b. contaminate or pollute (something). [Verb]

Synonyms: tarnish, defileAntonyms: purify, improve

Use in a Sentence: The inquiry cleared him of any taint of mistrust/dishonesty.

8. Word: Accusations (आरोप)

Pronunciation: ak-yoo-zey-shuh n/ऐक्यूज़ैशन

Part of Speech: Noun

a. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

Synonyms:  allegation, charge, assertion

Antonyms: compliments, defenses

Use in a Sentence: She resigned over accusations of partiality.

9. Word: Formidable (भयानक)

Pronunciation: fawr-mi-duh-buh l/फॉर्मिडबलPart of Speech: Adjective

a. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

Synonyms: terrific, tremendous, colossal

Antonyms: feeble, easy, friendly

Use in a Sentence: They had to overcome formidable obstacles.

Monday 7 May 2018

Puzzle For SBI & SBI PO Prelims Examination

Directions -Read the given information carefully and Solve the Puzzle

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were captains of different cricket teams such as IND, AUS, SA, SL, NZ, ENG, PAK and WI sitting around a circular table at equidistant but not necessarily in the same order. Each captain has won different matches such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 22, 23, 25 and 30 but not necessarily in the same order. No two successive captains sit together according to the alphabetical order. All of them were facing towards the centre. There were two person sits between A and the one, who is the captain of AUS. D sits opposite to the SA captain. The SL captain sits second to the right of D. B is not adjacent to WI captain. The NZ captain sits to the immediate left of G. The one, who has won 25 matches, sits opposite to the PAK captain. H was not SL captain. There were two person sits between G and the WI captain. A has won half of the matches won by the IND captain. The SA captain sits third to the left of B. The one who has won 20 matches sits second to the right of C. The one, who has won 10 matches, sits opposite to the AUS captain. The difference between the matches won by G and the ENG captain is seven. Only one person sits between WI captain and the one who has won 10 matches. H does not win the matches in multiple of five. PAK captain sits second to the right of F. B was not WI captain.

Directions -Read the given information carefully and  Solve The Puzzle

There were ten students sitting in twelve seats in two parallel rows containing five students each,in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent students. In row 1, A, B, C, D and E are   seated and all of them are facing north,  and in row 2, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting and all of them are facing south. One of the seats is vacant in each row. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. All of them like different colours  such as pink, red, yellow, white, black, brown, blue, green, grey and violet but not necessarily in the same order. E faces the one who sits second to the right of Q. The immediate neighbour of E faces the one, who  likes black colour. There were three persons sit between P and the one who likes green colour. A sits second to the left of the one who likes grey colour. There were two person sits between B and the one who likes yellow colour. The one who likes pink colour sits to the immediate left of D. Q do not like brown colour. The immediate neighbour of D faces the one who likes red colour. A does not face the one who likes green colour. The one who likes violet colour sits second to the left of the vacant seat. P sits at any one of the ends. Either A or the one, who likes grey colour sit adjacent to the vacant seat. Only one person sits between T and the one who likes black colour. The one who likes brown colour sits second to the right of the vacant seat. S faces the one who likes yellow colour. B faces the one who sits second to the left of white. The immediate neighbour of A faces the one who likes brown colour. The immediate neighbour of the one who likes green colour faces the one, who likes violet colour.

Friday 4 May 2018


Mission SBI PO & Clerk

Reasoning ability 20 -20

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Cloze Test For SBI PO & Clerk

Directions (1-15): In the passage given below there are blanks which are to be filled with the options given below. Find out the appropriate word in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement.

(1) clear the Civil Services preliminary twice in a row had severely(2)....... her self- esteem. Now, having bagged 26th rank in her third attempt, Shyama says she started
believing in herself again after a  marathon she (3)........ completed last year. This electronics engineer from Beypore, Kozhikode, began to (4)......... Civil Services (5)......... once she started working as a design consultant in Deloitte, Bengaluru. She(6)......... for the prelims twice and (7)........ missed being (8)......... the second time. “I was (9)......... and had to do something to (10)........ myself. I always wanted to run a marathon and it was the right time,” Ms. Shyama said. She (11)......... for the marathon for three months and  completed the 21-km Bangalore Midnight Marathon in 2017. “I (12).......... that I could do anything if I put my mind into it.” She prefers a career in the Indian Foreign Service. “Most of India’s problems need (13).........  solutions.” IFS, with the (14)........ and opportunity to travel it provides, will make her a (15)......... person, she feels.

Q1.(a) Aim
(b) Success
(c) Failure
(d) Achievement
(e) Dream

Q2.(a) effected
(b) affected
(c) drowned
(d) sank
(e) shoot up

Q3.(a) completely
(b) thoroughly
(c) selflessly
(d) unfortunately
(e) successfully

Q4.(a) nurse
(b) feed
(c) generate
(d) form
(e) evolve

Q5.(a) truths
(b) hopes
(c) dreams
(d) targets
(e) realities

Q6.(a) failed
(b) targeted
(c) qualified
(d) entered
(e) appeared

Q7.(a) often
(b) completely
(c) barely
(d) fortunately
(e) randomly

Q8.(a) running up
(b) announced
(c) participated
(d) applied
(e) shortlisted

Q9.(a) confused
(b) assaulted
(c) exhausted
(d) devastated
(e) perplexed

Q10.(a) boost
(b) boast
(c) shoot
(d) ruin
(e) shock

Q11.(a) trained
(b) backed
(c) supported
(d) held
(e) utilized

Q12.(a) defined
(b) realized
(c) thought
(d) imagined
(e) fantasized

Q13.(a) cosmopolitan
(b) complete
(c) practical
(d) global
(e) theoretical

Q14.(a) way
(b) chance
(c) exposure
(d) torture
(e) happiness

Q15.(a) best
(b) better
(c) worse
(d) annoying
(e) kind


Thursday 3 May 2018

English Language Quiz For SBI

Banking express – Digital Tayari
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English for SBI PO & Clerk
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English language- Fillers

Directions (Q. 1-5): The following questions consist of a single sentence with one blank only. You are given six words denoted by A, B, C, D, E and F as answer choices and from the six choices you have to pick two correct answers, either of which will make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. After a rather long ______ of more than three years since 2008 after the global
crisis, the equity markets have made a remarkable comeback this year.
(A) time (B) interruption
(C) gap (D) discussion
(E) hiatus (F) performance
1) (A) and (D) 2) (B) and (C) 3) (E) and (F)
4) (C) and (E) 5) (D) and (F)

2. With favourable demographics translating into growth dividend and high savings rate, we believe that India has a lot of potential in the longer term to ________ 7-8 percent real GDP growth rate.
(A) create (B) generate
(C) make (D) achieve
(E) raise (F) hike
1) (A) and (B) 2) (B) and (D) 3) (C) and (F)
4) (B) and (E) 5) (D) and (E)

3.. In our view, domestic macro environment is much better compared to the emerging markets ________ who are facing sharper impact of the global slowdown.
(A) peers (B) trends
(C) regulators (D) environments
(E) patterns (F) players
1) (F) and (B) 2) (D) and (E) 3) (A) and (F)
4) (C) and (E) 5) (D) and (F)

4. The beauty of section 80C of the Income Tax Act is the wide array of financial instruments that qualify for tax ________ within it.
(A) exemptions (B) deductions
(C) relief (D) claims
(E) calculations (F) rebate
1) (C) and (E) 2) (A) and (D) 3) (B) and (E)
4) (B) and (D) 5) (B) and (F)

5. The large-cap growth orientation of the scheme ________ that equity allocation is
in some of the biggest companies with strong financials and business.
(A) affirms (B) assures
(C) secures (D) insures
(E) ensures (F) concedes
1) (A) and (E) 2) (B) and (D) 3) (C) and (F)
4) (D) and (F) 5) (A) and (F)

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Answer will be uploaded soon

Thursday 26 April 2018

English - Common Errors For SBI PO & Clerk

Common Error  For SBI PO & Clerk

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Answer keys with Explanations
1. c) Replace „show‟ with „shows‟
2. b) Replace „have‟ with „have been‟
3. c) Add „an‟ before „Initiative‟
4. b) Replace „have‟ with „has‟
5. a) Replace „speak‟ with „speaking‟
6. d) Replace „need‟ with „needed‟
7. d) Replace „on‟ with „buy‟
8. c) Replace „demand‟ with „demanded‟
9. b) Replace „sad‟ with „sadness‟
10. a) Place „certainly contain‟ after „will‟
11. c) Replace „Independent‟ with „Independently‟
12. e) No Error
13. d) Replace „were‟ with „was‟
14. c) Replace „in‟ with „on‟
15. b) Replace „eventual‟ with „eventually‟
16. c) Replace „to‟ with „and‟
17. b) Replace „year‟ with „years‟
18. d) Replace „its‟ with „their‟
19. b) Replace „within‟ with „among‟
20. c) Replace „large‟ with „largely‟
21. c) Replace „to‟ with „for‟
22. b) Replace „shift‟ with „shifted‟
23. a) Add „out‟ after „carried‟
24. d) Replace „frisk and question‟ with „frisked and
25. a) Replace „is‟ with „are‟

Thanks ,

Banking Express Team

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Puzzle -High Level For SBI PO Clerk 2018

Puzzle -High Level

8 players A,B,C,D,P,Q,R,S are from different IPL teams: RCB, RR, KKR, CSK, MI, DD, KXIP, SRH. They are sold in auction at different price: $1mn, $1.5mn, $2mn, $2.5mn, $3mn, $3.5mn, $4mn, $5mn. 4 of them are batsmen and rest are bowlers. Batsman R was sold not at $5mn nor he’s from KXIP. Bowler B is not from RCB. B earns more than the player from KXIP. D is a bowler but plays neither for RCB nor for SRH. The player from KXIP was sold at less than $2.5mn. A is a bowler. The players from RCB and SRH are bowlers. P earns more then A but less than the player from MI. Q plays for DD and was sold at not less than $3.5mn. C is from CSK and he was sold at $4mn. S earns more than $3mn. The player from KKR was sold at the highest rate. R earns more than the player from MI but less than the player from SRH. S was sold at more than $3mn. No batsmen are from DD nor MI.

Answer will be updated soon....

Monday 23 April 2018

Puzzle High level for SBI PO & Clerk 2018

Puzzle - High level

8 mobiles MI, Lenovo, Nokia, Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Oneplus, Honor have different sale type Flash, Store, Online and both Online & Store. Not more than 2 mobile companies’ sale types are same. They have different Ram(2gb, 3gb, 4gb, 5gb, 6gb, 7gb, 8gb, 10gb) and different storage capacity (8gb, 16gb, 20gb, 32gb, 40gb, 64gb, 80gb, 128gb). MI’s ram is more than 3gb and does not have the highest storage capacity. Phones with 4gb and 8gb ram are available both on Online and Store. Oppo has 5gb ram but not available on online. The mobiles available on Flash have storage capacity more than 64gb. Honor’s storage capacity is neither 32gb nor 16gb. The phone with 4gb ram has storage capacity of 40gb which is neither Honor nor MI. The phone with 32gb storage capacity and Honor are available on online. Vivo’s ram is not less than 6gb. Samsung’s storage capacity is less than 40gb but has 3gb ram. Oneplus is available on Flash. Oppo’s storage capacity is less than Samsung. Honor’s ram is more than Vivo which is not available on Flash but has 6gb ram. The phone with 10gb ram has storage capacity twice more than Vivo. Nokia’s ram and storage capacity are same.

Answers will be provided soon....

Friday 20 April 2018

Vocabulary 20 -04-2018

(i) Prolix (Adj.): (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy.

Pronunciation: प्रोलिक्स

Hindi Translations: अध्यक्ष, प्रपंची, विस्तृत, आति दीर्घ

Synonyms:  Wordy, Verbose, Long-Winded, Diffuse, Windy, Rambling, Tedious, Redundant, Dull, Pleonastic, Loquacious, Talkative

Antonyms: Concise, Terse, Brief, Compact, Brusque, Compendious, Curt, Short, Succinct, Pithy

Usage: Too much speaking makes it a little prolix.

Meaning: बहुत ज्यादा बोलने से यह थोड़ा प्रपंची बन जाता है।

(ii) Volatility (N.): being easily excited.

Pronunciation: वालटिलटी / वालटिलिटी

Hindi Translations: अस्थिरता, चंचलता, परिवर्तनशीलता, वाष्पशीलता, उड़नशीलता, शीघ्रवाष्पशीलता

Synonyms:  Fickleness, Flightiness, Impulsiveness, Changeability, Buoyancy, Inconstancy, Excitability, Variability, Excitableness

Antonyms: Permanence, Steadiness, Constancy, Predictability, Poise, Seriousness, Sameness, Dependability, Reliability, Certainty

Usage: Gold equity analysts expect more volatility in gold stocks.

Meaning: गोल्ड इक्विटी विश्लेषकों को सोने के शेयरों में की अधिक अस्थिरता की उम्मीद है।

(iii) Scorching (Adj.): hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface.

Pronunciation: स्कॉर्चिंग

Hindi Translations: जलानेवाला, प्रखर, चिलचिलाती, झुलसाने वाला, चिलचिलाता, जलानेवाली, झुलसानेवाला

Synonyms:  Hot, Burning, Searing, Sweltering, Torrid, Fiery, Roasting, Scalding, Broiling, Baking, Boiling

Antonyms: Frosty, Cold, Bitter, Freezing, Cool, Chilly, Snappy, Icy, Glacial, Wintry, Frigid

Usage: They walked all day in the scorchingheat.

Meaning: वे पूरे दिन तेज गर्मी में चले।

(iv) Perceive (V.): become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Pronunciation: पर्सीव

Hindi Translations: जानना, देखना, बूझना, समझना, समझ लेना, अर्थ लगाना, अनुभव करना, मालूम करना, गोचर करना, महसूस करना

Synonyms:  Discern, Understand, Sense, Recognize, Comprehend, Apprehend, Distinguish, Notice, Appreciate

Antonyms: Misunderstand, Ignore, Miss, Misconstrue, Misinterpret, Overlook, Mistake, Neglect, Disregard, Break, Observe

Usage: Cats are not able to perceive colour.

Meaning: बिल्लियाँ रंगो को समझने में सक्षम नहीं हैं।

(v) Coterie (N.): a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.

Pronunciation: कोटर / कोटरी

Hindi Translations: गोष्ठी, मण्डली, अन्तर्गुट, अन्तरंग-मंडली, गुणीजन-मंडली

Synonyms:  Clique, Set, Circle, Party, Group, Company, Gang, Faction, Crowd, Club, Camp

Antonyms: Angle, Empty

Usage: We three formed a little literary coterie.

Meaning: हमने तीनों ने एक छोटी साहित्यिक मण्डली बनाई।

Thursday 19 April 2018

Vocabulary 19-04-2018

Daily Vocabulary 5 Words
1. TREMOR (NOUN): Shiver
Synonyms: vibration, shaking              
Antonyms: stillness, calmness
Example Sentence: The train caused tremor at the platform.

2. TRIFLING (ADJECTIVE): Insignificant
Synonyms: dinky, worthless             
Antonyms: important, worthwhile
Example Sentence: Avika always engages herself in trifling tasks.

Synonyms: decrepitude, destruction     
Antonyms: development, escalation
Example Sentence: Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation.

4. ESPOUSE (VERB): support
Synonyms: adopt, advocate            
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence: They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.

5. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): crucial
Synonyms: vital, essential      
Antonyms: unimportant, trivial
Example Sentence:  It is dire to submit these documents by tomorrow.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

English for SBI clerk (Solved)

Directions (1-10): In the passage given below there are blanks which are to be filled with the options given below. Find out the appropriate  word in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement. 

Elaborate arrangements have been made to prevent any untoward (1) with tight security at all public places, government offices, residences and offices of BJP leaders, Secretariat and other (2) places. The emergency services are (3) from the (4). The educational institutions declared holiday on Monday. While private transport like autos may be off the road, the RC is yet to take a call. At a review meeting with police and other officials, Mr. Naidu said the State was (5) through troubled (6). At this (7), the people should not be put to (8). The protests should be (9) and organised in New Delhi. Innovative protests such as working an hour extra in a day would be helpful to the State, he said. Samiti leader Chalasani Srinivas said the bandh was in protest against the Central government’s indifference and (10) what the BJP staged the day-long fast across the country for.

Q1. (a) accidents

(b) incidents 

(c) scenarios

(d) happenings

(e) mishappening

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S1. Ans.(b) Sol. incidents- an event or occurrence

Q2. (a) numerable

(b) invulnerable

(c) infallible

(d) vulnerable

(e) innumerable

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S2. Ans.(d) Sol. vulnerable- defenseless

Q3. (a) exempted

(b) accepted

(c) excepted

(d) debarred

(e) kept away

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S3. Ans.(a) Sol. exempted- free from a duty or obligation

Q4. (a) winding up

(b) killing

(c) fired off

(d) stopping

(e) shut down

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S4. Ans.(e) Sol. shut down- to close ,terminate

Q5. (a) sinking

(b) drowning

(c) sailing

(d) wetting

(e) sank

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S5. Ans.(c) Sol. sailing- navigation

Q6. (a) rivers

(b) streams

(c) oceans

(d) seaways

(e) waters

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S6. Ans.(e) Sol. waters- water body

Q7. (a) puncture

(b) gap

(c) juncture

(d) connection

(e) point

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S7. Ans.(c) Sol. juncture- a place where things join

Q8. (a) hardship

(b) courtship

(c) softship

(d) smoothness

(e) calmness

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S8. Ans.(a) Sol. hardship- hard times

Q9. (a) renovated

(b) inventive

(c) managed

(d) innovative

(e) regulatory

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S9. Ans.(d) Sol. innovative- forward looking

Q10. (a) wandered

(b) wondered

(c) amazed

(d) astonished

(e) imagined

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S10. Ans.(b) Sol. wondered- something that causes amazement or awe

Direction (11-15): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is then divided into five parts out of which one bold part is correct. There are no errors in three out of four remaining parts and therefore only one of the parts (other than the bold one) is incorrect. You must choose the grammatically incorrect part as your answer.

Q11. I will ensure that residents(A)/ of the village came out of poverty by providing(B)/ employment opportunities(C)/ to at least one(D)/ person in each family(E).

(a) B

(b) C

(c) D

(d) E

(e) No error

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S11. Ans.(a) Sol. 'of the village come out of poverty by providing' as the sentence is in present form of tense

Q12. The burglary came(A)/ to light when(B)/ they returned(C)/ home at(D)/ Sunday morning(E). 

(a) A

(b) C

(c) D

(d) E

(e) No error

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S12. Ans.(c) Sol. 'home on' is the correct preposition

Q13. The accused were(A)/ produced before a(B)/ local court at(C)/ Kukatpally and sent(D)/ to judicial remand(E).

(a) A

(b) C

(c) D

(d) E

(e) No error

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S13. Ans.(e) Sol. No error

Q14. Four people have been(A)/ arrested in connection(B)/ with a clashing between(C)/ members of a Dalit outfit(D)/ and Hindu groups(E). 

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) No error

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S14. Ans.(c) Sol. 'with a clash between' is the correct usage

Q15. The police suspect(A)/ that she was held(B)/ captive, tortured(C)/ and raped over(D)/ in a period of time(E).  

(a) B

(b) C

(c) D

(d) E

(e) No error

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S15. Ans.(d) Sol. 'a period of time' as in is superfluous here

English - Fillers (SOLVED) for SBI Clerk 2018

Directions(1-15):In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence, there are five options and each blank is to be filled with the same word given below to make the sentence correct. Fill up the sentences with the correct word.

Q1. (I) Rumors continued to be rampant about his ........ culpability in Billy Langstrom's death.
(II) When did they find these ........ bones?
(a) vindictive
(b) alleged
(c) vendetta
(d) supposed
(e) doubtful

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1. Ans.(b) Sol. alleged- the one who is accused of crime

Q2. (I) Pluralism, nepotism, simony and all the other ancient abuses were more .......... than ever.
(II) The abuses of which he particularly complains are such as were found ........... by Ezra and Nehemiah - marriage with foreign women
(a) rampant
(b) reviving
(c) spreading
(d) restrained
(e) inclined

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2. Ans.(a) Sol. rampant- unrestrained or unchecked

Q3. (I) Thus the use of machinery became possible, and this ......... the entire industry.
(II) The single genius of Holberg .......... this system.
(a) encouraged
(b) regularized
(c) revolutionized
(d) returned
(e) rebuked

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3. Ans.(c) Sol. revolutionized- to radically or significantly change, as in revolution

Q4. (I) In some areas, parents who .......... drinking remained a major problem.
(II) She denied that the government has essentially ......... human rights abuses.
(a) cancelled
(b) condemned
(c) allowed
(d) condoned
(e) regenerated

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4. Ans.(d) Sol. condoned- overlooked

Q5. (I) No anger was felt; the .......... prior, the prophet and lawgiver of Florence, was made the popular scapegoat.
(II) He was a ......... Hanoverian, and a favourite with Queen Anne in spite of his Whiggism.
(a) revived
(b) dispassionate
(c) apathetic
(d) jealous
(e) zealous

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5. Ans.(e) Sol. zealous- enthusiastic

Q6. (I) An ........ of greed had taken over the government.
(II) The ........ at work has been decidedly grim since the pay cuts were implemented.
(a) ethos
(b) norms
(c) principles
(d) situations
(e) conditions

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6. Ans.(a) Sol. ethos- the character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement

Q7. (I) The ......... old piece of junk.
(II) Feeding and harnessing the .......... mules wasn't exactly the highlight of her day.
(a) troublesome
(b) cantankerous
(c) pandemonium
(d) commotion
(e) barbarous

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7. Ans.(b) Sol. cantankerous- ill-tempered

Q8. (I) She unwrapped the paper to ........ seven gold coins.
(II) His door flew open to ........ a huge, furry monster with fangs.
(a) reveal
(b) conceal
(c) hide
(d) disguise
(e) sham

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8. Ans.(a) Sol. reveal- to uncover or to show or to disclose

Q9. (I) South of Khartum, in September 1883, under Hicks Pasha, a ........... retired Indian Army officer, to vanquish the Mahdi.
(II) More than one unsuccessful attempt was made to relieve Sir Harry; but his .......... spirit was equal to the occasion.
(a) dashing
(b) coward
(c) audacious
(d) fearful
(e) dauntless

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9. Ans.(e) Sol. dauntless- fearless

Q10. (I) This phenomenon is known as ........... of the floral axis.
(II) The ovary and testes are heaped-up masses of red or yellow cells due to a .......... of the cells lining the coelom.
(a) pilferage
(b) penultimate
(c) proliferation
(d) punitive
(e) division

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10. Ans.(c) Sol. proliferation- multiplication

Q11. (I) The genital ducts open on the .......... somite.
(II) Distinctive feature of the genus is the great fore-and-aft length of the .......... premolar in both jaws.
(a) order less
(b) sequential
(c) consecutive
(d) penultimate
(e) lasting

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11. Ans.(d) Sol. penultimate- second to last

Q12. (I) They ........... in size; they do not, however, die.
(II) The majorities behind the government began to .......... and agitation started to grow.
(a) dwindle
(b) increase
(c) expand
(d) enlarge
(e) cheat

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12. Ans.(a) Sol. dwindle- to decrease or to shrink

Q13. (I) Lana sank to the ground, too ......... to register what to do next.
(II) He was probably too .......... to think of that yet, but it would come.
(a) gazed
(b) stared
(c) gaped
(d) shocked
(e) adored

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13. Ans.(d) Sol. shocked- surprised, startled or confused

Q14. (I) He almost winced at the ......... in her tone.
(II) We tackle our work; professionally and without .......... to one another in spite of a pall of indecision that oft times seeps in like a chill from a leaky window frame.
(a) affection
(b) rancor
(c) love
(d) amity
(e) sympathy

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14. Ans.(b) Sol. rancor- hatred

Q15. (I) Jackson lost ........... in remembering her.
(II) Her ............ was on the clothes, and he tried not to smile as she spent a minute petting a sweater.
(a) distraction
(b) focused
(c) decision
(d) consciousness
(e) concentration

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15. Ans.(e) Sol. concentration- focus or determination

Monday 16 April 2018

Puzzle of The day for SBI Clerk 2018

Directions - Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Eight children M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. One day they played a cricket match and scored different runs viz— 11, 16, 19, 25, 34, 41, 46 and 50 but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor of the building is numbered one, the above it is numbered two and the topmost floor of the building is numbered eight.

The total runs which were scored by P and T is a multiple of 4. The difference between runs which was scored by Q and S is 6. The one who lives on 6th floor scored 25 runs. Only one child lives between R and the one who scored 25 runs. S lives below R on an even numbered floor. S does not score 25 runs. The one who scores 46 runs lives immediately above S. Only two children live between R and T. T lives below R. Only two children live between M and the one who scored 41 runs. M lives above S. The one who scored 41 runs lives above M. N scored 34 runs. The one who scored 11 runs lives immediately above the one who scored 16 runs. Only one child lives between O and Q.

Saturday 14 April 2018

The Hindu Vocabulary 15 - 04 -2018

Important Idioms, Phrases & Phrasal Verb with Letter 'E'

1. Eager beaver

Meaning - A keen and enthusiastic person who works very hard.

Meaning (Hindi) - इच्छुक, उत्साही

Example -  Raman is a real eager beaverand I am sure he will do very well in this organization.

2. Enough to cobble dogs with

Meaning - A large surplus of anything

Meaning (Hindi) -   अधिकता

Example - We've got enough investment to cobble dogs with.

3. Easy as pie

Meaning - Extremely easy, simple, or intuitive; requiring very little skill or effort

Meaning (Hindi) - बहुत आसान

Example - After so many years as an accountant, doing taxes is as easy as pie for me.

4. Easy does it

Meaning -used to advise someone to approach a task carefully and slowly.

Meaning (Hindi) - सावधानी से और धीरे धीरे कार्य करने के लिए सलाह देना

Example -  Easy does it, guys— you are moving a priceless piece of art which is worth of 3 crores.

5. Eat crow/Eat humble pie

Meaning - To admit that one is wrong, usually when doing so triggers great embarrassment or shame.

Meaning (Hindi) - अनिच्छ से स्वीकार करने को बाध्य करना

Example -  He had no option but to eat crow and admit that his analysis was wrong.

6. Economical with the truth

Meaning -  the one who omits important facts or gives incomplete information, Deceitful

Meaning (Hindi) - धोखेबाज, कपटी

Example -  I wouldn't trust him—everyone says he's economical with the truth.

7. Egg on your face

Meaning -  If someone has egg on their face, they are made to look foolish or embarrassed, To suffer embarrassment as a result of some public failure or faux pas.

Meaning (Hindi) - सार्वजनिक विफलता या अशुद्धता के परिणामस्वरूप शर्मिंदा होना

Example - The CEO really had egg on his face after he went on stage to demonstrate the new product and couldn't get it to work right.

8. Elbow grease

Meaning - hard physical work, especially vigorous polishing or cleaning/Energetic labor.

Meaning (Hindi) - ऊर्जावान श्रम

Example - It requires to put a lot of elbow grease to shift from one place to another.

9. Elbow room

Meaning - Enough space to move around an area easily/ The freedom and ability to act as one wants.

Meaning (Hindi) - पर्याप्त जगह, / स्वतंत्रता से कार्य करना

Example - We shared a small office where neither of us had enough elbow room.

10. Engaging manners

Meaning -  Good behavior 

Meaning (Hindi) - अच्छा व्य़वहार

Example - The Prime Minister became popular because of his engaging manners.

11. Ended in smoke

Meaning -  No concrete or positive result/Came to nothing 

Meaning (Hindi) - कोई परिणाम न निकलना

Example -  All her plans for the trip to the hill station ended in smoke as she got ill at that time.

12. Even at the turning of the tide

Meaning -   to denote some change from a previously stable course of events.

Meaning (Hindi) -स्थिर घटनाओं से कुछ बदलाव को निरूपित करना

Example -  The lifestyle of rich and the famous hasn't changed much even at the turning of the tide.

13. Every nook and cranny

Meaning -  Any part or section of a given place, especially those that are hard to see or reach/ every small, out-of-the-way place or places where something can be hidden

Meaning (Hindi) - कोना. कोना छान मारना

Example -We looked for our tickets in every nook and cranny but could not find it.

14. Eye to eye (with someone)

Meaning - to agree with someone, or to have the same opinion as them

Meaning (Hindi) - किसी के साथ सहमत होना

Example -:  I don’t see eye to eye withmy father on many things.

15. Every cloud has a silver lining

Meaning -  there is always something good even in an unpleasant, difficult or even painful situation.

Meaning (Hindi) -दुर्भाग्य के काले बादलों में आशा की सुनहरी दामिनी भी छिपी रहती है

Example -: You should never feel hopeless. Every cloud has a silver lining, you know.

16.Every Man Jack

Meaning - every person without exception/each and every person (used for emphasis).

Meaning (Hindi) - हर एक आदमी

Example -: I don't know how many people live in this society, but every man jack of them is required to contribute their time towards cleaning up the society on this occasion.

17.Every Tom, Dick and Harry

Meaning - Every kind of common, undistinguished person; anyone at all, indiscriminately/to talk about many different people, especially people they do not think are special or important.

Meaning (Hindi) - कोई भी ऐरा-गैरा नत्थू खैरा

Example -:  You don't want every Tom, Dick, and Harry coming to your performance, but then you don't want to limit the amount of audience you might bring in.

18.Eye wash

Meaning - nonsense, deception, insincere talk

Meaning (Hindi) - बकवास

Example -: All that stuff about blood being thicker than water was nothing more than eyewash.

19.Ease off/Ease up

Meaning - to give something less effort or energy, especially when you have been working very hard

Meaning (Hindi) - कम होना, सुविधा देना

Example - If she doesn’t ease off at work, she’ll make herself ill.

20. Eke Out

Meaning - to make (a living) or support (existence) laboriously/To supplement; to add to something.

Meaning (Hindi) - निर्वाह करना/कमी पूरी करना

Example - The old man eked out his pension by selling vegetables from his garden.

21. Egg Someone On

Meaning - to urge or strongly encourage them to do something especially something not wise enough

Meaning (Hindi) -  उकसान ा, जोर देना

Example -  She didn't really want to learn to drive but her children kept egging her on.

Word of the day: Eat

22. Eat One's words

Meaning -    to admit that what you said before was wrong/retract what one has said, especially in a humiliating way.

Meaning (Hindi) - शर्मिंदा होकर अपनी बात वापस लेना

Example - After predicting disastrous results, he had to eat his words with the success of the new product.

23. Eat In

Meaning -To eat at one's home, rather than at a restaurant.

Meaning (Hindi) -घर में खाना 

Example - We didn't feel like going to a restaurant so we ATE IN. 

24. Eat Into

Meaning - to use or take away a large part of something valuable, such as money or time when you don't want to 

Meaning (Hindi) -   कुछ उपयोगी और कीमती खत्म होना

Example - The high cost of living in London is eating into my savings.

25. Eat Away

Meaning -To destroy, damage, erode gradually and slowly

Meaning (Hindi) - धीरे धीरे क्षति

Example - The disease EATS the liver AWAY. 

26. Eat up

Meaning -  To consume completely/ to feel a negative emotion so strongly that it is difficult to think about anything else

Meaning (Hindi) - पूरी तरह से उपभोग / दृढ़ता से  एक नकारात्मक भावना महसूस करना 

Example - He was so hungry that he ate upeverything on his plate.
Out of syllabus questions eat up the students.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

The Hindu daily vocabulary (11-04-2018)

#the hindu daily vocabulary (11-04-2018)

Deliverable- प्रदेय
Perceptible- सुस्पष्ट
Rupture- बिगाड़
Put aside- भूला देना
Rhetoric- आलंकारिक
Sermonise- प्रचार करना
Tenor- विषय
Susceptible- अतिसंवेदनशील
Meddle-  हस्तक्षेप करना
Diplomat- राजनयिक
Credence-  विश्वास
Discreetly-  सावधानी से
Skew- तिरछा
Standalone- अकेले चल सकने योग्य
Obscure- अस्पष्ट करना
Entrant- प्रतियोगी
Critique- समालोचना
Reckon- गणना करना
Punitive- दंडात्मक
Probe- तहक़ीक़ात
Torrent-  धारा
Retaliate- जवाबी कार्रवाई
Contentious-  विवादास्पद
Quadrilateral- चतुर्भुज
Deliberations- विचार विमर्श
Furore- शोरगुल
Adjournment- कुछ काल के लिए कार्यक्रम स्थगित करने का कार्य
Stag- जासूसी करना या अश्लील
Aspersion- कलंक
Deity- देवता
Cramping- मरोड़
Jeopardise- जोखिम में डालना
Rob- डाका डालना, लूटना
Mire- दलदल में फँसाना
Wrangles- उपद्रव करना, लड़ाई-झगड़ा करना
Gestation- गर्भावधि
Fledgling- अनुभवहीन
Explosive- बारूद, विस्फोटक
Inclined- झुका हुआ
In the event of- की हालत में
Vociferously- शोर गुल के साथ
Innuendos-  इशारा( गलत भावना से)
Obscenity- गाली, अश्लीलता
Normalcy साधारण अवस्था
Douse-  बुझाना
Engulfing- निगलना
Statutory- संवैधानिक
Spate- बाढ़
Stricken- पीड़ित
Pulls up- रोकना
Outfit- पोशाक, संस्थान, संगठन
Intimidation- धमकी
Gambit- चाल
Exempt- मुक्त, छूट
Conveyance- परिवहन, संप्रेषण
Phenomenon- घटना
Paradigmatic- प्रतिमान संबंधी
Genre- शैली
Morphology- आकृति विज्ञान,शब्द संरचना
Nihilism- शून्यवाद, विनाशवाद
Proselytize- धर्म परिवर्तन
Sanguinary- खून का प्यासा
Preclude- असंभव बनाना, रोकना
Personnel- कर्मचारी वर्ग
Presume- मान लिया जाना
Connaissance- ज्ञान
Vulnerable- कमजोर
Vividly- सजीव ढंग से
Partially- आंशिक रूप से
Juncture- मोड़, अवसर
Ascribed- के लिए उत्तरदायी ठहराना
Ticklish- चंचल, जिसे गुदगुदी अधिक लगे
Enact- नियम बनाना
Seemingly- प्रकट रूप से
Invincible- जिसे जीता न जा सके
Chink- खनकना
Armour- हथियारबंद गाड़ी, बख़्तरबंद
Shone- चमकना
Simultaneously- एक ही समय
Astute- चतुर
Exhort- प्रोत्साहित करना
Usher- भेंट कराने वाला
Harvest- फसल एकत्र करना
Contradiction- विरोधाभास
Ascendant- उदीयमान, प्रभावी स्थिति में
Introspect- आत्मधविश्लेभषण करना
Doldrums खिन्नता
Simultaneously- एक ही समय

(English to English)

Deliverable (noun) = A thing able to be provided as a product of a development process
Perceptible- Noticeable
Rupture- Break or burst suddenly
Put aside- To save something
Rhetoric- The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Sermonise- Publicize
Tenor- Theme, respect
Susceptible- Likely or liable to be influenced or harmed
Meddle- Interfere, intervene
Diplomat- Statesman, politician, ambassador
Credence- Acceptance, belief
Discreetly- In a careful and prudent manner
Skew- A slant
Standalone- Able to operate independently of other hardware or software
Obscure- Conceal, hide
Entrant- Beginner, newcomer
Critique- Evaluate in a detailed and analytical way
Reckon- Compute, calculate
Punitive- Intended as punishment
Probe- Investigation
Torrent- A strong stream
Retaliate- Make an attack in return 
Contentious- Controversial

Static Gk For Banking SSC & Railway (Hindi Notes)

*🛳🛳🛳भारत के प्रमुख बांध एवं नदी परियोजनाएँ*
🍫1. इडुक्की परियोजना (Idukki Dam) - पेरियार नदी (Periyar River)
- केरल (Kerala)
🍫2. उकाई परियोजना (Ukai Project) - ताप्ती नदी (Tapi river)
- गुुजरात (Gujarat)
🍫3. काकड़ापारा परियोजना (Kakrapar project) - ताप्ती नदी (Tapi river)
- गुुजरात (Gujarat)
🍫4. कोलडैम परियोजना (Koldam project) - सतलुज नदी - (Sutlej River)
- हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)
🍫5. गंगासागर परियोजना (Ganga Sagar project) - चम्बल नदी (Chambal River)
- मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh)
🍫6. जवाहर सागर परियोजना (Jawahar Sagar Project) - चम्बल नदी (Chambal River)
- राजस्थान (Rajasthan)
🍫7. जायकवाड़ी परियोजना (Jayakwadi project ) - गोदावरी नदी (Godavari river)
- महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)
🍫8. टिहरी बाँध परियोजना (Tehri Dam Project) - भागीरथी नदी (Bhagirathi River)
- उत्तराखण्ड (Uttarakhand)
🍫9. तिलैया परियोजना (Tilaiya Project) - बराकर नदी (Barakar River)
- झारखंड (Jharkhand)
🍫10. तुलबुल परियोजना (Tulbul Project) - झेलम नदी (Jhelum River)
- जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)
🍫11. दुर्गापुर बैराज परियोजना (Durgapur Barrage Project) - दामोदर नदी (Damodar River)
- पश्चिम बंगाल (West Bengal)
🍫12. दुलहस्ती परियोजना (Dul Hasti Project ) - चिनाब नदी (Chenab River)
- जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)
🍫13. नागपुर शक्ति गृह परियोजना (Nagpur Power Station Project)
- कोराडी नदी (Koradi River) - महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)
🍫14. नागार्जुनसागर परियोजना (Nagarjuna Sagar Project) - कृष्णा नदी (Krishna River)
- आन्ध्र प्रदेश (Andhra Pradesh)
🍫15. नाथपा झाकरी परियोजना (Nathpa Jhakri project) - सतलज नदी (Sutlej River)
- हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)

🍫16. पंचेत बांध (Panchet Dam) - दामोदर नदी (Damodar River)
- झारखंड (Jharkhand)
🍫17. पोचम्पाद परियोजना (Pochampad project) - महानदी (Mahanadi)
- कर्नाटक (Karnataka)
🍫18. फरक्का परियोजना (Farakka project) - गंगा नदी (Ganges River )
- पश्चिम बंगाल (West Bengal)
🍫19. बाणसागर परियोजना (Bansagar project) - सोन नदी (Son River)
- मध्य प्रदेश (Madya Pradesh)
🍫20. भाखड़ा नांगल परियोजना (Bhakra Nangal Project) - सतलज नदी (Sutlej River)
- हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)
🍫21. भीमा परियोजना (Bhima Project) - पवना नदी (Pavana River)
- तेलंगाना (Telangana)
🍫22. माताटीला परियोजना (Matatila project ) - बेतवा नदी (Betwa River)
- उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh)
🍫23. रंजीत सागर बांध परियोजना (Ranjit Sagar Dam Project ) - रावी नदी (Ravi River)
- जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)
🍫24. राणा प्रताप सागर परियोजना (Rana Pratap Sagar Project ) - चम्बल नदी (Chambal River)
- राजस्थान (Rajasthan)
🍫25. सतलज परियोजना (Sutlej Project) - चिनाब नदी (Chenab River)
- जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)
🍫26. सरदार सरोवर परियोजना (Sardar Sarovar Project) - नर्मदा नदी (Narmada River)
- गुुजरात (Gujarat)
🍫27. हिडकल परियोजना (Hidkal project) - घाटप्रभा परियोजना (Ghataprabha River)
- कर्नाटक (Karnataka)
🍫28. हिराकुड बाँध परियोजना (Hirakud Dam Project) - महानदी (Mahanadi)
- ओडीशा


1. केवला देवी राष्ट्रीय उद्यान 
2. रणथ्मभोर राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. सरिस्का राष्ट्रीय उद्यान 
4. डैजर्ट राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. दर्रा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. घना पक्षी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
7. केवला देवी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
8. ताल छापर अभ्यारण्य 
9. माउंट आबू वाईल्ड लाइफ सैंचुरी

🌴मध्य प्रदेश 
1. कान्हा राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. पेंच राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. पन्ना राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
4. सतपुड़ा राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
5. वन विहार पार्क 
6. रुद्र सागर झील राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
7. बांधवगढ नेशनल पार्क 
8. संजय नेशनल पार्क 
9. माधव राष्ट्रीय पार्क
10. कुनो नेशनल पार्क 
11. माण्डला प्लांट फौसिल राष्ट्रीय पार्क

🌴अरुणाचल प्रदेश 
1. नामदफा राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. सुलतानपुर राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. कलेशर राष्ट्रीय पार्क

🌴उत्तर प्रदेश 
1. दूदवा राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. चन्द्रप्रभा वन्यजीव विहार

1. बेतला राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. हजारीबाग राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. धीमा राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. काइबुल लाम्झो राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. सिरोही राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. खांचनजोंगा राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. क्लाउडेड राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. गल्फ आफ मनार राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. इन्दिरा गांधी ( अन्नामलाई ) राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. प्लानी हिल्स राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. मुकुरूथी नेशनल पार्क 
5. गुनीडे नेशनल पार्क

1. भीतरगनिका राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. सिंमली राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. नन्दनकानन राष्ट्रीय चिड़ीयाघर 
4. चिल्का झील अभयारण्य

1. माउन्टेन राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. मुरलेन राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. फांगपुई नेशनल पार्क 
4. डाम्फा अभ्यारण्य

1. दाचीग्राम राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. सलीम अली राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. किस्तवाड़ राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. हैमनिश नेशनल पार्क 
5. जैव मण्डल रीजर्व , श्रीनगर

🌴पश्चिम बंगाल 
1. सुन्दरवन राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. बुक्सा राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. जलधपारा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. गोरूवारा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. सिंघालिला राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. नियोरा वैली नेशनल पार्क

1. मानस राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. नामेरी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. राजीव गांधी ओरांग पार्क 
5. डिब्रूगढ़ शेखोवाल राष्ट्रीय पार्क

🌴आंध्र प्रदेश 
1. कसरू ब्रह्मानंदा रेड्डी नेशनल पार्क 
2. इन्दिरा गाँधी प्राणी विज्ञान पार्क 
3. मरूगवामी नेशनल पार्क 
4. श्री वेंकटेश्वरम राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. कावला राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. नागार्जुन सागर राष्ट्रीय पार्क
7. नेलापत्तु पक्षी राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. बोरीवली ( संजय गांधी ) राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. चांदोली राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. तबोड़ा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. गुग्गामल राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. नवागांव राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. तन्सा नेशनल पार्क, थाणे 
7. मेलघाट राष्ट्रिय अभ्यारण्य

1. सैडिल पीक राष्ट्रीय उद्यान 
2. महात्मा गाँधी मैरीन ( वंदूर ) राष्ट्रीय उद्यान 
3. फोसिल राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. कैंपबैल नेशनल पार्क 
5. गलेथा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. माऊंट हैरिट नेशनल पार्क 
7. रानी झांसी मैरीन राष्ट्रीय पार्क

🌴हिमाचल प्रदेश 
1. पिन वैली पार्क 
2. ग्रेट हिमालय राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. रोहल्ला राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
4. किरगंगा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. सीमलबरा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. इन्द्रकिला नेशनल पार्क 
7. शिकरी देवी अभ्यारण्य

1. गिर राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. मरीन राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. ब्लेक बुक राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
4. गल्फ आफ कच्छ 
5. वंसदा नेशनल पार्क

1. जिम कार्बेट राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. वैली आफ फ्लावर राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. नन्दा देवी राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
4. राजाजी नेशनल पार्क 
5. गोविन्द पासू विहार नेशनल पार्क 
6. गंगोत्री राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. कांगेर घाटी ( कांगेर वैली ) राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. इन्द्रावती राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
3. गुरू घासीदास ( संजय ) राष्ट्रीय उद्यान

1. साइलेंट वैली राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. पेरियार नेशनल पार्क 
3. मैथीकेतन नेशनल पार्क 
4. अन्नामुदाई नेशनल पार्क 
5. एर्नाकुलम नेशनल पार्क

1. बांदीपुर राष्ट्रीय पार्क 
2. नागरहोल ( राजीव गांधी ) राष्ट्रीय उद्यान 
3. अंसी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. बनेरघाटला नेशनल पार्क 
5. कुडूरमुख नेशनल पार्क 
6. तुंगभद्रा राष्ट्रीय पार्क

1. हरिकै वैटलैण्ड नेशनल पार्क

1. महावीर हरीना वनस्थली नेशनल पार्क 
2. किन्नरसानी अभ्यारण्य

1. सलीम अली बर्ड सैंचुरी 
2. नेत्रावली वन्यजीव पार्क 
3. चौरा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. भगवान महावीर नेशनल पार्क

1. वाल्मिकी नेशनल पार्क 
2. विक्रमसिला गंगटिक डॉल्फिन सैंचुरी 
3. कंवर लेक बर्ड सैंचुरी


• यूनेस्को की विश्व विरासत में शामिल भारतीय धरोहर - स्थल


1. ताजमहल - उत्तर प्रदेश [1983]
2. आगरा का किला - उत्तर प्रदेश [1983]
3. अजंता की गुफाएं - महाराष्ट्र [1983]
4. एलोरा की गुफाएं - महाराष्ट्र [1983]
5. कोणार्क का सूर्य मंदिर - ओडिशा [1984]
6. महाबलिपुरम् का स्मारक समूह -तमिलनाडू [1984]
7. काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - असोम [1985]
8. मानस वन्य जीव अभयारण्य - असोम [1985]
9. केवला देव राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - राजस्थान [1985]
10. पुराने गोवा के चर्च व मठ - गोवा [1986]
11. मुगल सिटी, फतेहपुर सिकरी - उत्तर प्रदेश [1986]
12. हम्पी स्मारक समूह - कर्नाटक [1986]
13. खजुराहो मंदिर - मध्यप्रदेश [1986]
14. एलीफेंटा की गुफाएं - महाराष्ट्र [1987]
15. पट्टदकल स्मारक समूह - कर्नाटक [1987]
16. सुंदरवन राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - प. बंगाल [1987]
17. वृहदेश्वर मंदिर तंजावुर - तमिलनाडू [1987]
18. नंदा देवी राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - उत्तराखंड [1988]
19. सांची का बौद्ध स्मारक - मध्यप्रदेश [1989]
21. हुमायूँ का मकबरा - दिल्ली [1993]
22. दार्जिलिंग हिमालयन रेल - पश्चिम बंगाल [1999]
23. महाबोधी मंदिर, गया - बिहार [2002]
24. भीमबेटका की गुफाएँ - मध्य प्रदेश [2003]
25. गंगई कोड़ा चोलपुरम् मन्दिर - तमिलनाडु [2004]
26. एरावतेश्वर मन्दिर - तमिलनाडु [2004]
27. छत्रपति शिवाजी टर्मिनल - महाराष्ट्र [2004]
28. नीलगिरि माउंटेन रेलवे - तमिलनाडु [2005]
29. फूलों की घाटी राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - उत्तराखंड [2005]
30. दिल्ली का लाल किला - दिल्ली [2007]
31. कालका शिमला रेलवे -हिमाचल प्रदेश [2008]
32. सिमलीपाल अभ्यारण्य - ओडिशा [2009]
33. नोकरेक अभ्यारण्य - मेघालय [2009]
34. भितरकनिका उद्यान - ओडिशा [2010]
35. जयपुर का जंतर-मन्तर - राजस्थान [2010]
36. पश्चिम घाट [2012]
37. आमेर का किला - राजस्थान [2013]
38. रणथंभोर किला - राजस्थान [2013]
39. कुंभलगढ़ किला - राजस्थान [2013]
40. सोनार किला - राजस्थान [2013]
41. चित्तौड़गढ़ किला - राजस्थान [2013]
42. गागरोन किला - राजस्थान [2013]
43. रानी का वाव - गुजरात [2014]
44. ग्रेट हिमालय राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - हिमाचल प्रदेश [2014]

भारत की प्रमुख जांच समिति एवं आयोगों की सूची
1. नरेशचन्द्र समिति - कॉर्पोरेट गवर्नेंस
2. बलवन्त राय मेहता समिति - विकेन्द्रीकरण के लिए सुझाव
3. ज्योति बसु समिति - ऑक्ट्रॉई समाप्ति पर​ रिपोर्ट
4. मल्होत्रा समिति - बीमा क्षेत्र के सुधार
5. सेन गुप्ता समिति - शिक्षित बेरोजगारी
6. डॉ. विजय केलकर समिति - प्राकृतिक गैस मूल्य
7. शंकरलाल गुरु समिति - कृषि विपणन
8. के. एन. काबरा समिति - फ्यूचर ट्रेडिंग
9. चक्रवर्ती समिति-2 - बैंकिंग क्षेत्र सुधार
10. एन. के. सिंह समिति - विद्युत क्षेत्र में सुधार
11. सुशील कुमार समिति - बीटी कपास की खेती की समीक्षा
12. केलकर समिति-2 - प्र​त्यक्ष तथा परोक्ष करारोपण
13. राजिन्दर सच्चर समिति-1 - कम्पनीज एण्ड MRPT एक्ट
14. रंगराजन स​मिति-3 - निजी क्षेत्र में सुधार
15. केलकर समिति - पिछड़ी जातियों पर पहली समिति
16. मण्डल कमीशन - पिछड़ी जातियों के लिए सीटों का आरक्षण
17. कोठारी कमीशन - शैक्षिक सुधार
18. आबिद हुसैन समिति - छोटे पैमाने के उद्योगों के सुझाव हेतु
19. नरसिंहम समिति - बैंकिंग सुधार
20. तेंदुलकर समिति - निर्धनता रेखा के आकलन हेतु
21. राज समिति - कृषि जोतकर
22. भगवती समिति - बेरोजगारी
23. दंतेवाला समिति - बेरोजगारी के अनुमान
24. सुखमय चक्रवर्ती समिति - मौद्रिक प्रणालीपर पुनर्विचार
25. वैद्यनाथन समिति - सिंचाई के पानी
26. दत्त समिति - औद्योगिक लाइसेंसिंग
27. राजा चेलैया समिति - कर-सुधार
28. चेलैया समिति - काला धन की समाप्ति
29. हजारी समिति - औद्योगिक नीति
30. पी. सी. अलेक्जेण्डर समिति - आयात-निर्यात नीतियों का उदारीकरण
31. तिवारी समिति - औद्योगिक रुग्णता
32. चक्रवर्ती कमेटी - मौद्रिक पद्धति के कार्यों की समीक्षा
33. रंगराजन समिति - भुगतान सन्तुलन
34. गोस्वामी समिति - औद्योगिक रुग्णता
35. नन्जुन्दप्पा समिति - रेलवे किराए भाड़े

*भारतीय नदी(INDIAN RIVERS)*


*1 सिन्धु नदी* :-
•लम्बाई: (2,880km)
• उद्गम स्थल: मानसरोवर झील के निकट
• सहायक नदी:(तिब्बत) सतलुज, व्यास,
झेलम, चिनाब,
रावी, शिंगार,
गिलगित, श्योक जम्मू और कश्मीर, लेह
*2 झेलम नदी*
•लम्बाई: 720km
•उद्गम स्थल: शेषनाग झील,
•सहायक नदी: किशन, गंगा, पुँछ लिदार,करेवाल,
सिंध जम्मू-कश्मीर,
*3 चिनाब नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1,180km
•उद्गम स्थल: बारालाचा दर्रे के निकट
•सहायक नदी: चन्द्रभागा जम्मू-कश्मीर
*4 रावी नदी*
•लम्बाई: 725 km
•उद्गम स्थल:रोहतांग दर्रा,
•सहायक नदी :साहो, सुइल पंजाब
*5 सतलुज नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1440 (1050)km •उद्गमस्थल:मानसरोवर के निकट राकसताल
•सहायक नदी : व्यास, स्पिती,
बस्पा हिमाचल प्रदेश, पंजाब
*6 व्यास नदी*
•लम्बाई: 470
•उद्गम स्थल: रोहतांग दर्रा •सहायक नदी:तीर्थन, पार्वती,
*7 गंगा नदी*
•लम्बाई :2,510 (2071)km •उद्गम स्थल: गंगोत्री के निकट गोमुख से
• सहायक नदी: यमुना, रामगंगा,
बागमती, गंडक,
मंदाकिनी, उत्तरांचल,
उत्तर प्रदेश,
*8 यमुना नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1375km
•उद्गम स्थल: यमुनोत्री ग्लेशियर
•सहायक नदी: चम्बल, बेतवा, केन,
टोंस, गिरी,
काली, सिंध,
*9 रामगंगा नदी*
•लम्बाई: 690km
•उद्गम स्थल:नैनीताल के निकट एक हिमनदी से
• सहायक नदी:खोन
*10 घाघरा नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1,080 km
•उद्गम स्थल:मप्सातुंग (नेपाल)
• सहायक नदी:हिमनद शारदा, करनली,
कुवाना, राप्ती,
*11 गंडक नदी*
•लम्बाई: 425km
•उद्गम स्थल: नेपाल तिब्बत सीमा पर मुस्ताग के निकट •सहायक नदी :काली गंडक,
त्रिशूल, गंगा
*12 कोसी नदी*
•लम्बाई: 730km
•उद्गम स्थल: नेपाल में सप्तकोशिकी
•सहायक नदी: इन्द्रावती,
तामुर, अरुण,
*13 चम्बल नदी*
•लम्बाई: 960 km
•उद्गम स्थल:मऊ के निकट जानापाव पहाड़ी से
•सहायक नदी :काली सिंध,
पार्वती, बनास
*14 बेतवा नदी*
•लम्बाई: 480km
•उद्गम स्थल: भोपाल के पास उबेदुल्ला गंज के पास मध्य प्रदेश
*15 सोन नदी*
•लम्बाई: 770 km
•उद्गमस्थल:अमरकंटक की पहाड़ियों से
•सहायक नदी:रिहन्द, कुनहड़
*16 दामोदर नदी*
•लम्बाई: 600km
•उद्गम स्थल: छोटा नागपुर पठार से दक्षिण पूर्व
•सहायक नदी:कोनार,
बराकर झारखण्ड,
पश्चिम बंगाल
*17 ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी*
•लम्बाई: 2,880km
•उद्गम स्थल: मानसरोवर झील के निकट (तिब्बत में सांग्पो)
•सहायक नदी: घनसिरी,
मानस, लोहित,
नोवा, पद्मा,
दिहांग अरुणाचल प्रदेश, असम
*18 महानदी*
•लम्बाई: 890km
•उद्गम स्थल: सिहावा के निकट रायपुर
•सहायक नदी: सियोनाथ,
हसदेव, उंग, ईब,
वैतरणी मध्य प्रदेश,
*19 वैतरणी नदी*
• लम्बाई: 333km
•उद्गम स्थल:क्योंझर पठार उड़ीसा
*20 स्वर्ण रेखा*
•लम्बाई: 480km
•उद्गम स्थल ;छोटा नागपुर पठार उड़ीसा,
पश्चिम बंगाल
—————————————*21 गोदावरी नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1,450km
•उद्गम स्थल: नासिक की पहाड़ियों से
•सहायक नदी:प्राणहिता,
पेनगंगा, वर्धा,
मंजीरा, पुरना महाराष्ट्र,
आन्ध्र प्रदेश
*22 कृष्णा नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1,290km
•उद्गम स्थल: महाबलेश्वर के निकट
•सहायक नदी: कोयना, यरला,
वर्णा, पंचगंगा,
भीमा, तुंगप्रभा,
मूसी महाराष्ट्र,
आन्ध्र प्रदेश
*23 कावेरी नदी*
•लम्बाई: 760km
•उद्गम स्थल: केरकारा के निकट ब्रह्मगिरी
•सहायक नदी:हेमावती,
शिमला, भवानी,
स्वर्णवती कर्नाटक,
*24 नर्मदा नदी*
•लम्बाई: 1,312km
•उद्गम स्थल :अमरकंटक चोटी
•सहायक नदी: तवा, शेर, शक्कर,
दूधी, बर्ना मध्य प्रदेश,
*25 ताप्ती नदी*
•लम्बाई: 724km
•उद्गम स्थल: मुल्ताई से (बेतूल)
•सहायक नदी: पूरणा, बेतूल,
गंजल, गोमई मध्य प्रदेश,
*26 साबरमती*
•लम्बाई: 716km
•उद्गम स्थल: जयसमंद झील
•सहायक नदी:वाकल, हाथमती राजस्थान,
*27 लूनी नदी*
•उद्गम स्थल: नाग पहाड़ •सहायक नदी:सुकड़ी, जनाई,
बांडी राजस्थान,
*28 बनास नदी*
•उद्गम स्थल: खमनौर पहाड़ियों से
•सहायक नदी :सोड्रा, मौसी,
खारी कर्नाटक,
*29 माही नदी*
•उद्गम स्थल: मेहद झील से •सहायक नदी:सोम, जोखम,
अनास, सोरन मध्य प्रदेश,
*30 हुगली नदी*
•उद्गम स्थल: नवद्वीप के निकट
•सहायक नदी: जलांगी



हरित क्रांति –खाद्यान्न उत्पादन
श्वेत क्रांति – दुग्ध उत्पादन
नीली क्रांति – मत्स्य उत्पादन
भूरी क्रांति – उर्वरक उत्पादन
रजत क्रांति – अंडा उत्पादन
पीली क्रांति – तिलहन उत्पादन
कृष्ण क्रांति – बायोडीजल उत्पादन
लाल क्रांति – टमाटर/मांस उत्पादन
गुलाबी क्रांति – झींगा मछली उत्पादन
बादामी क्रांति – मासाला उत्पादन
सुनहरी क्रांति – फल उत्पादन
अमृत क्रांति – नदी जोड़ो परियोजनाएं
धुसर/स्लेटी क्रांति– सीमेंट
गोल क्रांति– आलु
इंद्रधनुषीय क्रांति– सभी क्रांतियो पर निगरानी रखने हेतु
सनराइज/सुर्योदय क्रांति– इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उधोग के विकास के हेतु
गंगा क्रांति– भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ सदाचार पैदा करने हेतु वाटर मैन ऑफ इंडिया राजेन्द्र सिंह द्वारा
सदाबहार क्रांति– जैव तकनीकी
सेफ्रॉन क्रांति– केसर उत्पादन से
स्लेटी/ग्रे क्रांति–उर्वरको के उत्पादन से
हरित सोना क्रांति– – बाँस उतपादन से
मूक क्रांति– मोटे अनाजों के उत्पादन से
परामनी क्रांति– भिन्डी उत्पादन से
ग्रीन गॉल्ड क्रांति– चाय उत्पादन से
खाद्द श्रंखला क्रांति– भारतीय कृषकों की 2020 तक आमदनी को दुगुना करने से
खाकी क्रांति– चमड़ा उत्पादन से
व्हाइट गॉल्ड क्रांति– कपास उत्पादन सेs
N.H.क्रान्ति- स्वर्णिम चतुर्भुज योजना से।


*भारत के महत्‍वपूर्ण राष्‍ट्रीय संस्‍थान*

1. राष्‍ट्रीय होम्‍योपैथी संस्‍थान
*- कलकत्ता*

2. राष्‍ट्रीय प्राकृतिक चिकित्‍सा संस्‍थान
*- पूणे*

3. डी एन ए (DNA) फिंगर प्रिटिंग और डायग्‍नोस्टिक केन्‍द्र
*- हैदराबाद*

4. सलीम अली पक्षी विज्ञान और प्राकृतिक इतिहास केन्‍द्र
*- कोयम्‍बटूर*

5. प्‍लाजमा अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- अहमदाबाद*

6. उन्‍नत प्रौद्योगिकी केन्‍द्र
*- पूणे*

7. परिवर्तित ऊर्जा साइक्‍लोट्रॉन केन्‍द्र
*- कलकत्ता*

8. भाभा परमाणु अनुसंधान केन्‍द्र *- ट्रोम्‍बे*

9. गणितीय विज्ञान संस्‍थान
*- चेन्‍नई*

10. टाटा मूलभूत अनुसंधान संस्‍थान (TIFR)
*- मुम्‍बई*

11. इंदिरा गांधी परमाणु अनुसंधान केन्‍द्र, कलपक्‍कम
*- (तमिलनाडु)*

12. भारतीय स्‍कीइंग और माउटेनियरिंग संस्‍थान
*- (गुलमर्ग)*

13. भारतीय चारागाह एवं चारा अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- झांसी*

14. इंडियन स्‍कूल ऑफ माइंस एडं एप्‍लाइड जियोलॉजी
*- धनबाद*

15. भारतीय चीनी प्रौद्योगिकी संस्‍थान
*- कानपुर*

16. केन्‍द्रीय इलेक्‍ट्रॉनिक और इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजिनियरिंग अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- पिलानी*

17. केन्‍द्रीय नमक और समुद्री रसायन अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- भावनगर*

18. केन्‍द्रीय धान अनुसंधान केन्‍द्र *- कटक*

19. राष्‍ट्रीय ब्रेन (मस्‍तिष्‍क) अनुसंधान केन्‍द्र
*- गुडगांव*

20. राष्‍ट्रीय आयुर्वेद संस्‍थान
*- जयपुर*

21. नेशनल इंस्‍टीट्यूट ऑफ इम्‍यूनोलॉजी
*- नई दिल्‍ली*

22. भारतीय दलहन अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- कानपुर*

23. सैंट्रल ड्रग रिसर्च इंस्‍टीट़यूट (कैन्‍द्रीय औषध अनुसंधान संस्‍थान)
*- लखनऊ*

24. कैन्‍द्रीय खाद्य प्रौद्योगिकी अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- मैसुर*

25. केन्‍द्रीय कांच एवं वृत्तिका (चीनी मिट्टी) अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- कलकत्ता*

26. केन्‍द्रीय कपास अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- नागपुर*

27. केन्‍द्रीय भारतीय भाषा संस्‍थान
*- मैसुर*

28. केन्‍द्रीय चमड़ा अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- अड़यार, चैन्‍नई*

29. केन्‍द्रीय भेंड और ऊन अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- अविकानगर, टोंक (राजस्‍थान)*

30. ऑलइडिया इंस्‍टीट्युट ऑफ स्‍पीच एंड हियरिंग (AIISH)
*- मैसुर*

31. सैंट्रल इंस्‍टीट्युट ऑफ बर्किश वाटर एक्‍वा कल्‍चर
*- चैन्‍नई*

32. केन्‍द्रीय कृषि अभियांत्रिकी संस्‍थान
*- भोपाल*

33. केन्‍द्रीय मत्‍सय पालन शिक्षा संस्‍थान
*- मूम्‍बई*

34. केन्‍द्रीय शैक्षिक प्रौधोगिकी संस्‍थान
*- नई दिल्‍ली*

35. केन्‍द्रीय मनोरोग विज्ञान संस्‍थान
*- रांची*

36. केन्‍द्रीय सड़क प्रौद्योगिकी संस्‍थान
*- कोकराझार*

37. केन्‍द्रीय मृदा लवणता अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- नई दिल्‍ली*

38. वन शिक्षा निदेशालय
*- देहरादून*

39. भारतीय च‍लचित्र एवं दूरदर्शन संस्‍थान
*- पूणे*

40. राष्‍ट्रीय मस्तिष्‍क अनुसंधान केन्‍द्र
*- मानेसर*

41. राष्‍ट्रीय पोषण संस्‍थान
*- हैदराबाद*

42. राष्‍ट्रीय जलविज्ञान (हाइड्रोलोजी) संस्‍थान
*- बेलगांव, रूड़की*

43. राष्‍ट्रीय ग्रामीण विकास संस्‍थान
*- हैदराबाद*

44. राष्‍ट्रीय समूद्र विज्ञान संस्‍थान *- गौवा*

45. राष्‍ट्रीय पावर प्रशिक्षण (ट्रेनिंग) संस्‍थान
*- फरीदाबाद*

46. राष्‍ट्रीय टी बी संस्‍थान
*- बंगलौर*

47. राष्‍ट्रीय डेयरी अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- करनाल (हरियाणा)*

48. राष्‍ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन संस्‍थान
*- नई दिल्‍ली*

49. राष्‍ट्रीय वनस्‍पति अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- लखनऊ*

50. केन्‍द्रीय हिन्‍दी संस्‍थान
*- आगरा*

51. राष्‍ट्रीय मसाला अनुसंधान संस्‍थान
*- कोझिकोड़*

52. राष्‍ट्रीय वन प्रबंधन संस्‍थान
*- भोपाल*
