Monday 18 June 2018

Vocabulary -18-06-2018

Challenging Words from the Article

1. Word of the day: Scepticism (संशयवाद)

Pronunciation: skep-tuh-siz-uh m/स्केप्टिसिज़म

Part of Speech: Noun

a. a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.
b. the theory that certain knowledge is impossible.

Synonyms: suspicion, mistrust, misgiving

Antonyms: credence, trust

Use in a Sentence: She has a healthy scepticism towards the requirements in the organization's report.

2. Word: Implication (अनुमान)

Pronunciation: im-pli-key-shuh n/ इम्प्लकैशन

Part of Speech: Noun

a. the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.

b. the action or state of being involved in something.

Synonyms: significance, indication


Use in a Sentence: She is by implication requesting me to resign.

3. Word: Conducive (उपकारी)

Pronunciation: kuh n-doo-siv/कन्डूसिव

Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Synonyms: advantageous, helpful, contributory

Antonyms: hindering, unfavourable, cumbersome

Use in a Sentence: This is a conducive environment for studying.

4. Word: Jitter (घबराना)

Pronunciation: jit-er/जिटर

Part of Speech: Noun

a. feelings of extreme nervousness. [Noun]

b. slight irregular movement, variation, or unsteadiness, especially in an electrical signal or electronic device. [Noun]

c. act nervously. [Verb]

Synonyms: anxiety, tremble

Antonyms: soothe, calm

Use in a Sentence: I always get the jitters before exams.

5. Word: Disenchantment (निराशा)


Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning:  a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired; disillusionment.

Synonyms: discontent, disgruntlement, dissent

Antonyms: satisfaction, delight, gratification

Use in a Sentence: Citizens have expressed growing disenchantment with the government.

6. Word of the day: Loom (संकट मँडराना)

Pronunciation: loom/लूम

Part of Speech: Verb

Meaning: appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or threatening

Synonyms: menace, emerge, stand out

Antonyms: disappear, diminish, remove

Use in a Sentence: We should flag those problems that could loom ahead.

7. Word: Taint (अपमान)

Pronunciation: teynt/टैन्ट

Part of Speech: Noun, Verb

a. a trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality. [oun]

b. contaminate or pollute (something). [Verb]

Synonyms: tarnish, defileAntonyms: purify, improve

Use in a Sentence: The inquiry cleared him of any taint of mistrust/dishonesty.

8. Word: Accusations (आरोप)

Pronunciation: ak-yoo-zey-shuh n/ऐक्यूज़ैशन

Part of Speech: Noun

a. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

Synonyms:  allegation, charge, assertion

Antonyms: compliments, defenses

Use in a Sentence: She resigned over accusations of partiality.

9. Word: Formidable (भयानक)

Pronunciation: fawr-mi-duh-buh l/फॉर्मिडबलPart of Speech: Adjective

a. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

Synonyms: terrific, tremendous, colossal

Antonyms: feeble, easy, friendly

Use in a Sentence: They had to overcome formidable obstacles.

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