Friday 20 April 2018

Vocabulary 20 -04-2018

(i) Prolix (Adj.): (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy.

Pronunciation: प्रोलिक्स

Hindi Translations: अध्यक्ष, प्रपंची, विस्तृत, आति दीर्घ

Synonyms:  Wordy, Verbose, Long-Winded, Diffuse, Windy, Rambling, Tedious, Redundant, Dull, Pleonastic, Loquacious, Talkative

Antonyms: Concise, Terse, Brief, Compact, Brusque, Compendious, Curt, Short, Succinct, Pithy

Usage: Too much speaking makes it a little prolix.

Meaning: बहुत ज्यादा बोलने से यह थोड़ा प्रपंची बन जाता है।

(ii) Volatility (N.): being easily excited.

Pronunciation: वालटिलटी / वालटिलिटी

Hindi Translations: अस्थिरता, चंचलता, परिवर्तनशीलता, वाष्पशीलता, उड़नशीलता, शीघ्रवाष्पशीलता

Synonyms:  Fickleness, Flightiness, Impulsiveness, Changeability, Buoyancy, Inconstancy, Excitability, Variability, Excitableness

Antonyms: Permanence, Steadiness, Constancy, Predictability, Poise, Seriousness, Sameness, Dependability, Reliability, Certainty

Usage: Gold equity analysts expect more volatility in gold stocks.

Meaning: गोल्ड इक्विटी विश्लेषकों को सोने के शेयरों में की अधिक अस्थिरता की उम्मीद है।

(iii) Scorching (Adj.): hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface.

Pronunciation: स्कॉर्चिंग

Hindi Translations: जलानेवाला, प्रखर, चिलचिलाती, झुलसाने वाला, चिलचिलाता, जलानेवाली, झुलसानेवाला

Synonyms:  Hot, Burning, Searing, Sweltering, Torrid, Fiery, Roasting, Scalding, Broiling, Baking, Boiling

Antonyms: Frosty, Cold, Bitter, Freezing, Cool, Chilly, Snappy, Icy, Glacial, Wintry, Frigid

Usage: They walked all day in the scorchingheat.

Meaning: वे पूरे दिन तेज गर्मी में चले।

(iv) Perceive (V.): become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Pronunciation: पर्सीव

Hindi Translations: जानना, देखना, बूझना, समझना, समझ लेना, अर्थ लगाना, अनुभव करना, मालूम करना, गोचर करना, महसूस करना

Synonyms:  Discern, Understand, Sense, Recognize, Comprehend, Apprehend, Distinguish, Notice, Appreciate

Antonyms: Misunderstand, Ignore, Miss, Misconstrue, Misinterpret, Overlook, Mistake, Neglect, Disregard, Break, Observe

Usage: Cats are not able to perceive colour.

Meaning: बिल्लियाँ रंगो को समझने में सक्षम नहीं हैं।

(v) Coterie (N.): a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.

Pronunciation: कोटर / कोटरी

Hindi Translations: गोष्ठी, मण्डली, अन्तर्गुट, अन्तरंग-मंडली, गुणीजन-मंडली

Synonyms:  Clique, Set, Circle, Party, Group, Company, Gang, Faction, Crowd, Club, Camp

Antonyms: Angle, Empty

Usage: We three formed a little literary coterie.

Meaning: हमने तीनों ने एक छोटी साहित्यिक मण्डली बनाई।

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