Thursday 3 May 2018

English Language Quiz For SBI

Banking express – Digital Tayari
Your A to Z Guide
English for SBI PO & Clerk
Whatsapp- 7488634307

English language- Fillers

Directions (Q. 1-5): The following questions consist of a single sentence with one blank only. You are given six words denoted by A, B, C, D, E and F as answer choices and from the six choices you have to pick two correct answers, either of which will make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. After a rather long ______ of more than three years since 2008 after the global
crisis, the equity markets have made a remarkable comeback this year.
(A) time (B) interruption
(C) gap (D) discussion
(E) hiatus (F) performance
1) (A) and (D) 2) (B) and (C) 3) (E) and (F)
4) (C) and (E) 5) (D) and (F)

2. With favourable demographics translating into growth dividend and high savings rate, we believe that India has a lot of potential in the longer term to ________ 7-8 percent real GDP growth rate.
(A) create (B) generate
(C) make (D) achieve
(E) raise (F) hike
1) (A) and (B) 2) (B) and (D) 3) (C) and (F)
4) (B) and (E) 5) (D) and (E)

3.. In our view, domestic macro environment is much better compared to the emerging markets ________ who are facing sharper impact of the global slowdown.
(A) peers (B) trends
(C) regulators (D) environments
(E) patterns (F) players
1) (F) and (B) 2) (D) and (E) 3) (A) and (F)
4) (C) and (E) 5) (D) and (F)

4. The beauty of section 80C of the Income Tax Act is the wide array of financial instruments that qualify for tax ________ within it.
(A) exemptions (B) deductions
(C) relief (D) claims
(E) calculations (F) rebate
1) (C) and (E) 2) (A) and (D) 3) (B) and (E)
4) (B) and (D) 5) (B) and (F)

5. The large-cap growth orientation of the scheme ________ that equity allocation is
in some of the biggest companies with strong financials and business.
(A) affirms (B) assures
(C) secures (D) insures
(E) ensures (F) concedes
1) (A) and (E) 2) (B) and (D) 3) (C) and (F)
4) (D) and (F) 5) (A) and (F)

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