Tuesday 17 April 2018

English - Fillers (SOLVED) for SBI Clerk 2018

Directions(1-15):In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence, there are five options and each blank is to be filled with the same word given below to make the sentence correct. Fill up the sentences with the correct word.

Q1. (I) Rumors continued to be rampant about his ........ culpability in Billy Langstrom's death.
(II) When did they find these ........ bones?
(a) vindictive
(b) alleged
(c) vendetta
(d) supposed
(e) doubtful

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1. Ans.(b) Sol. alleged- the one who is accused of crime

Q2. (I) Pluralism, nepotism, simony and all the other ancient abuses were more .......... than ever.
(II) The abuses of which he particularly complains are such as were found ........... by Ezra and Nehemiah - marriage with foreign women
(a) rampant
(b) reviving
(c) spreading
(d) restrained
(e) inclined

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2. Ans.(a) Sol. rampant- unrestrained or unchecked

Q3. (I) Thus the use of machinery became possible, and this ......... the entire industry.
(II) The single genius of Holberg .......... this system.
(a) encouraged
(b) regularized
(c) revolutionized
(d) returned
(e) rebuked

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3. Ans.(c) Sol. revolutionized- to radically or significantly change, as in revolution

Q4. (I) In some areas, parents who .......... drinking remained a major problem.
(II) She denied that the government has essentially ......... human rights abuses.
(a) cancelled
(b) condemned
(c) allowed
(d) condoned
(e) regenerated

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4. Ans.(d) Sol. condoned- overlooked

Q5. (I) No anger was felt; the .......... prior, the prophet and lawgiver of Florence, was made the popular scapegoat.
(II) He was a ......... Hanoverian, and a favourite with Queen Anne in spite of his Whiggism.
(a) revived
(b) dispassionate
(c) apathetic
(d) jealous
(e) zealous

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5. Ans.(e) Sol. zealous- enthusiastic

Q6. (I) An ........ of greed had taken over the government.
(II) The ........ at work has been decidedly grim since the pay cuts were implemented.
(a) ethos
(b) norms
(c) principles
(d) situations
(e) conditions

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6. Ans.(a) Sol. ethos- the character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement

Q7. (I) The ......... old piece of junk.
(II) Feeding and harnessing the .......... mules wasn't exactly the highlight of her day.
(a) troublesome
(b) cantankerous
(c) pandemonium
(d) commotion
(e) barbarous

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7. Ans.(b) Sol. cantankerous- ill-tempered

Q8. (I) She unwrapped the paper to ........ seven gold coins.
(II) His door flew open to ........ a huge, furry monster with fangs.
(a) reveal
(b) conceal
(c) hide
(d) disguise
(e) sham

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8. Ans.(a) Sol. reveal- to uncover or to show or to disclose

Q9. (I) South of Khartum, in September 1883, under Hicks Pasha, a ........... retired Indian Army officer, to vanquish the Mahdi.
(II) More than one unsuccessful attempt was made to relieve Sir Harry; but his .......... spirit was equal to the occasion.
(a) dashing
(b) coward
(c) audacious
(d) fearful
(e) dauntless

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9. Ans.(e) Sol. dauntless- fearless

Q10. (I) This phenomenon is known as ........... of the floral axis.
(II) The ovary and testes are heaped-up masses of red or yellow cells due to a .......... of the cells lining the coelom.
(a) pilferage
(b) penultimate
(c) proliferation
(d) punitive
(e) division

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10. Ans.(c) Sol. proliferation- multiplication

Q11. (I) The genital ducts open on the .......... somite.
(II) Distinctive feature of the genus is the great fore-and-aft length of the .......... premolar in both jaws.
(a) order less
(b) sequential
(c) consecutive
(d) penultimate
(e) lasting

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11. Ans.(d) Sol. penultimate- second to last

Q12. (I) They ........... in size; they do not, however, die.
(II) The majorities behind the government began to .......... and agitation started to grow.
(a) dwindle
(b) increase
(c) expand
(d) enlarge
(e) cheat

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12. Ans.(a) Sol. dwindle- to decrease or to shrink

Q13. (I) Lana sank to the ground, too ......... to register what to do next.
(II) He was probably too .......... to think of that yet, but it would come.
(a) gazed
(b) stared
(c) gaped
(d) shocked
(e) adored

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13. Ans.(d) Sol. shocked- surprised, startled or confused

Q14. (I) He almost winced at the ......... in her tone.
(II) We tackle our work; professionally and without .......... to one another in spite of a pall of indecision that oft times seeps in like a chill from a leaky window frame.
(a) affection
(b) rancor
(c) love
(d) amity
(e) sympathy

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14. Ans.(b) Sol. rancor- hatred

Q15. (I) Jackson lost ........... in remembering her.
(II) Her ............ was on the clothes, and he tried not to smile as she spent a minute petting a sweater.
(a) distraction
(b) focused
(c) decision
(d) consciousness
(e) concentration

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15. Ans.(e) Sol. concentration- focus or determination

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