Monday 26 December 2016


I. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in same order. Lowermost floor of building is numbered 1, one above that is numbered 2 and so on till top most floor is numbered 7. Each one of them also likes a different food recipe, namely Egg roll, Pizza, Burger, Noodles, Briyani, Fried Rice and Masala Dosa.(but not necessarily in same order).
Ø      A lives an odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered Three. Only two persons live between D and the one who likes Briyani. The One who likes Burger lives immediately above C.
Ø      The one who likes Pizza lives on odd numbered floors above D. B lives on the floors above E. Only three persons live between C and the one who likes Pizza.
Ø      The one who likes Egg roll lives immediately above the one who likes Masala Dosa. G lives on an odd numbered floor. E does not like Burger.
Ø      Only one person lives between B and E. The one who likes Briyani lives immediately above A. Neither C nor A likes Noodles.

1. Which of the following food recipe does A like?
A. Fried Rice
B. Masala Dosa
C. Burger
D. Pizza
E. Egg roll

2. Which of the following combinations is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. Fried Rice – C
B. Pizza – F
C. Masala Dosa – G
D. Briyani – D
E. Noodles – B

3. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, positions of how many persons will remain unchanged?
A. Four
B. None
C. Two
D. One
E. Three

4. Which of the following statements is True with respect to the given arrangement?
A. The one who likes Masala Dosa immediately below A.
B. F likes Pizza
C. None of the given options is true.
D. Only four persons live between D and G
E. G lives immediately below E.

5. Who among the following lives on the floor numbered 2?
A. B
B. The one who likes Egg roll
C. The one who likes Masala Dosa
D. D
E. F

II. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
 Seven Friends, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G visit seven different Countries namely US Germany ChinaUAE, Netherlands, UK and Russia,(but not necessarily in same order). starting from Monday to Sunday(of the same week).  C visits on Thursday. Only two people visit between C and the one who visits Germany. Only  four people visit between the one who visits Germany and G. The one who visits Russia visits immediately before G. Only two people visit between the one who visits Russia and A. D visits one of the days after the one who visit Russia. F visits immediately after the one who visit US. F does not visit Russia. Only three people visit between the one who visits US and the one who visits Netherlands. The one who visits UK visits immediately before the one who visits China. B does not visit on Monday.

6. Which of the following countries does B visit?
A. China
B. Russia
D. Netherlands

7. On which of the following days does F visit a country?
A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Wednesday
E. Tuesday

8. Which of the following is true about E?
A. All the options are true
B. E visits on Friday
C. E visits China
D. Only three people visit between E and C
E. E visits immediately before A.

9. Who amongst the following visits UAE?
A. D
B. E
C. A
D. G
E. C

10. As per the given arrangement, A is related to the one who visits US in a certain way and G is related to the one who visits Netherlands in the same way. To which of the following is C related to in the same way. 
A. The one who visits UK
B. The one who visits China
C. The one who visits UAE
D. The one who visits Russia
E. The one who visits Germany


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