Monday 19 December 2016


Important Inventions and Discoveries

v Father of ComputerCharles Babbage
v First Modern Computer in the World- ENIAC
v Inventor of Punch Cards in Computer Hollerith
v Computer Graphics was developed by William Fetter
v ARPANET was developed by DARPA
v First Compiler was developed by Dr. Grace Murray Hopper
v Father of Computer Animations- John Whitney
v Keyboard was invented by- Christopher Latham Sholes
v Laptop Computer was invented by Adam Osborne
v First Graphical Computer Game was invented by- A.S. Douglas
v Computer BIOS was invented by Gary Kildall
v Inventors of Computer Chip (IC) Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
v Father of Computer Hard Disk- Reynold Johnson
v Inventor of First Data Base Dr. Edgar Frank Codd
v Inventor of Computer Scanner Ray Kurzweil
v Inventor of Computer Speakers- Abinawan Puracchidas
v Inventor of MS-DOS Operating Systems- Microsoft
v Founder of Apple Incorporation Steve Jobs
v Founder of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy
v Founder of Bluetooth Ericsson
v Father of C Language Dennis Ritchie
v Father of C++ language Bjarne Stroustrup
v Founder of Email Shiva Ayyadurai
v Founder of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin
v Founder of Internet Vint Cerf
v Father of Java - James Gosling
v Founder of Linux Linus Torvalds
v Founder of Microsoft Bill Gates and Paul Allen
v Founder of Mobile Phones Martin Cooper
v Founder of Mouse Douglas Engelbart
v Founders of Oracle Ed Oates, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner
v Founder of Php Rasmus Lerdorf
v Founder of USB Ajay V.Bhatt
v Founder of WWW Tim Berners-Lee
v Founder of Yahoo Jurry Yang and David Filo
v First Commercial Computer UNIVAC
v ENIAC and UNIVAC was developed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert

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