Friday 30 December 2016


Directions (Q. 1-5): In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its parts in bold. To make the sentence grammatically correct, you have to replace the bold parts with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is, give e) as your answer (i.e. No correction required).

1). The tragedy of this incident was not only that Ritika and Sunidhi have been allowed to get away without an explanation, but that the value associated to our privacy was a slipery.
a)    privacy was on slippery slope
b)    privacy were on slippery slope
c)    privacy was a slope
d)    privacy weren't a slope
e)    No correction required

2). Organization will focus predominantly on female candidates while staffed largely by them.
a)    as well as staffed largely.
b)    but also staffed largely.
c)    apart from being staffed largely.
d)    while staffed appointed.
e)    No correction required

3). Many of them have been granted bail but can not get out as they do not have the money for the bail amount stipulated.
a)    Many of them has
b)    Many of them had
c)    Many of these could
d)    Some of them has
e)    No correction required

4). This tragedy is not only about the local train accident, and also about the depressing regularity with which such unauthorized crossing occurs.
a)    but also about depressing
b)    but also about the depressing.
c)    and also about depressing
d)    even though about depressing
e)    No correction required

5).  The recent snooping incident in our state might have out of an attitude of factors that are not yet directly apparent.
a)    out of the multitude
b)    emanated their attitude
c)    emanated out of a multitude
d)    emanated all
e)    No correction required.

Directions (6-10) :- Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part is the answer. If there is 'No Error', the answer is e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, If any)

a)    The Aam Aadmi Parti convener.
b)    Arvind Kejriwal has shown himself to be a person of principles.
c)    and his all members.
d)    at his back and call.
e)    No Error

a)    A complaint of sexual assault.
b)    since classified as rape.
c)    filled by a woman staff member of Tehelka against Tarun Tejpal.
d)    which made him eat crow.
e)    No Error

a)    Anna Hazare who led the movement.
b)    drew his credibility.
c)    from being viewed as a renunciate with no self interest.
d)    but only a deep and abiding commitment to cleanse the system.
e)    No Error

a)    When Woman knows how to play to gallery.
b)    then why woman needed to be protected.
c)    even while in her own home
d)    or in her office
e)    No Error

a)    Mean while, despite the insistence by the party
b)    that the mandate was for it sit in the opposition
c)    the BJP reiterated its reluctance
d)    to explore the possibility of forming a government
e)    No Error


Directions (Q. 1-5):
1) A   
2) C   
3) E   
4) B   
5) C

Directions (Q. 6-10):
6). D) at his beck and call. means at his command.
7). C)  filed by a woman staff member of Tehelka against Tarun Tejpal.
8). E) No error
9). A)  to play to the gallery means to try to gain popular favour.
10). B)  to sit

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