Monday 24 July 2017

TEST OF THE DAY - 24-07-2017

1). a) Pakistan has for the FIrst time admitted to the presence / b) of India’s most wanted terrorist, Dawood Ibrahim, / c) on its earth, but has said that / d) he has now been chased out and could be in the UAE. / e) No error

2). a) The Delhi Government will set up seven laboratories / b) in East Delhi to test, verify and calibrate / c) the work and reference standards of different types of balances, / d) weights and measuring equipments used in shops or establishments. / e) No error

3). a) Samajik Suvidha Sangam, also known as Mission Convergence, / b) is the most
unique initiative of NCT of Delhi / c) for holistic empowerment of women from vulnerable and / d) most vulnerable sections of society. / e) No error

4). a) The Supreme Court has sought a response of the Centre / b) on a PIL seeking
effective functioning of the / c) human rights courts in the country / d) to further the cause of according social justice. / e) No error

5). a) Caught napping by the powerful mining Mafia after a bid / b) on the life of the
SDM, the police has now booked / c) the driver of the tractor trolley and / d) Filed an FIR against him. / e) No error

6). a) A letter of credit is a guarantee issued/ b) by the importer’s bank that it will
honor/ c) payment up to certain amount of export bills/ d) to the bank of the exporter./ e) No error.

7). a) A private company is one which/ b) restricts transfer of shares and does not/ c) invite the public to/ d) subscribe its shares/ e) No error.

8). a) Widows by far outnumber widowers,/ b) because studies show that women live longer/ c) than men and tend to marry/ d) men older than them./ e) No error.

9). a) Yesterday my car ran out of gas,/ b) and then my phone ran out of battery/ c) I was up a creek/d) without a paddle/ e) No error.

10). a) We couldn’t set up the computer network/ b) ourselves, so we are banking with/ c) an IT engineer from the university / d) to set it up for us./ e) No error.

11.    She was going to tell her boss exactly what she thought, but bottled out in the end.
1) bounce back
2) Bounce off
3) Bottom out
4) Bottle up
5) No correction required.
12.    She wheeled around when he told her to stop.
1) Weird out
2) wheeled round
3) While away
4) Weigh out
5) No correction required.
13.    If I could chip on, there are a couple of issues I’d like to raise.
1) chip of
2) chip up
3) chip at
4) chip in
5) No correction required.
14.    I spent the whole weekend Clear away the attic as it was full of papers and other junk.
1) clear off
2) clear out
3) clear up
4) clear on
5) No correction required.
15.    If you get behind by mortgage payments, you might lose your home.
1) clouded apart
2) clouded in
3) clouded away
4) get behind with
5) No correction required.

1. Explanation: Replace ‘earth’ with ‘soil’
Answer is: c)
2. Explanation: Replace ‘work’ with ‘working’
Answer is: c)
3. Explanation: Replace ‘the most’ with ‘a’
Answer is: b)
4. Explanation: Replace ‘of’ with ‘from’
Answer is: a)
5. Explanation: Replace ‘has’ with ‘have’
Answer is: b)
6. Explanation: Insert “a” before “certain”
Answer: c)
7. Explanation: Insert “to” before “its”
Answer: d)
8. Explanation: Replace “them” with “themselves”
Answer: d)
9. Explanation: No Error Found
Answer: e)
10. Explanation: Replace “with” with “on”, and “bank on” means “depends
Answer: b)
11. Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required.
Bottle out – Lack courage to do something
12. Answer – 2)
Explanation: Wheel round – Turn quickly and face in the opposite
13. Answer – 4)
Explanation: Chip in – Contribute to a discussion.
14. Answer – 2)
Explanation : ‘clear out’ is the correct use. “clear out (clearing out)”
means “Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted stuff.”
15. Answer – 4)
Explanation : ‘Get behind with ’ is the correct use. “Get behind with ”
means “Be late paying instalments for something”

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