Friday 28 July 2017


TYPE - 1

1. If COURSE is coded as FRXUVH, how is RACE coded
in that code?
(1) HFDU 
(2) UCFH 
(3) UDFH
(4) UDHF
(5) UDFG

2. If in a certain code ROPE is coded as 6821, CHAIR is
coded as 73456 what will be the code for CRAPE?

(1) 73456
(2) 76421
(3) 77246
(4) 77123
(5) None of these

3. In a certain code 3456 is coded as ROPE. 15546 is coded as APPLE. Then how is 54613 coded?
(4) PAREO 
(5) None of these

4. If tee see pee means drink fruit juice, see kee lee means juice is sweet, and lee ree mee means he is intelligent, which word in that language means sweet?
(1) see
(2) kee
(3) lee
(4) pee 
(5) tee

5. If in a certain code language, 851 means good sweet fruit; 783 means good red rose and 341 means rose and fruit which of the following digits stands for sweet in that language?
(1) 8
(2) 5
(3) 1
(4) 3 
(5) None of these

TYPE - 2

Q(1 –5) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language
‘Permission and treatment security‘ is written as ‘gh mk ru st’
‘treatment of countries development‘ is written as ‘tl zm ak gh‘
‘taxes security countries finer‘ is written as ‘dj ru zm pn‘
‘finer to renew Permission‘ is written as ‘br ht dj st‘
(All codes are two-letter codes only)

1. What does the code ‘tl’ stand for in the given code language?
A. and
B. Either ‘of’ or ‘development’
C. taxes
D. to
E. either ‘countries’ or ‘taxes’

2.Which of the following may possibly represent ‘renew to‘ in the given code?
A. zm ht
B. bt zm
C. ht co
D. br ht
E. br dj

3. What is the code for ‘Permission’ in the given code language?
A. st
B. Either ‘mk’ or ‘ru’
C. gh
D. dj
E. mk

4.What is the code for ‘security’ in the given code language?
A. st
B. gh
C. ru
D. ak
E. zm

5.Which of the following may represent ‘finer generate treatment‘ in the given code language?
A. fs gh dj
B. dj mk gh
C. gh pn st
D. gh fs mk
E. xs dj akQ

(6 –10) Study the information below and answer the following question:
In a certain code language
“environment majority slave dowry” is written as ‘cn fa ms te’
“majority of external country” is written as ‘gi te ku ho’
“External environment Samples avenue” is written as ‘ms bp ho je’
“Samples like dowry trend” is written as ‘kx cn dr bp’
(All codes are two-letter codes only)

6.If ‘slave external risk’ is coded as ‘ho fa zy’ in the given code language, then how will ‘environment risk dowry’ be coded as?
A. ho dr cn
B. cn ms dr
C. zy ms ho
D. other than those given as options
E. fa zy cn

7.What is the code for ‘Samples of country’ in the given code language?
A. gi ku ms
B. bp ms gi
C. ku bp gi
D. dr cn fa
E. ho bp gi

8.Which of the following may represents the code ‘majority improve’ in the given code language?
A. le dr
B. cs cn
C. cs te
D. cn nq
E. dr cs

9.In the given code language, what does the code ‘kx’ stands for?
A. majority
B. external
C. either ‘trend’ or ‘like’
D. either ‘dowry’ or developed
E. environment

10.What is the code for ‘avenue’ in the given code language?
A. bp
B. other than those given options
C. je
D. ms
E. dr



1. In the given code, each letter is moved three steps forward than the corresponding letter in the word. So R is coded
as U, A as D, C as F, E as H. Hence (3) is the answer.

2, Clearly, in the given code, the alphabets are coded as follows.
6 8 2 1 7 3 4 5
So CRAPE is coded as 76421
So the answer is (2)

3. Clearly in the given figures, the numbers are coded as follows.
3 4 5 6 1 4

So 54613 is coded as POEAR. The answer is (3)

4. In the first and the second statements the common word is juice and the common code word is see. So see means juice. In the second and the third statements, the common word is ‘is’ and the common code is lee. So lee means is. Thus in the second statement, the remaining word sweet is coded as kee.
Hence the answer is (2).

5.  In the first and the second statements, the common code digit is 8 and the common word is good. So 8 stands for good. In the first and the third statements, the common code digit is 1 and the common word is fruit. So 1 stands for fruit. Therefore in the first statement, 5 stands for sweet. 
Hence the answer is (2).


(Q. 1 TO Q. 5)

Permission – st
Treatment – gh

Security – ru
Countries – Zm
Finer – dj

Answer –B. Either ‘of’ or ‘development’
2. Answer – D. br ht
3. Answer – A. st

4. Answer – C. ru
5. Answer – A. fs gh dj

(Q. 6 TO Q. 5)

Majority – te
External – ho

Samples – bp
Environment – ms
Dowry – cn

6. Answer – D. other than those given as options
ms zy cn 
7. Answer – C. ku bp gi 

8.Answer – C. cs te
9. Answer –C. either ‘trend’ or ‘like’
10. Answer – C. je

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