Monday 31 July 2017

TEST OF THE DAY - 31-07-2017  


Direction (Q 1 – 5): Study the following information arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
With a certain code language,
“The meeting adjourned abruptly” is written as “!e48” “@h08” “#b63” “$d80”
“Since India gained Internet” is written as “#n63” “-a35” “%i24” “%n24”
“Scientists have discovered bacteria” is written as “*a15” “#a63” “&c99” “&i99”
“Current economic scenario fine” is written as “#c63” “*i15” “#c63” “!u48”
1). What is the code for ‘gained’?
a) %i24
b) #n63
c) -a35
d) %n24
e) None of these
2). What is the code for ‘Since meeting fine’?
a) “*a15 !e48 *i15”
b) b) “%i24 @h08 *i15”
c) c) “%i24 !e48 *#c63”
d) d) “%i24 !e48 *i15”
e) None of these
3). What does “&c99 @i99 #n63 @h08” stand for?
a) sine India have fine
b) The scientists discovered internet
c) meeting gained the economic
d) current meeting have internet
e) Cannot be determined
4). What could be the code for ‘economic internet’?
a) #n63 #c63
b) %i24 *a15
c) !e48 #n63
d) #c63 –a35
e) None of these
5). What is the code for ‘Current’?
a) #c63
b) *i15
c) @h08
d) #n63
e) !u48

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions
In a certain code language
"Giving more emphasis are" is written as "BQ16+, UT12!, KL08&, NQ09*.
" Make works as interesting " is written as " IR08!, LP33&, VY15+, MW04*.
"Lazy and intolerant attitude " is written as "ZW09!, RA20*, UG16&, KD08#.
" Knowledge sharing must be " is written as " QB21!, XL08# , TC04&, JT27*.
6). What is the code for ‘Knowledge’ in the given code language?
a) QB21!
b) IR08!
c) JT27*
d) TC04&
e) XL08#
7). What is the code for ‘Giving attitude’ in the given code language?
a) BQ16+, MW04
b) UT12!, ZW09!
c) UT12!, RA20*
d) KL08&, UG16&
e) UT12!, UG16&
8). What may be the possible code for ‘more interesting knowledge’ in the given code language?
a) IR08!, KL08&, JT27*
b) LP33&, KL08&, BQ16+
c) ZW09!, VY15+, JT27*
d) LP33&, KL08&, JT27*
e) ZW09!, KL08&, JT27*
9). What may be the possible code for ‘be intolerant’ in the given code language?
a) TC04&, RA20*
b) QB21!, UG16&
c) XL08#, KD08#
d) QB21!, ZW09!
e) JT27*, ZW09!
10). What is the code for ‘works lazy’ in the given code language?a) UG16&, LP33&
b) KD08#, VY15+
c) ZW09!, IR08!
d) RA20*, MW04*
e) UG16&, LP33&

Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions
In a certain code language
" The World Bank report " is written as "%R18, &K05, #S16 , !Q14.
" This institution had founded " is written as "$D04 , *Q19, %R21, @K09 .
" From just telling consumers " is written as "#R14, !H12, &U15, %X19 .
" His good qualities include " is written as " *Q03 , $X01, #R15, !L19.
11). What is the code for ‘telling’ in the given code language?
a) %X19
b) &U15
c) #R14
d) *Q19
e) !H12
12). What is the code for ‘good bank’ in the given code language?
a) #R15, !Q14
b) &K05, #R15
c) %R18, *Q03
d) !L19, !Q14
e) #S16, $X01
13). What may be the possible word for ‘*Q03, #S16, #R14’ in the given code language?
a) report telling good
b) qualities from report
c) include consumers report
d) the good consumers
e) None of these
14). What may be the possible code for ‘institution hiring’ in the given code language?
a) %R21, #O12
b) *Q19, %L18
c) @K09, *N09
d) $D04, @K17
e) %R21, $J21
15). What is the code for ‘from world’ in the given code language?
a) #R14, %R18
b) #S16, %X19
c) !Q14, &U15
d) &U15, %R18
e) &K05, !H12


DAY -1 

SET - 1

SET - 2

SET - 3

Friday 28 July 2017


TYPE - 1

1. If COURSE is coded as FRXUVH, how is RACE coded
in that code?
(1) HFDU 
(2) UCFH 
(3) UDFH
(4) UDHF
(5) UDFG

2. If in a certain code ROPE is coded as 6821, CHAIR is
coded as 73456 what will be the code for CRAPE?

(1) 73456
(2) 76421
(3) 77246
(4) 77123
(5) None of these

3. In a certain code 3456 is coded as ROPE. 15546 is coded as APPLE. Then how is 54613 coded?
(4) PAREO 
(5) None of these

4. If tee see pee means drink fruit juice, see kee lee means juice is sweet, and lee ree mee means he is intelligent, which word in that language means sweet?
(1) see
(2) kee
(3) lee
(4) pee 
(5) tee

5. If in a certain code language, 851 means good sweet fruit; 783 means good red rose and 341 means rose and fruit which of the following digits stands for sweet in that language?
(1) 8
(2) 5
(3) 1
(4) 3 
(5) None of these

TYPE - 2

Q(1 –5) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language
‘Permission and treatment security‘ is written as ‘gh mk ru st’
‘treatment of countries development‘ is written as ‘tl zm ak gh‘
‘taxes security countries finer‘ is written as ‘dj ru zm pn‘
‘finer to renew Permission‘ is written as ‘br ht dj st‘
(All codes are two-letter codes only)

1. What does the code ‘tl’ stand for in the given code language?
A. and
B. Either ‘of’ or ‘development’
C. taxes
D. to
E. either ‘countries’ or ‘taxes’

2.Which of the following may possibly represent ‘renew to‘ in the given code?
A. zm ht
B. bt zm
C. ht co
D. br ht
E. br dj

3. What is the code for ‘Permission’ in the given code language?
A. st
B. Either ‘mk’ or ‘ru’
C. gh
D. dj
E. mk

4.What is the code for ‘security’ in the given code language?
A. st
B. gh
C. ru
D. ak
E. zm

5.Which of the following may represent ‘finer generate treatment‘ in the given code language?
A. fs gh dj
B. dj mk gh
C. gh pn st
D. gh fs mk
E. xs dj akQ

(6 –10) Study the information below and answer the following question:
In a certain code language
“environment majority slave dowry” is written as ‘cn fa ms te’
“majority of external country” is written as ‘gi te ku ho’
“External environment Samples avenue” is written as ‘ms bp ho je’
“Samples like dowry trend” is written as ‘kx cn dr bp’
(All codes are two-letter codes only)

6.If ‘slave external risk’ is coded as ‘ho fa zy’ in the given code language, then how will ‘environment risk dowry’ be coded as?
A. ho dr cn
B. cn ms dr
C. zy ms ho
D. other than those given as options
E. fa zy cn

7.What is the code for ‘Samples of country’ in the given code language?
A. gi ku ms
B. bp ms gi
C. ku bp gi
D. dr cn fa
E. ho bp gi

8.Which of the following may represents the code ‘majority improve’ in the given code language?
A. le dr
B. cs cn
C. cs te
D. cn nq
E. dr cs

9.In the given code language, what does the code ‘kx’ stands for?
A. majority
B. external
C. either ‘trend’ or ‘like’
D. either ‘dowry’ or developed
E. environment

10.What is the code for ‘avenue’ in the given code language?
A. bp
B. other than those given options
C. je
D. ms
E. dr



1. In the given code, each letter is moved three steps forward than the corresponding letter in the word. So R is coded
as U, A as D, C as F, E as H. Hence (3) is the answer.

2, Clearly, in the given code, the alphabets are coded as follows.
6 8 2 1 7 3 4 5
So CRAPE is coded as 76421
So the answer is (2)

3. Clearly in the given figures, the numbers are coded as follows.
3 4 5 6 1 4

So 54613 is coded as POEAR. The answer is (3)

4. In the first and the second statements the common word is juice and the common code word is see. So see means juice. In the second and the third statements, the common word is ‘is’ and the common code is lee. So lee means is. Thus in the second statement, the remaining word sweet is coded as kee.
Hence the answer is (2).

5.  In the first and the second statements, the common code digit is 8 and the common word is good. So 8 stands for good. In the first and the third statements, the common code digit is 1 and the common word is fruit. So 1 stands for fruit. Therefore in the first statement, 5 stands for sweet. 
Hence the answer is (2).


(Q. 1 TO Q. 5)

Permission – st
Treatment – gh

Security – ru
Countries – Zm
Finer – dj

Answer –B. Either ‘of’ or ‘development’
2. Answer – D. br ht
3. Answer – A. st

4. Answer – C. ru
5. Answer – A. fs gh dj

(Q. 6 TO Q. 5)

Majority – te
External – ho

Samples – bp
Environment – ms
Dowry – cn

6. Answer – D. other than those given as options
ms zy cn 
7. Answer – C. ku bp gi 

8.Answer – C. cs te
9. Answer –C. either ‘trend’ or ‘like’
10. Answer – C. je

Thursday 27 July 2017


Puzzle Set-1:

There are nine friends J, A, P, N, I, S, D, K and T sitting around the circle. Four of them are facing away from the center and rest is facing towards the center. They like different languages viz. Hindi, English, Nepali, Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Gujrati and Bengali but not necessarily in the same order. T is second to the left of D, who doesn’t like Punjabi, Hindi or Bhojpuri language. K likes Gujrati language. One who likes Nepali language is fourth to the right of the one who likes English. Person who likes English language is facing away from the center. D is fourth to the right of S, whose sitting orientation is same as A. A, who likes Marathi language is sitting fifth to the left of N, who is an immediate neighbor of T. I don’t like Hindi, Punjabi or Bhojpuri language. P likes Punjabi language, one who likes Bhojpuri language is facing toward the center as I faces, but they are not neighbors of each other. Bhojpuri language is not liked by T. S is facing away from the center. Hindi language is not liked by S. one who likes Telugu is sitting second to the right of the one who likes Hindi. A is second to the left of J, who likes English. T is in the group of I in terms of sitting direction with respect to center. K is facing away from the center and is second to the right of P. Nepali language is liked by a person who is facing away from the center.
Note: Facing the same direction means if some person faces the center then other person faces the center and vice versa. Also facing the opposite direction means if one person faces the center then other person faces outward direction and vice versa.

Puzzle Set- 2:

Ten people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J live  on four different floors of a building. Each floor of building has 3 rooms - 1, 2 and 3 in the same order from left to right. Ground floor is numbered floor 1 and top most floor is numbered floor 4. Each room of building in such a way that room 1 of floor 2 is just above room 1 of floor 1 and so on. The two rooms in which no one lives are on even numbered room of even numbered floor. A does not live on even numbered room of even numbered floor. G lives in the room just above B. The room between E and H is vacant and E lives in one of the room above H. F lives in an odd numbered room which is in the left of H. J and I live on the same floor and no one else is living with them on that floor. A lives on a floor immediately above G's floor and the C live on one of the floor on which one room is vacant. J and C both lives in the room which is numbered 1.

Puzzle Set-3:

Seven athletes Manoj, Neha, Omvir, Puja, Kaynat, Rani and Surekha live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each of them runs for a different distance in Racing competition 850 m, 1.3 km, 2 km, 2.8 km, 3.3 km, 4 km and 4.7 km but not necessarily in the same order.

The one who runs for 2.2km lives on the floor numbered 3. Only one person lives between Omvir and the one who runs for 2 km. The one who runs for 4 km lives immediately above Omvir. Only one person lives between the one who runs for 4 km and the one who runs for 1.3 km. The number of people living between Omvir and the one who runs for 1.3 km is the same as that between the one who runs for 4 km and Rani.Neha lives on an odd-numbered floor. Neha runs for 2 km more than the one who lives on floor number 4. Only two people live between Kaynat and the one who runs for 3.3 km. The one who runs for 2.8 km lives on one of the floors below Kaynat but not on floor number 2. Only two people live between Manoj and Surekha. The one who runs for 850 m lives immediately below Manoj.





Tuesday 25 July 2017

TEST OF THE DAY - 25-07-2017

1.     Just last month the WannaCry infection hobbled hundreds of **thousands of computer across** 150 plus countries and this week another global cyberattack **has wreaked havoc**.
1) thousands of computers across..have wreaked havoc
2) thousands of computers around..has wreaked havoc
3) thousands of computers across..has wreaked havoc
4) thousands of computers across..had wreaked havoc
5) No correction required.
2.      **Either way the vulnerability of** both businesses and critical national infrastructure has once again **been worryingly expos**.
1) Either way the vulnerability of..being worryingly exposed
2) Either way the vulnerability for..been worryingly exposed
3) Either way vulnerability of..been worryingly exposed
4) Either way the vulnerability of..been worryingly exposed
5) No correction required.
3.      The first industrial revolution dramatically improved conditions **of both works and leisure** but not without big costs – the toll of global warming **for example is still rising**.
1) of both work and leisures..for example is still rising
2) of both work and leisure..for example is still rising
3) of both work and leisure..for example are still rising
4) with both work and leisure..for example is still rising
5) No correction required.
4.      The vastness of India compared **not just to the US, but many** country in the world – should be gauged **not by the yardstick of space** but by the hourglass sands of time.
1) not just to the US, but any..not by the yardstick of space
2) not just to the US, but any of..not by the yardstick of space
3) not just to the US, but any..not by the yardstick of spaces
4) not just of the US, but any..not by the yardstick of space
5) No correction required.
5.      **Because each and every one of** us believes in functioning according to their own time frame, **be it in keeping an appointment,** meeting a deadline, or anything else.
1) Because each and every one of..being it in keeping an appointment
2) Because each and every one of..been it in keeping an appointment
3) Because each and every one its in keeping an appointment
4) Because each and every one it on keeping an appointment
5) No correction required.
6.      In the case of Bharatiya Janata Party history **is witness for it’s integrationist,** assimilative character and more importantly collective commitment **to social justice in party** organisation and government.
1) is witness to it’s social justices in party
2) is witness to it’s social justice in party
3) is witness to it’s social justice on party
4) is witness of it’s social justice in party
5) No correction required.
7.      **A large number of youth** have taken advantage **of this scheme and an majority** from the SC communities have become new entrepreneurs or expanded their enterprise.
1) A large number of youths..of this scheme and a majority
2) A large number of youth..of this schemes and a majority
3) A large number of youth..of this scheme and a majority
4) A large number of youth..of these scheme and a majority
5) No correction required.
8.      **Apart from its long past,** it can also lay claim to a present which plays host to a multitude of time zones, which leave the US’s paltry nine zones’ **standing for the starting line**.
1) Apart from its long past..standing on the starting line
2) Apart from its long past..standing in the starting line
3) Apart from its long past..standing of the starting line
4) Apart from its long past..standing at the starting line
5) No correction required.
9.      Individual heroes interestingly including **ethical hackers or bug hunters – continue to play a big role even in the new digital story**.
1) ethical hackers or the new digital story
2) ethical hackers or the new digital story
3) ethical hackers or the new digital story
4) ethical hackers or the new digital story
5) No correction required.
10.  Some security experts warn **that this time a ransomware virus is actually a wiper in disguise, aiming at erasing data rather than extort**.
1) that this time the..rather then extort
2) that this time the..further than extort
3) that this time the..rather than extort
4) that those time the..rather than extort
5) No correction required.


1.      Answer – 3)
Explanation: thousands of computers across..has wreaked havoc
Only option 3rd is correct, replace ‘have’ with ‘has’ in option 1st, while ‘around’ should be replaced with ‘across’ in 2nd option and Replace ‘had’ with ‘has’ in option 4th.
2.      Answer – 4) 
Explanation: Either way the vulnerability of..been worryingly exposed
Only option 4th is correct , Replace ‘being’ with ‘been’ in option 1st while ‘for’ should be replaced with ‘of’ in option 2nd and add ‘the’ article before ‘vulnerability’ in the option 3rd.
3.      Answer – 2) 
Explanation: of both work and leisure..for example is still rising
only option 2nd is correct. it should be ‘leisure’ instead of ‘leisure’ in option first while Replace ‘are’ with ‘is’ in 3rd option and replace ‘with’ with of’ in 4th option.
4.      Answer – 1)
Explanation: not just to the US, but any..not by the yardstick of space
only option first is correct in the given options, option 2nd has prepositional error.Omit ‘of’ after ‘any’ and it should be ‘space’ instead of ‘spaces’ in 3rd option while ‘of’ will be replaced with ‘to’ in the 4th option.
5.      Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required.
all given options have some errors hence only Given sentence is correct.
6.      Answer – 2)
Explanation: is witness to it’s social justice in party
Only Option 2nd is correct statement.Replace ‘justices’ with ‘justice’ in option first, while ‘on’ will be replaced with ‘in’ in the 2nd option. Replace ‘of’ with ‘to’ in 4th option.
7.      Answer – 3)
Explanation: A large number of youth..of this scheme and a majority
Only Option 3rd is correct option.Replace ‘youths’ with ‘youth’ in option first, while it should be scheme’ instead of ‘schemes’ in option 2nd and replace ‘these’ with ‘this’ in 4th option.
8.      Answer – 4) 
Explanation: Apart from its long past..standing at the starting line
Only option 4th is correct while all other options have prepositional errors.
option – 1 Replace ‘on’ with ‘at’
option – 2 Replace ‘in’ with ‘at’
option – 3 Replace ‘of’ with ‘at’
9.      Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required.
Given sentence is correct.
all given options have some errors hence only Given sentence is correct.

10.  Answer – 3)
Explanation: that this time the..rather than extort
Only option third is correct statement, Replace ‘then’ with ‘than’ in first option, Replace ‘further’ with rather’ in option 2nd while replace ‘those’ with ‘this’ in forth option.

Monday 24 July 2017

TEST OF THE DAY - 24-07-2017

1). a) Pakistan has for the FIrst time admitted to the presence / b) of India’s most wanted terrorist, Dawood Ibrahim, / c) on its earth, but has said that / d) he has now been chased out and could be in the UAE. / e) No error

2). a) The Delhi Government will set up seven laboratories / b) in East Delhi to test, verify and calibrate / c) the work and reference standards of different types of balances, / d) weights and measuring equipments used in shops or establishments. / e) No error

3). a) Samajik Suvidha Sangam, also known as Mission Convergence, / b) is the most
unique initiative of NCT of Delhi / c) for holistic empowerment of women from vulnerable and / d) most vulnerable sections of society. / e) No error

4). a) The Supreme Court has sought a response of the Centre / b) on a PIL seeking
effective functioning of the / c) human rights courts in the country / d) to further the cause of according social justice. / e) No error

5). a) Caught napping by the powerful mining Mafia after a bid / b) on the life of the
SDM, the police has now booked / c) the driver of the tractor trolley and / d) Filed an FIR against him. / e) No error

6). a) A letter of credit is a guarantee issued/ b) by the importer’s bank that it will
honor/ c) payment up to certain amount of export bills/ d) to the bank of the exporter./ e) No error.

7). a) A private company is one which/ b) restricts transfer of shares and does not/ c) invite the public to/ d) subscribe its shares/ e) No error.

8). a) Widows by far outnumber widowers,/ b) because studies show that women live longer/ c) than men and tend to marry/ d) men older than them./ e) No error.

9). a) Yesterday my car ran out of gas,/ b) and then my phone ran out of battery/ c) I was up a creek/d) without a paddle/ e) No error.

10). a) We couldn’t set up the computer network/ b) ourselves, so we are banking with/ c) an IT engineer from the university / d) to set it up for us./ e) No error.

11.    She was going to tell her boss exactly what she thought, but bottled out in the end.
1) bounce back
2) Bounce off
3) Bottom out
4) Bottle up
5) No correction required.
12.    She wheeled around when he told her to stop.
1) Weird out
2) wheeled round
3) While away
4) Weigh out
5) No correction required.
13.    If I could chip on, there are a couple of issues I’d like to raise.
1) chip of
2) chip up
3) chip at
4) chip in
5) No correction required.
14.    I spent the whole weekend Clear away the attic as it was full of papers and other junk.
1) clear off
2) clear out
3) clear up
4) clear on
5) No correction required.
15.    If you get behind by mortgage payments, you might lose your home.
1) clouded apart
2) clouded in
3) clouded away
4) get behind with
5) No correction required.

1. Explanation: Replace ‘earth’ with ‘soil’
Answer is: c)
2. Explanation: Replace ‘work’ with ‘working’
Answer is: c)
3. Explanation: Replace ‘the most’ with ‘a’
Answer is: b)
4. Explanation: Replace ‘of’ with ‘from’
Answer is: a)
5. Explanation: Replace ‘has’ with ‘have’
Answer is: b)
6. Explanation: Insert “a” before “certain”
Answer: c)
7. Explanation: Insert “to” before “its”
Answer: d)
8. Explanation: Replace “them” with “themselves”
Answer: d)
9. Explanation: No Error Found
Answer: e)
10. Explanation: Replace “with” with “on”, and “bank on” means “depends
Answer: b)
11. Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required.
Bottle out – Lack courage to do something
12. Answer – 2)
Explanation: Wheel round – Turn quickly and face in the opposite
13. Answer – 4)
Explanation: Chip in – Contribute to a discussion.
14. Answer – 2)
Explanation : ‘clear out’ is the correct use. “clear out (clearing out)”
means “Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted stuff.”
15. Answer – 4)
Explanation : ‘Get behind with ’ is the correct use. “Get behind with ”
means “Be late paying instalments for something”
