Monday 6 February 2017


1). Dampen
Meaning: Humidify, moisten, wet
Definition: Make slightly wet.
Usage: The fine rain dampened her face.

2). Vest
Meaning: invest in, grant to, give to
Definition: confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone.
Usage: Executive power is vested in the President

3). Illicit
Meaning: illegal, unlawful, banned
Definition: forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
Usage: Police were searching for the illicit drugs in the room.

4). glimpse
Meaning: brief look, glance
Definition: a momentary or partial view.
Usage: She caught a glimpse of the ocean

5). Delineation
Meaning: Presentation, description
Definition: the action of describing or portraying something precisely.
Usage: The artist's exquisite delineation of costume and jewellery

6). Intermittent
Meaning: broken, irregular, discontinuous
Definition: occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
Usage: They heard intermittent bursts of gunfire

7). Transgression
Meaning: offence, crime, sin, wrong
Definition: an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence.
Usage: They were granted full amnesty for their transgressions .

8). Sovereignty
Meaning: Power, dominion, supermacy
Definition: Supreme power or authority.
Usage: Full West German sovereignty was achieved in 1955.

9). Blatant
Meaning: flagrant, glaring, obvious
Definition: (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.
Usage: She forced herself to resist his blatant charm

10). Periphery
Meaning: edge, margin, boundary
Definition: the outer limits or edge of an area or object.
Usage: New buildings on the periphery of the hospital site.

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