Friday 10 February 2017


  • Optimistic (आशावादी) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    hopeful and confident about the future
    Synonyms - assured, encouraged
    Antonyms - dejected, doubtful
    Example - My sister is not an optimist because she always expects the worst case scenario.
  • Incentives (प्रोत्साहन) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
    - encouragement, motivation
    Antonyms - deterrent, hindrances
    Example - 
    The workers have no incentive to work harder.
  • Emphasis (महत्त्व) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    special importance, value, or prominence given to something
    Synonyms - 
    attention, strength
    Antonyms - ignorance, lethargy
    Example - 
    Our English teacher put emphasis on pronunciation.
  • Apprehension (शंका) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
    Synonyms - 
    dread, mistrust
    Antonyms - belief, calm
    Example -
     Her apprehension was assuming a reduced priority.
  • Ancillary (अधीनस्थ
    Meaning - 
    providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, system, etc. (Adjective)
    a person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, system, etc. (Noun)
    Synonyms - 
    additional, collateral
    Antonyms - necessary, needed
    Example - 
    He runs a small ancillary unit at the outskirts of the city.
  • Pessimism (निराशावाद) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen
    Synonyms - 
    distrust, grief
    Antonyms - cheer, faith
    Example - 
    The decrease in car sales reveals the pessimism many consumers feel about the economy.
  • Stifle (दम घुटना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    make (someone) unable to breathe properly, suffocate
    Synonyms - 
    curb, suffocate
    Antonyms - allow, free
    Example - 
    I couldn't stifle my tears at the sight of the handicapped beggar. 
  • Buoyant (प्रसन्नचित्त) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    able or tending to keep afloat or rise to the top of a liquid or gas
    Synonyms - 
    floatable, airy
    Antonyms - heavy, down
    Example - 
    As the stock market hit a record high, the buoyant investors were celebrating.
  • Gambit (चाल) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation
    Synonyms - design, device
    Antonyms - frankness, honesty
    Example - V.Anand's victory in chess depends highly on the opening gambit.
  • Repugnant (प्रतिकूल) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    extremely distasteful, unacceptable
    - disgusting, foul
    Antonyms - delightful, pleasant
    Example - 
    The racist words were repugnant to everyone in the auditorium.
  • Traumatic (घाव-संबंधी) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    deeply disturbing or distressing
    Synonyms - 
    horrible, awful
    Antonyms - pleasing, comforting
    Example - 
    You've been through a traumatic experience.
  • Insurmountable (दुर्गम) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    too great to be overcome
    Synonyms - 
    hopeless, invincible
    Antonyms - beatable, possible
    Example -
     We have to start managing our finances better because these bills are beginning to be insurmountable.
  • Verdict (निर्णय) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest
    Synonyms - 
    answer, conclusion
    Antonyms - accusation
    Example - 
    The lawyer suspected that the judge was bribed to arrive at a guilty verdict.
  • Promulgated (प्रख्यापित) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)
    Synonyms - 
    declare, notify
    Antonyms - collect, conceal
    Example - 
    The actor makes use of social media to promulgate the release of his film projects.
  • Rampant (अनियंत्रित) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    (especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked
    Synonyms - 
    excessive, unchecked
    Antonyms - gentle, moral
    Example - 
    Diseases associated with contaminated water are rampant in the country of Haiti.
  • Laudable (प्रशंसनीय) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation
    Synonyms - 
    commendable, estimable
    Antonyms - disrespected, unworthy
    Example - 
    The soldier was given a medal because he created a laudable plan for defeating the enemy.
  • Sanction (प्रतिबंधों
    Meaning - 
    a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule (Noun)
    give official permission or approval for (an action) (Verb)
    Synonyms - approval, allowance
    Antonyms - denial, prohibition
    Example - The government will never sanction drinking and driving because it is unsafe.
  • Incremental (वृद्धिशील) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    relating to or denoting an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale
    - additional, addictive
    Example - 
    To win the war, we will need another increment of twenty thousand soldiers.
  • Moored (बाँधने की जगह) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    make fast (a boat) by attaching it by cable or rope to the shore or to an anchor
    Synonyms - 
    dock, berth
    Antonyms - loosen, unfasten
    Example - 
    Some of the houses had ships moored beside them.
  • Realism (यथार्थवाद) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly
    Synonyms - 
    verity, reality
    Example -
     British soaps will stay because of their gritty realism.
  • Repeal (निरसन
    Meaning - 
    revoke or annul (a law or act of parliament) (Verb)
    the action of revoking or annulling a law or act of parliament (Noun)
    Synonyms - 
    abolition, revocation
    Antonyms - approval, passage
    Example - 
    Taking over the company, the new manager’s first act was to repeal many of the outdated policies.
  • Pragmatism (व्यवहारवाद) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a pragmatic attitude or policy
    Synonyms - 
    advantage, benefit
    Antonyms - disadvantage, inappropriateness
    Example - 
    The scientist had a pragmatic approach to dealing with the water crisis.
  • Allies (सहयोगी दलों)
    Meaning - 
    a state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose (Noun)
    combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit (Verb)
    Synonyms - 
    associate, partner
    Antonyms - enemy, foe
    Example - 
    He allied himself with the forces of change.
  • Chaotic (अराजक) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    in a state of complete confusion and disorder
    Synonyms - 
    lawless, disordered
    Antonyms - calm, normal
    Example - 
    The store was in chaos when its computer system went down.
  • Persuade (राज़ी करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument
    Synonyms - advice, assure
    Antonyms - discourage, dissuade
    Example - I was persuaded to stop smoking.
  • Rammed (पीट कर समतल बनाना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    roughly force (something) into place
    Synonyms - 
    cram, crash
    Antonyms - halt, assist
    Example - 
    He rammed his stick into the ground.
  • Unfetter (मुक्त) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    not confined or restricted
    Synonyms - 
    liberate, deliver
    Antonyms - detain, imprison
    Example - 
    Once the bird was unfettered and out of the cage, it flew up into the sky.
  • Integrate (संपूर्न करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    combine (one thing) with another to form a whole
    Synonyms - 
    accommodate, conform
    Antonyms - disarrange, divide
    Example -
     The school district wants to integrate the middle and high schools into one building to reduce expenses.
  • Scrutinize (जाँचना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
    Synonyms - 
    inspect, explore
    Antonyms - forget, ignore
    Example - 
    Do not sign your name on any document you have not had time to scrutinize!
  • Astonished (आश्चर्यचकित) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    greatly surprised or impressed, amazed
    Synonyms - 
    amaze, bewilder
    Antonyms - expect, explain
    Example - 
    Hopefully the magic show will astonish our guests and leave them amazed.
  • Ominously (बुरी बात) - Adverb
    Meaning - 
    in a way that suggests that something bad is going to happen
    Synonyms - 
    threatening, menacing
    Example - 
    The warning sounds of an ominous storm made us run for cover.
  • Boggling (विलक्षण) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    (of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something
    Synonyms - 
    amaze, shock
    Antonyms - expect
    Example - 
    After a mind boggling search through more investment files, she found his savings account.
  • Collision (टक्कर) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another
    Synonyms - crash, destruction
    Antonyms - compliment, construction
    Example - A mid-air collision between two aircraft.
  • Sludge (मल) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    thick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous mixture of liquid and solid components, especially the product of an industrial or refining process
    Synonyms - 
    grease, sediment
    Example - 
    You will always observe sludge in the sink of the kitchen.
  • Wielding (चलानेवाले) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    have and be able to use (power or influence)
    Synonyms - 
    apply, handle
    Antonyms - ignore, misuse
    Example - 
    How long shall they wield unlawful power.
  • Protocol (रिपोर्ट) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions
    Synonyms - 
    agreement, contract
    Antonyms - rudeness, crudeness
    Example -
     The new teacher violated school protocol by going directly to the principal instead of first seeking out her grade level chair.
  • Mitigation (शमन) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something
    Synonyms - 
    cure, relief
    Antonyms - increase
    Example - 
    The doctor gave me a prescription to mitigate the pain.
  • Muster (मुआयना)
    Meaning - 
    a formal gathering of troops, especially for inspection, display, or exercise (Noun)
    assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle (Verb)
    Synonyms - 
    collection, assembly
    Antonyms - division, separation
    Example - 
    Tomorrow the teachers will muster for their monthly staff meeting.
  • Obfuscation (घबराहट) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible
    Synonyms - 
    confusion, perplexity
    Example - 
    The arrogant doctor went out of his way to obfuscate my condition.
  • Ballast (पत्थर आदि भारी वस्तु) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    heavy material, such as gravel, sand, or iron, placed in the bilge of a ship to ensure its stability (Noun)
    give stability to (a ship) by putting a heavy substance in its bilge (Verb)
    Synonyms - 
    balance, brace
    Antonyms - instability
    Example - 
    Ballasts are used to make foundations for railways.
  • Outcry (आर्तनाद) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    an exclamation or shout
    Synonyms - clamor, ferment
    Antonyms - acceptance, praise
    Example - A loud outcry was raised in the fleet and the country.
  • Embarks (चढ़ना, शुरू करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    begin (a course of action)
    Synonyms - 
    commence, launch
    Antonyms - cease, finish
    Example - 
    Neha has plans to embark on a new career as a journalist.
  • Extricating (समाधान करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty
    Synonyms - 
    detach, rescue
    Antonyms - connect, combine
    Example - 
    The little kitten did not know how to extricate himself from the string of tape.
  • Contours (रूप-रेखा) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    an outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something (Noun)
    mould into a specific shape, especially one designed to fit into something else (Verb)
    Synonyms - 
    curve, figuration
    Example -
     New sea ice is rough in contour and milky-white in colour.
  • Aftermath (परिणाम) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event
    Synonyms - 
    residual, impact
    Antonyms - cause, start
    Example - 
    Food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.
  • Rescinded (विखण्डित) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement).
    Synonyms - 
    abolish, retract
    Antonyms - allow, enforce
    Example - 
    He rescinded his marriage proposal!
  • Skewed (विषम) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    suddenly change direction or position
    Synonyms - 
    alter, twist
    Antonyms - maintain, straighten
    Example - 
    The car had skewed across the track.
  • Cater (आवश्यकताएं पूरी करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering
    Synonyms - 
    gratify, indulge
    Antonyms - ignore, neglect
    Example - 
    We have to cater to fifty people in the party. 
  • Purge (परिशोध) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    rid (someone) of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition
    Synonyms - coup, expulsion
    Antonyms - holding, keeping
    Example - In an effort to save money, officials decided to try to purge the company of overpaid executives by offering them early retirement.
  • Dampened (उत्साहहीन करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    make less strong or intense
    Synonyms - 
    humidify, dabble
    Antonyms - collect, gather
    Example - 
    The mixture is slightly damped, moulded into rough bricks, dried and burned.
  • Frayed (अस्तव्यस्त) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    (of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravelled or worn at the edge
                     (of a person's nerves or temper) showing the effects of strain
    Synonyms - 
    erode, ravel
    Antonyms - please, sew
    Example - 
    But my nerves are frayed now.
  • Blatant (प्रबल) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly
    Synonyms - 
    unabashed, shameless
    Antonyms - concealed, hidden
    Example -
     He lifted his head in blatant rejection.
  • Bulwark (बुलवार्क) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a defensive wall
    Synonyms - 
    barrier, bastion
    Antonyms - harm, injury
    Example - 
    Vaccines act as a bulwark against many childhood diseases.
  • Refrained (अड़ना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    stop oneself from doing something
    Synonyms - 
    abstain, renounce
    Antonyms - continue, indulge
    Example - 
    Sana will lose weight if she can refrain from eating junk food.
  • Tinkering (फेरबदल) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way
    Synonyms - 
    niggle, putter
    Antonyms - break, destroy
    Example - 
    This was proven after twelve years of government tinkering failed to get our nation out of the Great Depression.
  • Confiscate (ज़ब्त करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    take or seize (someone's property) with authority
    Synonyms - 
    assume, impound
    Antonyms - give, offer
    Example - 
    The teacher is going to confiscate all mobile phones before passing out the exam.
  • Deftly (चतुराई) - Adverb
    Meaning - 
    in a way that is neatly skilful and quick in movement
    Synonyms - 
    cautiously, elegantly
    Antonyms - strongly, uncarefully
    Example - 
    He completed the work deftly. 
  • Deify (पूजा करना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    worship or regard as a god
    Synonyms - idealize, worship
    Antonyms - condemn,hate
    Example - They deify their boxer, who was killed in a level-crossing accident.
  • Illicit (अवैध) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    forbidden by law, rules, or custom
    Synonyms - 
    illegal, improper
    Antonyms - allowed, legal
    Example - 
    The greedy company president did not hesitate to engage in illicit practices to increase the size of his annual bonus.
  • Precedent (मिसाल
    Meaning - 
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances (Noun)
                     preceding in time, order, or importance (Adjective)
    Synonyms - 
    model, exemplar
    Example - 
    The judges had no precedent to review before making their decision on the controversial case.
  • Emphatically (प्रभाव से) - Adverb
    Meaning - 
    in a forceful way
    Synonyms - 
    certainly, absolutely
    Antonyms - doubtfully, indecisively
    Example -
     The athlete emphatically denied having taken any performance-enhancing drugs.
  • Asserts (दावा है) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully
    Synonyms - 
    argue, claim
    Antonyms - deny, abandon
    Example - 
    In his speech the political candidate will assert that he is the best man for presidency.
  • Isolationism (पृथकतावाद) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries
    Synonyms - 
    free trade, liberalism
    Example - 
    The country chose a policy of isolationism that made it a secondary player in world political events.
  • Caveat (चेतावनी) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations
    Synonyms - 
    caution, monition
    Example - 
    The caveat of the contract includes a penalty fee if the loan is not repaid on time.
  • Triggered (ट्रिगर) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    (of a mechanism) activated by a trigger
    Synonyms - 
    produce, generate
    Antonyms - destroy, prevent
    Example - 
    A triggered alarm.
  • Referendum (जनमत संग्रह) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision
    Synonyms - election, mandate
    Example - The employees were asked to vote on a referendum about the company insurance plan.
  • Automation (स्वचालन) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the use or introduction of automatic equipment in a manufacturing or other process or facility
    Synonyms - 
    computerization, mechanization
    Example - 
    New employment needs to be created in our country as automation replaces jobs.
  • Viability (व्यवहार्यता) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    ability to work successfully
    Synonyms - 
    impulse, growth
    Antonyms - idleness, abstract
    Example - 
    The increased economic viability of smaller countries.
  • Eloquent (सुवक्ता) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
    Synonyms - 
    fervent, fluent
    Antonyms - frigid, indifferent
    Example -
     The lawyer’s eloquent summary answered all of the jury’s questions.
  • Deregulation (ढील) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the removal of regulations or restrictions, especially in a particular industry
    Synonyms - 
    liberalism, noninterference
    Example - 
    Was financial deregulation the main cause of the financial crisis?
  • Trotted (दुलकी चाल) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    (with reference to a horse or other quadruped) proceed or cause to proceed at a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately
    Synonyms - 
    amble, hurry
    Antonyms - stop
    Example - 
    She mulled it over again as she trotted down the corridors.
  • Renege (त्यागना) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract
    Synonyms - 
    default, reverse
    Example - 
    The property buyers will be sued if they renege on the terms of the contract.
  • Dispensation (व्यवस्था) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    exemption from a rule or usual requirement
    Synonyms - 
    allotment, portion
    Antonyms - denial, veto
    Example - 
    The sport's ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.

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