Tuesday 23 April 2019

Vocabulary 4 Examination

1. FRIABLE :  नाज़ुक 
Meaning: easily broken into small pieces
Synonyms: fragile, breakable
Antonyms: strong, unbreakable
Example: The cliffs themselves are built of volcanic sands and ashes, and many of the strata are exceedingly light and friable.

2. COY : संकोची 
Meaning: intentionally keeping something secret
Synonyms: bashful, timid
Antonyms: forward, unshy
Example: She gave me a coy look from under her schoolgirl's fringe.

3. BRAZEN : बेशर्म
Meaning: obvious, without any attempt to be hidden
Synonyms: blatant, bold
Antonyms: humble, meek
Example: In a brazen assault, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman.

4. INSOLENT : असभ्य 
Meaning: rude and not showing respect
Synonyms: arrogant, brassy
Antonyms: modest, humble
Example: Students were often inattentive, sometimes even insolent, and showed relatively little interest in their work.

5. OBSTREPEROUS : प्रचंड
Meaning: difficult to deal with and noisy
Synonyms: loud, blusterous
Antonyms: calm, silent
Example: Only a few highly publicised cases have been manipulated to give the impression of obstreperous owners.

6. SULLY : अशुद्ध करना 
Meaning: to ruin or damage
Synonyms: corrupt, defile
Antonyms: clean, enhance
Example: If the chemical plant is built near the resort, it will probably sully the clean air in the area.

7. PROFANE : अपवित्र
Meaning: vulgar and inappropriate
Synonyms: coarse, nasty
Antonyms: kind, polite
Example: The young star’s profane behavior caused his music label to drop him from its roster.

8. SERVILE : गुलामी करना 
Meaning: eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows a lack of respect for yourself
Synonyms: abject, beggarly
Antonyms: dominant, aggressive
Example: The vast majority of bond-servants had been freed in the city, and legally servile statuses largely abolished.

9. CAPTIOUS : नुकताचीन
Meaning: always looking for faults; hard to please
Synonyms: censorious, carping
Antonyms: flattering, praising
Example: When my captious teacher grades my essays, she always finds a minor error in my work.

10. ARDUOUS : मुश्किल 
Meaning: demanding great effort or labor; difficult
Synonyms: exhausting, grueling
Antonyms: facile, easy
Example: Needless to say, mastering a foreign language is an arduous challenge.

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