Tuesday 30 April 2019

Daily Practice Quiz 2019 -DAY 1

Daily Practice Quiz  2019 Bank Special

01-05-2019 (Wednesday)


Subject - Reasoning & English
Topic - Puzzle + RC

Reasoning Puzzle Set-1


Reasoning Puzzle Set-2


Reasoning Puzzle Set-3


English Language Set -1


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Saturday 27 April 2019

New Schedule For Daily Quiz 2019

New Routine / Schedule For Daily  Practice  Quiz 2019

01-05-2019 ( Wednesday)
Subject - Reasoning + English
Topic- Puzzle + RC

02-05- 2019 ( Thursday)
Subject -  Quantitative Aptitude
Topic- Data Interpretation

03-05-2019 ( Friday)
Subject- English Language
Topic - Common Errors or Fillers

04-05-2019 (Saturday)
Subject- Reasoning + Quant
Topic - High Level Puzzle + Number Series

05-05-2019 (Sunday)
Subject- Mega Test
For SBI PO And Clerk 2019

Special Focus On  New And Latest Pattern

नए और नवीनतम पैटर्न पर विशेष ध्यान

You can  Get Also Monthly Magazines and Notes  from Different websites under the name of COMPLETE GA KHAZANA to saves your Valuable Time

100% Success Guaranteed
Success in Competition is Depends on 3P
Where 3P =  Practice Practice Practice

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Daily Practice Quiz 2019 Bank Special

Daily Practice  For Competitive Examination 2019 starts from tomorrow 01-05-2019

First Demo - 01 -05- 2019
2nd Demo  - 02 - 05- 2019
3rd Demo   - 03 - 05- 2019
4th Demo  -  04 - 05- 2019
MEGA TEST - 05- 05-2019

Membership Fee after Demo - ₹ 500.
Validity - Till  31st August 2019

Daily Routine -

MONDAY -  English Language
TUESDAY-  Quantitative Aptitude
WEDNESDAY- Reasoning Ability + English
THURSDAY- Quantitative Aptitude
FRIDAY-  English Language
SATURDAY- Reasoning + Quant

1. Subject Wise Mix Quiz
2. Full Length Practice
3. Current Affairs And General Awareness
4. Banking Awareness
5. Static Awareness
6. Computer Awareness
7. Vocabulary

Special Focus On  New And Latest Pattern

नए और नवीनतम पैटर्न पर विशेष ध्यान

You can  Get Also Monthly Magazines and Notes  from Different websites under the name of COMPLETE GA KHAZANA to saves your Valuable Time

आप मासिक मैगज़ीन और नोट्स भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं ताकि आपके बहुमूल्य समय को बचाया जा सके।

Important Examination Dates

8th , 9th  15th & 16th June  2019

SBI PO mains- 20th July 2019

SBI Clerk Prelims

In the month of June

Mains - 10th August 2019

Current Affairs - March 2019

Current Affairs March 2019

Source - Internet

Complete GA Khazana

Download Link  -   Click

Whatsapp - 8092088950

Vocabulary 4 Examination

1. FRIABLE :  नाज़ुक 
Meaning: easily broken into small pieces
Synonyms: fragile, breakable
Antonyms: strong, unbreakable
Example: The cliffs themselves are built of volcanic sands and ashes, and many of the strata are exceedingly light and friable.

2. COY : संकोची 
Meaning: intentionally keeping something secret
Synonyms: bashful, timid
Antonyms: forward, unshy
Example: She gave me a coy look from under her schoolgirl's fringe.

3. BRAZEN : बेशर्म
Meaning: obvious, without any attempt to be hidden
Synonyms: blatant, bold
Antonyms: humble, meek
Example: In a brazen assault, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman.

4. INSOLENT : असभ्य 
Meaning: rude and not showing respect
Synonyms: arrogant, brassy
Antonyms: modest, humble
Example: Students were often inattentive, sometimes even insolent, and showed relatively little interest in their work.

5. OBSTREPEROUS : प्रचंड
Meaning: difficult to deal with and noisy
Synonyms: loud, blusterous
Antonyms: calm, silent
Example: Only a few highly publicised cases have been manipulated to give the impression of obstreperous owners.

6. SULLY : अशुद्ध करना 
Meaning: to ruin or damage
Synonyms: corrupt, defile
Antonyms: clean, enhance
Example: If the chemical plant is built near the resort, it will probably sully the clean air in the area.

7. PROFANE : अपवित्र
Meaning: vulgar and inappropriate
Synonyms: coarse, nasty
Antonyms: kind, polite
Example: The young star’s profane behavior caused his music label to drop him from its roster.

8. SERVILE : गुलामी करना 
Meaning: eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows a lack of respect for yourself
Synonyms: abject, beggarly
Antonyms: dominant, aggressive
Example: The vast majority of bond-servants had been freed in the city, and legally servile statuses largely abolished.

9. CAPTIOUS : नुकताचीन
Meaning: always looking for faults; hard to please
Synonyms: censorious, carping
Antonyms: flattering, praising
Example: When my captious teacher grades my essays, she always finds a minor error in my work.

10. ARDUOUS : मुश्किल 
Meaning: demanding great effort or labor; difficult
Synonyms: exhausting, grueling
Antonyms: facile, easy
Example: Needless to say, mastering a foreign language is an arduous challenge.
