Thursday 14 December 2017

Reasoning for Banking Examination 2017

Reasoning For Upcoming  Examination 2017-18 (New Pattern)

Directions (Q. 1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

In a certain code languages, some statements are coded as follow :

‘BORDER INDIA MONEY PACK’ is written as ‘4P$ 5B% 6I© 5Z#’

‘BLACK ROCK AREA MARKET’ is written as ‘4Z@ 6G% 5P© 4P*’

‘REFER INCOME POLICY ABLE’ is written as ‘5I* 6V# 4V@ 6B$’

Q.1 What is the code of ‘SUPER MARKET’?
1: 6G% 5B%
2: 6G% 5I©
3: 5I@ 6G%
4: Can’t be determined
5: None of these

Q.2 What is the code of ‘AREA’?
1: 4Z@
2: 4P*
3: 4V@
4: 5Z#
5: None of these

Q.3 The code ‘6B$’ denotes which of the following ?
4: Can’t be determined
5: None of these

Q.4 Which of the following denotes ‘$’ symbol ?
1: M
2: R
3: A
4: P
5: None of these

Q.5 Which of the following is the code of ‘PACK’ ?
1: 4V@
2: 4P$
3: 4P©
4: Can’t be determined
5: None of these

Directions (Q. 6-10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Eight professors are sitting in two parallel rows containing four persons each in such way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing South. In row-2 A, B, C and D are seated and all of them are facing North. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each person seated in a row faces another person of the other row. Each of them belongs to different cities viz— Rajkot, Jaipur, Patna, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Shilong and Surat but necessarily in the same order. Each of them teaches different subjects viz— English, Commerce, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Physics, Biotechnology and Economics but not necessarily in the same order. The person who belongs to Rajkot sits second to the right of the person who faces C. The immediate neighbour of the person from Rajkot faces the person from Patna. Only one person sits between the person from Patna and B. The one who faces B sits second to the left of P. Immediate neighbour of B faces the person from Jaipur. The one who is facing the person who is from Jaipur sits second to the right of the person who is from Pune. Only one person sits between the person who is from Jaipur and S. R faces the one who is from Surat. R is neither from Jaipur nor Mumbai. One of the immediate neighbour of D is from Shilong. D is not an immediate neighbour of B. The one who teaches Economics faces the one who teaches English. Only one person sits between the one who teaches Commerce and the one who teaches Zoology. The one who teaches Chemistry is an immediate neighbour of the one who teaches Physics and the one who teaches Botany. A teaches English. P does not teach neither Commerce nor Zoology. The one who teaches Commerce is an immediate neighbour of the person who is from Pune. The one who teaches Zoology faces the one who teaches Botany.

Q.6 Which of the following pair of person is seated at the extreme end in any of the two rows ?
1: S Q
2: P R
3: A C
4: B D
5: R S

Q.7 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to that group ?
1: R
2: S
3: C
4: A
5: B

Q.8 Which of the following combinations is/are true ?
1: P – Mumbai – Chemistry
2: R – Rajkot – Economics
3: D – Patna – Commerce
4: B – Surat – English
5: C – Shilong – physics

Q.9 Which of the following statements is/are not true regarding R ?
1: R sits at the extreme right end of the row.
2: R faces the person who is from Surat.          3: R sits second to the left of P.                            4: Only two persons sit between R and S.         5: R is an immediate neighbour of Q.

Q.10 Who amongst the following teaches Economics ?
1: S
2: Q
3: R
4: A
5: B

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