Friday 24 November 2017

English common errors

Must Do Error Detection for IBPS PO Main/RBI

Directions (Q. 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is 5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

Q1. 1) Imagine, if Pakistan and India have been together / 2) the Taliban would have spread / 3) its poison / 4) all across India. / 5) No error

Q2. 1) When a nation starts to descend into a crisis / 2) the satire and the ironic humour / 3) of its hapless citizenry / 4) begins to blossom. / 5) No error

Q3. 1) Syed Abdul Karim Tunda is thought to be the mastermind / 2) behind several bomb incidents in various Indian cities / 3) including a failed attempt in New Delhi / 4) during the 2010 Commonwealth Games. / 5) No error

Q4. 1) Challenged by the leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha / 2) to explain the current economic crisis / 3) the Prime Minister broke his vow of silence to say / 4) there was no need to become panic. / 5) No error

Q5. 1) A federal court in New York has issued summon / 2) to Congress president Sonia Gandhi for shielding and protecting” leaders / 3) of her party who were allegedly involved / 4) in the anti-Sikh riots in India in 1984. / 5) No error

Q6. 1) A marriage between any two people belonging to any religion / 2) or creed may be solemnised under the Special Marriage Act / 3) if at the time of the marriage the male / 4) has completed 21 years and the female 18. / 5) No error

Q7. 1) Recent focused studies by anthropologists / 2) have shown that while Muslim men have / 3) significantly greater rights than women, / 4) they are infrequently asserted. / 5) No error

Q8. 1) The most recent National Family Health Survey in 2011 / 2) indicates that Hindu and Christian men / 3) had more than one wives / 4) as against Muslim men. / 5) No error

Q9. 1) Congress President Sonia Gandhi wrote to / 2) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh requested him / 3) to ensure that the officer / 4) was “not unfairly treated.” / 5) No error

Q10.1) The Washington Post epitomises what is wrong / 2) with the newspaper industry across the / 3) developed world, but especially / 4) in the United States. / 5) No error

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