Thursday 30 November 2017

Common Errors For IBPS Clerk

Must Do Error Detection for IBPS Clerk Pre Examination 2017

Directions (Q. 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘5’. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

1. 1) The principal / 2) along with the / 3) students of his school / 4) have gone to Shimla. /5) No error

2. 1) He said a / 2) number of lies / 3) and then went / 4) without saying me good-bye. /5) No error

3. 1) Not only we saw / 2) the education / 3) minister / 4) but also the chief minister. /5) No error

4. 1) I came / 2) directly to my / 3) residence from / 4) the railway station. /5) No error

5. 1) I signed / 2) on the receiving / 3) in the morning / 4) but the pay has not been disbursed to me. /5) No error

6. 1) This is the / 2) same story / 3) which I heard / 4) from him yesterday. /5) No error

7. 1) It was difficult to / 2) get out because the street / 3) was full of people from / 4) one end to another. /5) No error

8. 1) It has been our custom / 2) from time immemorial to / 3) be hospitable to those / 4) who came to our doors. /5) No error

9. 1) In my opinion, / 2) pencil is always / 3) more preferable / 4) to pen for a child. /5) No error

10. 1) She doesn’t hardly / 2) know what / 3) happened / 4) yesterday. /5) No error

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IBPS PO previous papers

IBPS SO IT  2013

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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Reasoning For IBPS Clerk

 Reasoning For IBPS Clerk PT 

Directions (1-5): In each question below are given two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer

(a) if only conclusion I follows.

(b) if only conclusion II follows.

(c) if either conclusion I or II follows.

(d) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.

(e) if both conclusions I and II follow.

Q1. Statements:

All plates are glasses.

Some cups are glasses.


I. At least some cups are plates.

II. Some glasses are cups.

Q2. Statements:

All trolleys are lamps.

No lamp is a chair.


I. At least some trolleys are chairs.

II. Some chairs are definitely not trolleys.

Q3. Statements:

Some clothes are shirts.

All shirts are paints.


I. All paints being clothes is a possibility.

II. Some shirts are clothes.

Q4. Statements:

No sand is a stone

No sand is a tree.


I. No stone is sand.

II. No tree is a stone.

Q5. Statements:

Some teachers are doctors.

No doctor is a lawyer.


I. Some teachers are not lawyers.

II. Some lawyers are doctors.

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. H is third to the right of C and second to the left of E. B is not an immediate neighbour of H or C. F is second to the right of D and is an immediate neighbour of C. G is not the neighbour of E.

Q6. Who among the following is second to the right of C?

(a) H

(b) G

(c) F

(d) E

(e) None of these

Q7. Who among the following is an immediate neighbour of H and E(both)?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) G

(e) None of these

Q8. In which of the following pairs the second person is sitting on the immediate right of the first person?

(a) A, H

(b) C, D

(c) G, H

(d) E, H

(e) F, C

Q9. Who among the following is second to the left of B?

(a) C

(b) H

(c) F

(d) A

(e) None of these

Q10. Who among the following is opposite D?

(a) A

(b) G

(c) H

(d) E

(e) None of these

Q11. If the letters of the word AMERICA are arranged in the English alphabetical order from left to right, the position of how many letters will remain unchanged?

(a) None

(b) One

(c) Two

(d) Three

(e) None of these

Q12. In a certain code language TREAT is written as UBFSU and HABIT is written as UJCBI. How is AGREE written in that code language?





(e) None of these

Q13. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(a) EV

(b) KP

(c) IR

(d) OL

(e) CW

Q14. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word STARVATION each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? (In both forward and backward directions)

(a) None

(b) One

(c) Two

(d) Three

(e) More than three.

Q15. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following series?

JK, MN, QR, VW, ?

(a) BC

(b) XY

(c) YZ

(d) AB

(e) None of these

















Monday 27 November 2017

IBPS Specialist Officer IT MCQ

IBPS Specialist Officer IT MCQ


1.Computer Fundamental

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2. Computer organization & Architecture

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3. Data structures

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4. Compiler Design

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5. Networking

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6. Operating  system

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7. Database management system ( DBMS)

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8.Software Engineering

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9. Programming in C/C++

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10. Digital logic

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11.Web Technologies

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Practice of the day

Practice of the Day 

Practice of the Day 

27 November 2017

Click here to download

Sunday 26 November 2017

GA Questions Asked In IBPS PO Mains

General Awareness Questions Asked In IBPS PO Mains 2017 ( 26th November)

Q1. Sivalingam Sathish Kumar related to which sports- Weightlifting
Q2. Paolo Gentiloni is Prime Minister of - Italy
Q3. Which country will hold the G7 presidency summit 2018- Canada
Q4. What is the meaning of "S" in SWIFT- (Society) Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
Q5. RV Rahul related to which sports- Weightlifting
Q6. Bandhan Bank Ltd. is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Kolkata Bandhan, which started as a- Micro-Finance
Q7. SEAC stands for- State Expert Appraisal Committee
Q8. Panna National Park located in which state- Madhya Pradesh
Q9. Where is the headquarter of City Union Bank- Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu
Q10. What is the meaning of LTV in Baning and Financial World- Loan-to-Value
Q11. Dudhawa Dam is built across- Mahanadi River
Q12. The World Economic Outlook (WEO) published by- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Q13. Which country has won U-17 FIFA world cup- England
Q14. 12th November is celebrated as- World Pneumonia Day
Q15. Fugdi is a Goan folk dance is related to which state- Goa
Q16. How much fund for MNREGA in Budget 2017-18- Rs48,000 crore
Q17. Tallinn is capital city of- Estonia
Q18. MV Sridhar died recently. He was a- Crickter
Q19. Head of merger of public sector banks- Arun Jaitley
Q20. One Question related to KCC
Q21. The Book ‘India 2017 Yearbook" is authored by- Rajeev Mehrishi
Q22. The ease of doing business report published by- World Bank
Q23. What is the meaning of "U" in AMRUT- Urban (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation)
Q24. Headquarters of Amnesty International- London, UK
Q25. IPPB maximum deposit limit is- Rs 1 Lakh
Q26. Headquarters of International Weightlifting Federation situated in- Budapest, Hungary
Q27. One Questions related to recapitalization by RBI
Q28. The 2018 Commonwealth Games 2018 will be held in- Australia
Q29. which country will be the world's largest economy by 2050- China
Q30. The budget provided NABARD with an additional budget- Rs20,000 crore 

Friday 24 November 2017

English common errors

Must Do Error Detection for IBPS PO Main/RBI

Directions (Q. 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is 5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

Q1. 1) Imagine, if Pakistan and India have been together / 2) the Taliban would have spread / 3) its poison / 4) all across India. / 5) No error

Q2. 1) When a nation starts to descend into a crisis / 2) the satire and the ironic humour / 3) of its hapless citizenry / 4) begins to blossom. / 5) No error

Q3. 1) Syed Abdul Karim Tunda is thought to be the mastermind / 2) behind several bomb incidents in various Indian cities / 3) including a failed attempt in New Delhi / 4) during the 2010 Commonwealth Games. / 5) No error

Q4. 1) Challenged by the leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha / 2) to explain the current economic crisis / 3) the Prime Minister broke his vow of silence to say / 4) there was no need to become panic. / 5) No error

Q5. 1) A federal court in New York has issued summon / 2) to Congress president Sonia Gandhi for shielding and protecting” leaders / 3) of her party who were allegedly involved / 4) in the anti-Sikh riots in India in 1984. / 5) No error

Q6. 1) A marriage between any two people belonging to any religion / 2) or creed may be solemnised under the Special Marriage Act / 3) if at the time of the marriage the male / 4) has completed 21 years and the female 18. / 5) No error

Q7. 1) Recent focused studies by anthropologists / 2) have shown that while Muslim men have / 3) significantly greater rights than women, / 4) they are infrequently asserted. / 5) No error

Q8. 1) The most recent National Family Health Survey in 2011 / 2) indicates that Hindu and Christian men / 3) had more than one wives / 4) as against Muslim men. / 5) No error

Q9. 1) Congress President Sonia Gandhi wrote to / 2) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh requested him / 3) to ensure that the officer / 4) was “not unfairly treated.” / 5) No error

Q10.1) The Washington Post epitomises what is wrong / 2) with the newspaper industry across the / 3) developed world, but especially / 4) in the United States. / 5) No error

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Puzzle Of The day

Complex Puzzle for IBPS PO/Clerk Main

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight friends A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are sitting in two circles in such a manner that each member of the inner circle sits exactly opposite the member of the outer circle. The members sitting in the outer circle are P, Q, R and S and all of them are facing towards the centre while the members of the inner circle are A, B, C and D and they are facing away from the centre. Each of them likes a different colour, viz Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, White, Black, Orange and Purple, but not necessarily in the same order. D likes neither Yellow nor White and faces R, who likes neither Black nor Purple. The person who likes Orange faces the person who likes Red. A, who likes Green, faces the immediate neighbour of the person who likes Blue. R sits second to the left of S. The persons who like White and Red are in separate circles. The person who likes Black sits on the immediate left of S. Q, who does not like Blue, does not face A. The persons who like Black and Purple are immediate neighbours, and one of them faces B, who likes Yellow. The persons who like Orange and Green sit in the same circle but they are not immediate neighbours.

1. Who among the following likes White? 1) R
2) P
3) C
4) B
5) Can’t be determined

2. The person who likes Black is facing who among the following persons?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) Can’t be determined

3. P likes which of the following colours? 1) Red
2) White
3) Black
4) Blue
5) Either Blue or Purple

4. If in a certain way ‘P’ is related to ‘Green’ and ‘Q’ is related to ‘Orange’ then which of the following is ‘S’ related to?
1) Red
2) Black
3) Purple
4) Yellow
5) None of these

5. Which of the following statements is true about the person who likes ‘Purple’? 1) He is on the immediate left of the person who likes Green.
2) He faces the person who likes Green. 3) He is not facing the person who likes Green.
4) The person sitting opposite him likes Yellow.
5) None of these

English for IBPS PO Mains.

Must do Story Based Passage for IBPS Clerk/RBI Assistant

Directions (Q.1-10) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions:

Once upon a time there were two friends in a small village named Dharmabuddhi (Virtuous-Mind or Right-Mind) and Papabuddhi (Wicked-Mind or Wrong-Mind). One day, the wicked of the two, Papabuddhi, thought to himself that he was poor and lacked the knowledge to earn for himself. He thought of taking Dharmabuddhi to another kingdom and use his skills to make money. He thought, “If I can deprive him of all the earnings, I can have all the money for myself and live happily” After some time, he met Dharmabuddhi, “My friend, we need to earn money to provide for ourselves when we grow old. Let us travel to some other kingdom to earn money. Besides, unless we travel to far-off kingdoms, we will not have any stories to tell our grand children!” Dharmabuddhi agreed to his plan, and took the blessings of his parents and teachers to travel to a distant kingdom. On an auspicious day, they began their journey. The two of them made a lot of money due to Dharmabuddhi’s skills and knowledge. After some time, pleased with their earnings, they planned to return home. On their way to their home, as they approached their village, Papabuddhi said to Dharmabuddhi, “Friend, It will be improper for us to carry so much money home as all our friends and relatives will start requesting us money. Besides, there is danger of theft.” He said, “Let us bury the money in the jungle, where nobody will find it, after taking only a nominal amount for our needs. Whenever we need some money, we can come back together and dig it out”. Without doubting his intentions, Dharmabuddhi agreed. They buried most of the money beneath a tree and returned home with only a handful of money. Few days later, Papabuddhi, wrong-minded as he was, went to the jungle alone in the dead of the night. He uncovered all the money they had buried together, took out all the money, and closed the pit as it was before. He returned back home with all the money, and hid it. After a few days, pretending that nothing has happened, he went to meet Dharmabuddhi, “Friend, I have a large family and the money I had come with – have been spent already. Let us go together to the place we have buried our money to fetch some more.” Dharmabuddhi agreed and together they went to the place they had buried their money, and dug up the pit. But they found the money was not there. Papabuddhi started beating his head, and blamed Dharmabuddhi, “It is you no doubt. Nobody else knew where we have buried the money. You have stolen all the money for yourself. If you do not give me my half of the money, I shall go and complain to the village elders for justice.” Taken aback, Dharmabuddhi protested, “I have committed no such theft. Don’t put the blame on me, as I am a virtuous man”. And so, they started quarrelling, and visited the village elders for justice. The elders asked them to pledge before the Fire-God to find the truth. Papabuddhi suggested, “Before pledging before the Fire-God, we can request the spirit of the tree to stand witness. It was in front of a big tree that we had buried all the money; and it may be able to reveal to us who the thief is”. The judges agreed, “We shall go to the jungle together, and request the spirit of the tree to reveal the truth to us. If that fails, we will take pledge before the Fire-God.” Papabuddhi immediately went home to his father, “I have stolen a huge amount of money from Dharmabuddhi, and we have taken the matter to the village elders. Your co-operation will save me and put the blame on Dharmabuddhi. Otherwise, I shall not only lose the money but face the risk of losing my life for stealing”. His father said, “My son, tell me how I can help you so you don’t have to part from the money”. Papabuddhi explained, “There is a huge hollow inside the big tree where we had buried the money. You have to get inside the hollow before morning. When all of us go to the jungle as request the spirit of the tree to reveal the truth, you have to shout from inside that Dharmabuddhi is the real thief. I can handle the rest. As agreed, his father went to the jungle and hid himself in the hollow of the tree early next morning. After some time, accompanied by the elders of the village, both Dharmabuddhi and Papabuddhi led themselves to the huge tree where they had buried their money. Papabuddhi asked in a loud voice, “O spirit of the tree. Please tell us who the thief is, as we have a confrontation and the village elders have come to seek the truth.” Immediately, Papabuddhi’s father replied from inside the hollow of the tree, “Listen all who seek the truth. Dharmabuddhi is the thief, who has stolen all the money.” The village elders were wonderstruck.  They could not deny that the spirit of the tree had indeed revealed the truth. They immediately started discussing amongst themselves how they should punish for Dharmabuddhi’s guilt. Meanwhile, when Dharmabuddhi heard the spirit of tree speak such, he became sure that there must be something wrong. The spirit of the tree, if it was so, is telling untruth. That is not possible. Having seen the hollow of the tree, he put a heap of dried leaves and grass in front of the hollow of the tree and set fire to it. When the fire started flaring up, Papabuddhi’s father could not bear the heat and the smoke inside the hollow any longer. He came out, with burns in his body, crying for pity. The village elders were surprised to find him coming outside from the hollow of the tree, “What were you doing here? And what has happened to you?” He at once confessed his part, and explained the village elders what his son had done. Thus, the village elders came to know of the truth, and decided to punish Papabuddhi for his guilt for theft, to blame it on Dharmabuddhi and misleading the village elders. They decided to hang Papabuddhi on the very same tree, and praised Dharmabuddhi for his wit.

1. Which of the following can be said about two friends?
1) They were misers and wanted to earn enough money.
2) One of them was an honest man with kind heart but other was dishonest and cunning.
3) They both wanted to cost money so they moved to another kingdom to try their luck.
4) They both wanted to help each other. 5) They both were very open hearted instead of being poor.

2. What way Papabuddhi found to earn money fast?
1) He thought to take all his friend’s money, whatever he earned.
2) He thought to earn money using his own skills.
3) He thought to travel to another kingdom with his friend and to make enough money using his friend’s skills.
4) He thought to live happily by earning enough money with the help of his friend. 5) He thought to keep all money which was buried in the jungle.

3. What did Dharmabuddhi do, when the tree announced him a thief?
1) He set the tree on fire, while judges were discussing among themselves.
2) He put a heap of leaves and set the fire in the jungle.
3) He extinguished the fire of the tree.
4) He started crying and became very upset.
5) He tried to make judges understand, that he did not steal the money.

4. Which of the following is/are true in the context of the passage?
A. Dharmabuddhi was suprised at the injustice done to him.
B. Papabuddhi went to the tree alone and placed the entire treasure.
C. Papabuddhi decided to take Dharmabuddhi to another kingdom along with him.
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only A and C
5) All A, B and C

5. What wicked plan came in Papabudhi’s mind, as they (Dharmabuddhi and Papabuddhi) were nearing village?
1) He planned to kill his friend.
2) He planned to hide all the money under a tree of the jungle.
3) He planned to bury the money under a tree so that, he could take out all the money as he get the opportunity.
4) He planned to make his friend foolish and ran away with money.
5) He planned to move ahead for their home with nominal amount of the money.

6. Why did village elders decide to hang Papabuddhi on the tree?
1) Because, the tree announced him a thief.
2) Becuase, the tree told the truth before village elders.
3) Because, he was a wicked person.
4) Because, he cheated the villagers and due to his deed, his father injured badly. 5) Because, his father confessed his son’s wicked plot and accepted his guilt and besides this village elders came to know of the truth.

Directions (Q. 7-8) : Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

1) encounter
2) conflict
3) meeting
4) fight
5) affray

1) confused
2) rumpled
3) messed
4) fascinated
5) dumbfounded

Directions (Q. 9-10) : Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

1) unhappy
2) depressive
3) ominous
4) elegiac
5) miserable

10. BURY
1) unveil
2) divulge
3) reveal
4) expose
5) disinter

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Descriptive topics for IBPS

Essays for IBPS PO VII (Mains) Descriptive Test 

Source -

Is Growing Level of Competition Good for Youth ?

Gender Discrimination in India

Planning in India - From Independence till Now

Communication Face to Face or Facebook

Teenage Suicide : Today's Grave Problem in Society

Poverty in India - Steps to Eradicate it

Importance of Private Universities in the Field of Higher Education

Can Corruption be Eradicated from our Society ?

Banking in India

Black Money in India

Reservation Policy in India - Does it need Review ?

Education System in India

The Menace of Drug Addiction

How will the Make in India Campaign affect the Indian economy ?

Child Labour in India - An Unavoidable Dilemma

Educating a Girl Child Means Educating the Whole Family

India's Missile Options

Criminalisation of Politics

Mobile Phones A Necessary Evil 

Is Indian Mainstream Media Too Chaotic ?

Technology Cannot Replace Manpower

Can Sanitation Programmes Make India Clean and Clear ?

Relevance of Gandhian Principles in Today's Time

Is Sex-Education Necessary in School ?

Is Sports Losing its Integrity ?

India's Claim to Security Council of the United Nations

The Unemployment Problem in India

Students and Politics

Robotics - Emerging Technology of 21st Century

Dream of Smart Cities - Myth or Reality in India

Sustainable Development - Relevance in Today's World

Indian Cinema and its Social Responsibility

Price Hike and the Common Indian

Consumer Protection Laws in India 

Social Empowerment Programs in India

Caste System in India

Globalization of the Indian Economy

Is Capital Punishment Justified ?

Police Reforms in India

Human Cloning - A Moral Dilemma

AIDS - A Horrendous Disease

Unethical Side of Animal Abuse

Women's safety in today's social and political climate.

Global Climate Change A Serious Threat to the Earth

Make In India - Important Details you should Know

Organised vs Unorganised Retail

The Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones

Money is a Good Servant But Bad Master

Indian Judiciary System

Impact of unearthing of black money on the Indian economy

Drone Technology - Is it a Substitute for Manned Aircrafts?

Judicial Activism in India

We Live in Deeds, Not in Years

Knowledge Without Character is Dangerous!

OROP Scheme - Important Details you should know

Right to Information Act (RTI) - Revolutionary Tool in Democracy

Vegetarianism Go Green

Role of Women in Nation Building

News Channels have Turned into Entertainment Channels

How will FDI Affect the Retail Sector in India ?

Population Trends in India

Illiteracy in India- A Bane to Society 

GST - How will it work in India ?

Honour Killing - Most Heinous Crime

India's Dependence on Energy Supply

Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy

Need of Educational Reforms in India

Nanotechnology - A New Revolution

Cyber Crime - How to Tackle it ?

Deforestation - The Result of Human Greed

Human Trafficking - Modern Day Slavery

Role of Media in Generating Public Opinion

Rising Fundamentalism - The Challenging Time For Secularism

Disaster Management in India

Euthanasia - Should it be Legalised ?

Endangered Wildlife in India

Development of Industries in India from Independence till Today

Digital India - Objectives and Challenges

Environmental Pollution

Freedom of Expression vs Nationalism

Global Warming

Terrorism and its Effect on International Relations

Genetically Modified Crops Boon or Bane?

One Rank One Pension for Indian Armed Forces

Role of MNCs in India

Rising China in the Globalised World

Economic Reforms

Role of NGOs in India

Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

Man and Science - Development in Science and Technology

Managing Work and Home - A Double Burden on Indian Women

E-Governance : Initiatives and Challenges

Effects of Economic Migration

Ideas Rule the World

Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption

Impact of Advertisement on Society

e-Waste Digital Dark Side

Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Yoga in Daily Life

As You Sow So Shall You Reap

Environment: An International Security Issue

Are Scientific Inventions Making us Happier ?

Chandrayaan-1 India's First Lunar Mission

The Euro Crisis and the Uncertain Future of European Intergration

Election Reforms and Indian Democracy

Slowdown of Indian Economy and Improvement

Upholding Good Journalistic Standard

Role of Media in the Modern World

Is United Nations Redundant (Unnecessary) ?

Wildlife Conservation

Dowry - Curse to Indian Society

Female Foeticide in India - A Serious Challenge for the Society

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 - Anticipating Better Juvenile Disposal

Panchayati Raj and Rural Development in India

River Valley Projects in India

Children's Participation in Reality Shows

India : As the Next Global Leader

Food Grain Production in India

Globalization vs. Indian Small-scale Industries

Women's Reservation Bill - A Forgotten Issue

Global Water Crisis

IPL - A Heaven for Business but Hell for Cricket

SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)

Poverty Eradication Programs

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam - Missile Man of India

Mahatma Gandhi - An Apostle of Peace

Satya Nadella - First Indian CEO of Microsoft

Narendra Modi - The Leader of New India

Mother Teresa - Symbol of Peace and Humanity

Sundar Pichai - An Inspiring Story of an Indian Techie

Dhirubhai Ambani - An Outstanding Visionary of the 20th Century

Saina Nehwal Badminton Ace

Astronaut Kalpana Chawla - An Inspiring Legend for the Youth 

Necessity of Uniform Civil Code

Techniques to Write Good Essay with Example

Infrastructure Development - A Path Towards Economic Growth

Rights of the Differently Abled Persons

Revolutions : White, Blue and Green

Use of Technology in Education

Reasoning for IBPS Clerk

Directions (1-5): Study the sets of numbers given below and answer the questions, given below:

489   541   654   953   783

Q1. If in each number, all the three digits are arranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the lowest number?

(a) 489

(b) 541

(c) 654

(d) 953

(e) 783

Q2. If five is subtracted from each of the numbers, which of the following numbers will be the difference between the second digit of second highest number and the second digit of the highest number?

(a) Zero

(b) 3

(c) 1

(d) 4

(e) 2

Q3. If in each number the first and the second digits are interchanged, which will be the third highest number?

(a) 489

(b) 541

(c) 654

(d) 953

(e) 783

Q4. Which of the following numbers will be obtained if the first digit of lowest number is subtracted from the second digit of highest number after adding one to each of the numbers? 

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

(e) 5

Q5. If in each number, the first and the last digits are interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number? 

(a) 489

(b) 541

(c) 654

(d) 953

(e) 783

Directions (6-10): In the following questions, the symbols @, ©, $, %, and are used with the following meanings as illustrated below:

‘P © Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’.
‘P Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.’
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’.
‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q.’

Now in each of the following questions, assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.

Given answer 

(a) If only Conclusion I is true.

(b) If only conclusion II is true

(c) If either conclusion I or II is true

(d) if neither Conclusion I nor II is true.

(e) if both Conclusions I and II are true.

Q6Statements : K @ V, V © N, N % F

Conclusions : 

I. F @ V

II. K @ N

Q7. Statements : H © W, W $ M, M @ B

Conclusions : 

I. B*  H

II. M % H

Q8. Statements : D % B, B T, T $ M

Conclusions : 

I. T © D

II. M © D

9. Statements : M T, T @ K, K © N

Conclusion : 

I. N T


10. Statements : R $ J, J % D, D F 

Conclusions : 

I. D $ R 

II. D @ R

Directions (11-15): Read the following information and answer the question that follow:

Six lectures-A, B, C, D, E and F-are to be delivered from Monday to Sunday one lecture every day.

(i) Lecture C cannot be delivered on Friday.

(ii) Lecture A is Delivered immediately after lecture D.

(iii) There should be a gap of two days between the lectures B and F.

(iv) There is one holiday except Saturday. Lecture F is delivered on the next day of holiday.

(v) Lecture E is delivered on Wednesday .

(vi) Lecture E is not delivered on immediately after the Lecture F.

Q11. On which day was lecture D Delivered?

(a) Friday 

(b) Saturday

(c) Sunday

(d) Thursday

(e) None of these

Q12. On which day was holiday?

(a) Sunday

(b) Friday

(c) Monday

(d) Thursday

(e) None of these

Q13. How many lectures were delivered between F and D?

(a) None

(b) one

(c) two 

(d) Three

(e) None of these

Q14. Which of the following was the last lecture?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) B

(d) Can’t be determined

(e) None of these

Q15. How many lectures scheduled before the day on which C delivered?

(a) No one.

(b) One

(c) Two

(d) Three

(e) More than three

General v Awareness for IBPS PO mains 2017

Q1. Name the state government for which India and the World Bank signed a $200 million Loan Agreement for the state's Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project.

(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Meghalaya
(c) Assam
(d) Tripura
(e) Karnataka

Q2. Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni was recently on the 2-day visit to India. Who was the last Italian Prime Minister to visit India in February 2007?

(a) Matteo Renzi
(b) Romano Prodi
(c) Enrico Letta
(d) Silvio Berlusconi
(e) Giuliano Amato

Q3. The 17th edition of FIFA U-17 World Cup took place for the first time in India. The official ball for Under-17 football World Cup is called _____________.

(a) Sukrot
(b) Nabrato
(c) Protol
(d) Manora
(e) Krasava

Q4. Name the country that has recently announced that women in the country will now be able to attend sports events in stadiums starting from 2018.

(a) UAE
(b) Azerbaijan
(c) Qatar
(d) Saudi Arabia
(e) Nigeria

Q5. Name the Private sector, which has committed Rs 156 crore to fund first Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to be constructed at Varanasi under Hybrid Annuity-PPP Model recently.

(a) ICICI Bank
(b) HDFC Bank
(c) Axis Bank
(d) Yes Bank
(e) Kotak Mahindra Bank

Q6. Moody’s Investors Service has affirmed ratings on domestic as well as foreign currency bond programs of the country’s largest lender SBI. Who is the present Chairman of SBI?

(a) Rajnish Kumar
(b) Arundhati Bhattacharya
(c) Rakesh Sethi
(d) Sunil Mehta
(e) Usha Ananthasubramanian

Q7. Which company has became the first Indian company to cross Rs 6 trillion market capitalization after its shares surged over 75% so far this year and hit a fresh lifetime?

(a) Wipro Limited 
(b) Tata Power
(c) Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)
(d) Bharti Airtel
(e) Infosys

Q8. With which of the following country, Indian navy has begun a three-day anti-submarine warfare exercise in the Indian Ocean region to deepen their operational coordination?

(a) Japan
(b) China
(c) Bangladesh
(d) UK
(e) Russia

Q9. Yonex French Open 2017 Badminton tournament was held in Paris. In Men’s Singles category, who was the runner up?

(a) Yoshiteru Hirobe
(b) Shintaro Ikeda
(c) Takeshi Kamura
(d) Kenta Nishimoto
(e) Kazumasa Sakai

Q10. Name the Iran's key strategic port that has became operational with the maiden shipment of wheat from India to Afghanistan.

(a) Port of Abadan
(b) Ahvaz Port
(c) Port of Chabahar
(d) Bandar-e Lengeh Port
(e) Sirri island

Q11. Hosts India finished at what ranking overall at the ISSF World Cup 2017, in New Delhi?

(a) sixth
(b) seventh
(c) fifth
(d) fourth
(e) third

Q12. Capital of Angola is?

(a) Nassau
(b) Vienna
(c) Luanda
(d) Yerevan
(e) Manama

Q13. Jim Corbett National Park is situated in which of the following Indian state? 

(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Odisha
(c) West Bengal
(d) Karnataka
(e) Manipur

Q14. National Youth Day is observed on which of the following date? 

(a) May 8
(b) January 12
(c) March 18
(d) April 17
(e) February 24

Q15. Name the Indian bowler who has climbed to the number one spot in the latest ICC T20 rankings (October 2017).

(a) Bhuvneshwar Kumar
(b) Jasprit Bumrah
(c) Yuzvendra Chahal
(d) Ravichandran Ashwin
(e) Axar Patel


1. Ans.(c)
Sol. The Government of India and the World Bank signed a $200 million Loan Agreement for the Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project. The Project will support Assam to facilitate agri-business investments, increase agricultural productivity and market access.

2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni is on the 2-day visit to India. This is the first visit by an Italian premier in 10 years. Romano Prodi was the last Italian Prime Minister to visit India in February 2007.

3. Ans.(e)
Sol. The 17th edition of FIFA U-17 World Cup took place for the first time in India. It is a biennial international football tournament of men’s under-17 national teams organized by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). The official ball for Under-17 football World Cup is called ‘Krasava’.

4. Ans.(d)
Sol. Turki Al-Asheikh, Chairman of the General Sports Authority of Saudi Arabia has announced that Saudi women will now be able to attend sports events in stadiums starting from 2018. The move is aimed at empowering and engaging women in the society as an integral part of the development process. All these changes support Saudi Arabia's “Vision 2030” plan for economic and social reforms.

5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Private sector Yes Bank has committed Rs 156 crore to fund first Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to be constructed at Varanasi under Hybrid Annuity-PPP Model.

6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Moody’s Investors Service has affirmed ratings on domestic as well as foreign currency bond programs of the country’s largest lender SBI. Rajnish Kumar is the present Chairman of SBI.

7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) became the first Indian company to cross Rs 6 trillion market capitalization after its shares surged over 75% so far this year and hit a fresh lifetime high.

8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Navies of India and Japan began a three-day anti-submarine warfare exercise in the Indian Ocean region to deepen their operational coordination in the strategically important sea lanes around the two countries.

9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Yonex French Open 2017 Badminton tournament was held in Paris. In Men’s Singles category Kidambi Srikanth (India) was the winner and Kenta Nishimoto (Japan) was the runner up. French Open Badminton Tournament is held annually since 1909 in France.

10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Iran's key strategic port of Chabahar became operational with the maiden shipment of wheat from India to Afghanistan. It was flagged off from Kandla port in Gujarat. This is a major push for India's Afghan outreach bypassing Pakistan for the first time under the 2016 Indo-Afghan-Iran trilateral pact.

11. Ans.(b)
Sol. Hosts India finished seventh overall with one gold, one silver, and a bronze, while Italy pipped China in the medals tally, as the ISSF World Cup Final, in New Delhi.

12. Ans.(c)
Sol. Angola is a Southern African nation whose varied terrain encompasses tropical Atlantic beaches. Luanda, the capital of Angola, is a port city on the west coast of Southern Africa. The kwanza is the currency of Angola.

13. Ans.(a)
Sol. Located in the Nainital District of Uttrakhand, Jim Corbett National Park was established in 1936. The national park is located amidst a mixed terrain of deciduous forests and mountainous pine forests. Corbett National Park is a home to the Bengal tiger, Leopard, Leopard cat, Elephants, Sambhar Deer and Golden Jackal etc.

14. Ans.(b)
Sol. National Youth Day is celebrated in India on 12 January on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984 the Government of India declared the day as the National Youth Day and since 1985 the event is celebrated in India every year.

15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Indian fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah climbed to the number one spot in the latest ICC T20 rankings in October 2017. Bumrah, who attained a career-best third position in the ODI rankings, has regained the T20 top spot after Pakistan spinner Imad Wasim slipped one place.

Thank You

Tuesday 7 November 2017

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List of New Appointments in 2017 : October Month

o             Ajit Kumar P - Vice Chief of Naval Staff
o             Alok Kumar Pateria - Additional Director General, CISF
o             Anupam Kher - Chairman, Film and Television Institute of India (FTII)
o             Ashish Srivastava - MD & CEO, PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Ltd (PNB MetLife)
o             Audrey Azoulay (France) - Director General, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

o             B.D. Mishra - Governor, Arunachal Pradesh
o             Banwarilal Purohit - Governor, Tamil Nadu
o             Brenda Hale - 1st Female President of UK's Supreme Court
o             C.K. Mishra - Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change
o             D K Joshi - Lieutenant Governor, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
o             D.K.Gayen - Member (Staff), Railway Board
o             Dineshwar Sharma - Govt representative on Kashmir
o             Ganga Prasad - Governor, Meghalaya
o             Gautam H. Bambawale - India's Ambassador to China
o             Golriz Ghahraman - 1st Immigrant MP of New Zealand
o             Gopal Krishna - Secretary, Ministry of Shipping
o             Humchadakatte Gopalaiah Ramesh - Acting Chief Justice, Karnataka High Court
o             Ian Burnett - Youngest Lord Chief Justice, England and Wales
o             Ine Eriksen - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
o             Injeti Srinivas - Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
o             Jacinda Ardern - 3rd Woman and the Youngest Prime Minister, New Zealand
o             Jacqueline Fernandez - Brand Ambassador, Delhi Dynamos FC
o             Jagdish Mukhi - Governor, Assam
o             Jayant Rikhye - CEO, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) India
o             John Flint - CEO, HSBC Holdings
o             John K Paul - President, Federations of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA)
o             Katrina Kaif - 1st Ever Brand Ambassador, Lenskart
o             Leslie Thng - CEO, Vistara
o             Mahesh Kumar Gupta - Member (Engineering), Railway Board.
o             Neelmani N. Raju - DG & IGP, Karnataka
o             Ngangom Sarat Singh - Member, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) for Manipur and Mizoram
o             Nisha Desai Biswal - President, US-India Business Council (USIBC)
o             N S Venkatesh - CEO, Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
o             Omar Sultan Al-Olama - 1st Ever Artificial Intelligence Minister, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
o             P. Maheshwari - Director General, Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D)
o             Param Shah - FICCI UK Operations
o             Pradeep Bakshi - MD & CEO, Voltas
o             Preeti Sudan - Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
o             Rahul Bothra - 1st CFO, Swiggy
o             Rajnish Kumar - Chairman, State Bank of India (SBI)
o             Rakesh Asthana - Special Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
o             Richard Verma - Board Member, US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF)
o             Sambit Patra - Non-official Director, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)
o             Sangram Singh - CEO, Freecharge (Owned by Axis Bank)
o             Satya Pal Malik - Governor, Bihar
o             Scott Fleming - Head, National Basketball Association (NBA) India
o             Shinzo Abe - Prime Minister, Japan (3rd Term)
o             Soumya Swaminathan - Deputy Directors General, World Health Organization (WHO) [Highest post held by an Indian in WHO]
o             Sunny Verghese - Chairman, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
o             Suresh Raina - Brand Ambassador, Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation (GMC)
o             Suresh Sethi - MD & CEO, India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)
o             Ukhnaa Khurelsukh - Prime Minister, Mongolia
o             Utpal Kumar Singh - Chief Secretary, Uttarakhand
o             Vikram Singh - Private Secretary, Ram Nath Kovind (President)
o             Vinit Kumar - Chairman, Kolkata Port Trust
o             Yogesh Chander Modi - Director General, National Investigation Agency (NIA)
o             Yuvraj Singh - 1st Indian Ambassador of the Laureus sports foundation
o             Zafar Mahmood Abbasi - Chief of the Naval Staff, Pakistan

Newly Appointed Indian Ambassadors to Various Countries

o             Vinay Mohan Kwatra - Principality of Monaco
o             Sibi George - Switzerland.
o             Pooja Kapur - Macedonia.
o             Manika Jain - Cambodia
o             N.J.Gangte - Zambia 
